Post Your Favorite SS Catch Phrases / One Liners
tenacious local 7,783 Posts
Mine has got to be:"Rawkus Deadstock Gold"
"No offense, but fuck you."
fuck that, give credit where credit is due
I used that shit on Shig
My bad.
"You don't know the true and you don't know me"
i still laugh thinking about it
beat me too it
and the essential variation,
your private mind garden needs tending/weeding/etc
By a large margin.
dang who set u 2 whiteboys off today?
who is the genius behind this one?
"it ... it's
meyou, isn't it?"AA's too modest - the best is his former location... shit, what was it?
"Soulstrut has ruined our lives and now all we have is each other." Too true.
"walk away, son" was classic
oh, and when someone said "yeah, that just happened". i know it was from some will ferrell movie, but that shitwas funny
or its Rape_Donkeys-coined cousin, "go down the road, not across the street"
I've dropped this in the real world and it gets a great response. I've tried to tell folks I didn't make it up, but you get about "See there's this message board, and all these record nerds hang out on it, and one time, this dude..." far before realizing it's best just to keep the explanation to yourself.
What's the one about going and making a sandwich?
Here are some of my own personal gems:
-"You can't take your Western Sizzler game to 4- and 5-star restaurants."
-"Drunk chicks might wake up in the morning with a taste of dills in their mouths and wonder why."
-"Cool White guys"
-"Let's go to the lounge area."
-"I'm gonna take the gamble on myself, I'm a great bet."
-"I don't want a job I have to bend over to get."
-"Don't front like Big Willie and get shook when the dinner check comes."
Big Stacks from Kakalak