Yea when I did my radio show for my college I would play the smokey the bear tells people not to play with matches... and the Troy Mclure one with him saying not to dump waste into the drains like every show.... cause its like... 2 PSAs an hour was our policy.
I made a PSA for a local open studios arts festival thing to be played on my station, and although I've heard my own voice on the radio hundreds of times, something about reading precise copy instead of going off the top of my head made it sound so horribly prissy and effeminate that I could not bear to hear it - it would come on while I was driving my truck and I would have to change it fast. I did use some great music for it, though - Gabor Szabo "Mizrab" from Jazz Raga ... it just screamed[/b] "ARTS FESTIVAL"
Big up on that Mizrab. If you play that song on 0% on top of the instrumental for Deep cover by dre and snoop... they mash up PERFECTLY.... well til the drums drop on Mizrab... but you just power down deep cover at that point... but its intensly awesome.
Who knew Crink had a radio show???
look at all that vintage gear
I don't, I just like my home set up to look, you know, "official".
Coogi inspiration. Fall earth tones for 1973.
Grover from "Sesame Street" wore a similar one, didn't he?
it's not a bad vest, coupled with the blue shirt is wrong wrong wrong.
I love the set-up - reel to reel editing!! PSAs on 8tracks!! - brings back good memories of campus radio.
don't be wavin' at me, i cant stand robin trower! (((grin)))
Yeah, I remember all that equipment from my college radio days too. All the way back in 2002.
Don't forget to put the turntables in neutral Crink!!!
In storage I still have some of the promos I did in high school, and that was... '88? Yikes. I need to find an 8-track player to convert them, though.
thing to be played on my station, and although I've
heard my own voice on the radio hundreds of times,
something about reading precise copy instead of going
off the top of my head made it sound so horribly prissy
and effeminate that I could not bear to hear it - it
would come on while I was driving my truck and I would
have to change it fast. I did use some great music for it,
though - Gabor Szabo "Mizrab" from Jazz Raga ...
it just screamed[/b] "ARTS FESTIVAL"
Oh, and what's with this photo anyway? It's nice.
- J
...I'm surprised no one's asked who the PERSON is.
John Lennon or that op-art thing on the extreme right?