Digging in LA



  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    L.A. has changed a lot. You used to be able to cop serious heat at pasadena & buena shows 5+ years ago. Most of the independent record stores have closed up -- ebay has changed the game of the remaining record stores.
    if you want to drive 20 mins. out of L.A. and feel like dealing with a headache shop owner PM me. There might still be heat at this one store that's still relatively under the radar of grippers.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    You used to be able to cop serious heat at pasadena & buena shows 5+ years ago.

    The good old days.

  • Two words: THE PROGRAM???
    That fuckin' guy... It's almost like some initiation type shit that all L.A. heads have to go through at one point. To bear witness to characters like "the program", and ol' santy clause on melrose.

  • L.A. has changed a lot. You used to be able to cop serious heat at pasadena & buena shows 5+ years ago. Most of the independent record stores have closed up -- ebay has changed the game of the remaining record stores.
    if you want to drive 20 mins. out of L.A. and feel like dealing with a headache shop owner PM me. There might still be heat at this one store that's still relatively under the radar of grippers.


    I know your lurking, tell me a story about Leon.

  • L

    I know your lurking. Tell me a story about Rudy.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts

    I had to do it. "Although ass burned in pubix" was a close second.

  • DJCireDJCire 729 Posts
    Nope, no no records in SoCal... You might as well cancel your trip or take Chris' advice...

  • 3 pages in and no one has used this...

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,155 Posts
    It's OK for records. I can't complain about what I found in the thrift stores in the Valley over the years. I've done alright when it comes to finding local jazz, small label soul 45s, Central American and Mexican LPs and private obscurities. But then again, I can't really compare it to any other city, since I've been here all my life and I'm somewhat easy to please when it comes to the records I find and music I listen to. This reminds me that I haven't been to the Pasadena swap in a minute.


  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    L.A. has changed a lot. You used to be able to cop serious heat at pasadena & buena shows 5+ years ago. Most of the independent record stores have closed up -- ebay has changed the game of the remaining record stores.
    if you want to drive 20 mins. out of L.A. and feel like dealing with a headache shop owner PM me. There might still be heat at this one store that's still relatively under the radar of grippers.


    I know your lurking, tell me a story about Leon.

    don't ask about the nude pictures on the top of the counter.

    PS what happened to those 2 young boys?

  • im from norway, and i think its pretty dumb of all you guys to act like "LA is wack for diggin"... im visiting portland every year, and i always spend many hours in the record stores, and im finding A LOT of good records every
    time im over there.. only thing i have to say, you guys are sleepin. most of the guys in here probably wont check out a record if the cover does not have a pic of a black dude with an afro on it.. if you feel bad for living in LA and go recordshopping there, then you shouldnt ever visit norway.

    by the way.. heres a mix of the records i found in LA & Portland this summer, was 4 days in LA, and 10 days in Portland.. found a lot of cheap raers both places.. check the mix..


    i recommend record recycler & record surplus (is record surplus the store with two floors in pico boulevard???) i checked out amoeba records cause ive heard a lot of people been talking about it and how great it is (usally regular non-digger dudes).. but i didnt find many good records here, found some cheapos i havent been bothered to buy before.. cause all the 2-8$ (in US) type of "COMMON CLASSIC RECORDS/MUSTS FOR THE BEATHEADS" is about 30 USD over here...but i still think Portland is the illest spot to dig.. illest place for diggin ive ever been to.


  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Trust me, it gets old.

  • Portland is NOT Los Angeles.
    There are much better records even there than here.

    And for the record, there were much more records here in 89-90. But when you are the closest large metropolitan city with Soul records to JApan, things change. Don't bust our balls, it really does suck compared to the midwest.

    Alot of incredible records were made here but many are gone, and if you don't live here you couldn't understand why. We in LA hardly have a building older than 10 or 20 years. When things get old in LA you tear them down, throw them in the trash or get rid of them to the outskirts. There is no room, time or space here to keep something inconsequential to most people laying around. The city is moving too fast.

    If you want records head east, where there is space and at least an inkling of nostalgia in people.

    Honestly, LA will make you pay.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    We in LA hardly have a building older than 10 or 20 years. When things get old in LA you tear them down, throw them in the trash or get rid of them to the outskirts. There is no room, time or space here to keep something inconsequential to most people laying around. The city is moving too fast.

    The sad truth for almost all of California.

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,138 Posts
    Portland is NOT Los Angeles.
    There are much better records even there than here.

    And for the record, there were much more records here in 89-90. But when you are the closest large metropolitan city with Soul records to JApan, things change. Don't bust our balls, it really does suck compared to the midwest.

    Alot of incredible records were made here but many are gone, and if you don't live here you couldn't understand why. We in LA hardly have a building older than 10 or 20 years. When things get old in LA you tear them down, throw them in the trash or get rid of them to the outskirts. There is no room, time or space here to keep something inconsequential to most people laying around. The city is moving too fast.

    If you want records head east, where there is space and at least an inkling of nostalgia in people.

    Honestly, LA will make you pay.

    I think it is all a matter of perspective. I haven't been to LA and would love to go there once (also to dig, yess) but compared to Europe, many good records must still be rather cheaply available there. Of course it lies in the nature of things (US OG's are often too expensive over here due to limited availability) but I think it is the same ish with different toilets everywhere. Chances to find say a Matthew L. Cassel in the field for cheap in LA are not really bigger than finding a say webster lewis over here. Thanks for the insight on the speed of LA though...

  • shitzrshitzr 648 Posts
    Chances to find say a Matthew L. Cassel in the field for cheap in LA are not really bigger than finding a say webster lewis over here.

    all of cassel's records are from the SF Bay Area.

  • yeahyeah, i didnt mean to say "LA IS AS GOOD AS PORTLAND, RECORDWISE".. but 40% of that mix is from records i got in LA.. and i found some good records there last year also. and of course i understand that you guys think its wack to dig in la if the other places in us is even better than l.a.. but i dont feel bad for you guys whos actually living over there if you cant find good records there when you have 52 weeks a year, and i have under 1 week a year and im finding good records. i promise you guys, im jealous. i wish i lived in LA. it looks lots more interesting culture/citywise, and it also has much more records, and much more good records than in norway. my point is that finding good records is possible ALMOST everywhere.. and we all know guys from LA that finds good records often, just check the weekend find threads. but i think the fact that the prices for records over there are so much cheaper than over here might make you guys think that a record is "expensive" before I think its expensive.. cause im used to pay even more for a record than what you do.


  • I've picked up tons of great shit in the last year in LA. I payed up for a lot of it though. I still have found mexican dudes selling stacks and stacks of records for 50 cents each and finding loads of good shit. Yard sales get picked over out here... but honestly..

    Go to record surplus when they have their mega sales... where they stock thousands of new rare records overnight and let everyone go to town on them with 10% discount. I found some amazing shit last time I was there.

    LA heads know how it used to be though... but shit... With every DJ in LA switching to Microwave... I expect to have some great records coming into the market over the next 2-3 years. EVERYONE uses Microwave now... even diggers I idolized when moving out here.

  • Anyone ever run into that homeless lookin dude... DJ bisquit? He sits outside of DJ nights with a crate and sells everything for double its price? I caught some drunken heat off him when funky sole used to be at star shoes.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    Anyone ever run into that homeless lookin dude... DJ bisquit? He sits outside of DJ nights with a crate and sells everything for double its price? I caught some drunken heat off him when funky sole used to be at star shoes.

    I ain't seen him in a while. but I once inquired abotua VG+ Richard Goove Holmes "6 Million dollar Man" LP. He looked at me with the most homeless expression he could muster and said $80.

    If he lowered his prices he might be able to make a sale or 2 and clean himself up a bit

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,138 Posts
    Chances to find say a Matthew L. Cassel in the field for cheap in LA are not really bigger than finding a say webster lewis over here.

    all of cassel's records are from the SF Bay Area.

    I know, so still quite nearby (in relative terms). But still chances are slim, as they are finding webster lewis "live in oslo" in Germany for example...at least in my privatem kopfgarten

  • ya'll talking about the homeless digger that lives in his van? If so he was just at the shop the other day trying to weasel deals on already low priced midrange records. Dude is annoying as hell.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    This thread is hilarious.

    Are there good records in major American cities?


    Do they actually make it out into record shop bins?


    Do they sit for more than 2 days?


    I feel for you dudes who are getting gouged on Les McCann records for 30 euros and all, but seriously, it's not record Disneyland.

  • And there are tons of records here in LA if you have the time to look for them and know where they are at.

  • I feel for you dudes who are getting gouged on Les McCann records for 30 euros and all, but seriously, it's not record Disneyland.

    Seriously. I'm sorry i don't get an erection when I see major label jazz duds for 10$ in West LA.

    Gas is $3.35 here.

    If you think digging is good in LA, then IMHO you have never been anywhere GOOD to dig.

    And when I say it used to be good, I'm talking Mike J Kirkland and Jessica on the wall at Bagatelle for $40 a piece (and still balking at the price), I'm talking about the first year at Atomic, I'm tawmbout the Pico Corridor Dry Cleaner distro warehouses, JDC, walking out of Music Man Murray with Sexy Coffe Pot(S) and Third Guitar(S), japanese dealers bailing Mustafa outta jail, Golden Oldies heydays and me and my man dusk working at Rhino in Westwood when they bought a 1 MILLION piece collection GOOD.

    GOOD times at my favorite record dealers Moms house!

    I have every god damn right to complain.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    You Big Dudes are really bumming the rest of us out.


  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    You Big Dudes are really bumming the rest of us out.



    there was a time less than 5 years ago when I used to be able to walk into a store give my weed dealer $20 and leave the store with various Cadet releases, Gus Pooles, pick and choose whatever westbound, sussex, invictus, (insert label known for soul and funk here), and a twenty sack.

    now I get geeked when I find a Donald Byrd "Black Byrd" for under $5

  • And there are tons of records here in LA if you have the time to look for them and know where they are at.

    Yes, that is exactly the info I'm looking for. Please tell me where they're at. Once I'm close, I'll dig for hours.
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