general health strut: digestive enzymes

iron_monkeyiron_monkey 985 Posts
edited December 2007 in Strut Central
OK, lately I've been having all sorts of digestive problems aggravated by stress. This causes bouts of extreme discomfort, bloating and pressure below my chest. I've tried GasX and it doesn't do anything. Can anyone recommend any remedies for this sorta thing. I want to address this before it becomes a chronic condition.


  • big ass bowl of oatmeal and organic yogurt in the AM and copius amounts of water all 4PM you should be purged and trouble free, at least this is what works for me

  • changed my life

  • This could be it. It was for me.

  • changed my life

    Are you breaking my balls or did you really try this?

  • me and my friend have both been on it about a year, collectively we have gotten 6 other people on "the program".
    i originally found out about it when crink posted the link (in jest i think)

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    If you go the doctor, there's a good chance they'll give you a disagnosis of IBS -- and then very little advice that'll actually help you. At least, that's what happened to me in my late teens -- same symptoms as you after a period of intense stress, got lots of tests done over the years, given the IBS diagnosis, and none of the doctor's advice did me any good.

    In the meantime, advice from other people and common sense eventually got the symptoms down to close to zero:

    reducing sugar intake (this helped more than anything!!!)
    reducing caffeine intake
    reducing beer and sugary alcohols (rum, etc) intake
    reducing dairy intake
    lots of peppermint tea
    lots of ginger tea
    eating more slowly/chewing more
    avoiding stress (obviously)

  • mrmatthewmrmatthew 1,575 Posts
    If it is not IBS or Acid Reflux (the pressure below the chest sounds like AR), you should maybe look into a daily Probiotic.
    That is a good start for getting your Digestive System in order.

  • HamHam 872 Posts changed my life

    what in the world

  • RishanRishan 454 Posts
    try herbs. can't do you any harm.

    Bael fruit

  • Google "The Master Cleanse", form of colon cleansing.

  • ZEN2ZEN2 1,540 Posts
    me and my friend have both been on it about a year, collectively we have gotten 6 other people on "the program".
    i originally found out about it when crink posted the link (in jest i think)

    Post a pic or you're soft.

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    Fe Primate,
    Check your PMs. And do be careful with the herbal/homeopathic remedies. I've seen folks come into the ER with all sorts of signs/symptoms having to do with improperly administered herbal/homeopathic remedies, most recent in memory was an OD on licorice capsules. Major stomach pain. Also, as an example, Goldenseal will kill all sorts of bacteria and microorganisms that actually facilitate digestion. I definitely would consult someone who knows their shit in this particular field. People think because it's from the earth, it's all good, when in fact some of the most toxic poisons, mild altering and addictive substances occur wild in nature, i.e. Digitalis purpurea (Common Foxglove) can stop your heart, psilocybin, opium. True most herbal remedies are "more mellow" than these examples, but still, they have distinct pharmacological and physiological effects that are not to be take lightly. If you are worried enough to post, consider calling an advice nurse/doctor.


  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    I use Colon Clense (Psyllium husk) from Health Plus Inc. to help me stay regular.

  • me and my friend have both been on it about a year, collectively we have gotten 6 other people on "the program".
    i originally found out about it when crink posted the link (in jest i think)
    shits funny huh
    to see that level of crazyness youre gonna have to poke around in the bowl which is not something im down to do, although my friend has and seen similar things such as the pic posted. the reason why you gotta poke around is when it comes out its compacted.

    im super serious when i say that shit changed my life

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts
    me and my friend have both been on it about a year, collectively we have gotten 6 other people on "the program".
    i originally found out about it when crink posted the link (in jest i think)

    I'd be pretty careful with this stuff. If you've been on it a year, you might find yourself having trouble once you finish the treatment. Your bowels haven't been doing much work themselves for a while and if you ask them to start working again, they might not want to comply. Plus one of the supplements contains the herb senna, which is not supposed to be taken for prolonged periods (high risk for liver damage).

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    me and my friend have both been on it about a year, collectively we have gotten 6 other people on "the program".
    i originally found out about it when crink posted the link (in jest i think)
    shits funny huh

    to see that level of crazyness youre gonna have to poke around in the bowl which is not something im down to do, although my friend has and seen similar things such as the pic posted. the reason why you gotta poke around is when it comes out its compacted.

    im super serious when i say that shit changed my life

    How do you know that taking that shit isn't actually creating that shit in your shit and therefore creating a whole shitty market for more shit solution products?

    PS That image clearly needs to be the new graemlin.

  • twoply: senna must be in the tea, i've been on the powder(main part) for about a year. i cant remember if i did the full program once or twice all the way thru as its been so long since we started with it.

    gnat:ultimately i dont know BUT all i do know is the reasons that got me to try it in the first place are TOTALLY gone and im living a much happier life because of it.

    reynaldo: psyllium husks is in the powder blend part of the program, good stuff.

  • JoeMojoJoeMojo 720 Posts

    Insanity. What were all these people eating in the first place?

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    If you go the doctor, there's a good chance they'll give you a disagnosis of IBS -- and then very little advice that'll actually help you. At least, that's what happened to me in my late teens -- same symptoms as you after a period of intense stress, got lots of tests done over the years, given the IBS diagnosis, and none of the doctor's advice did me any good.

    In the meantime, advice from other people and common sense eventually got the symptoms down to close to zero:

    reducing sugar intake (this helped more than anything!!!)
    reducing caffeine intake
    reducing beer and sugary alcohols (rum, etc) intake
    reducing dairy intake
    lots of peppermint tea
    lots of ginger tea
    eating more slowly/chewing more
    avoiding stress (obviously)

    I've seen several doctors over the years for IBS & Reflux ... Name a pill and i've taken it ...They all suck....The only thing you can do is find the diet that works best for you.....Caffeine,greasy foods,dark liquor and dairy are a bitch.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts
    Caffeine,greasy foods,dark liquor and dairy are a bitch.

    I hope I don't get IBS. Those are like the four food groups.

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    If you go the doctor, there's a good chance they'll give you a disagnosis of IBS -- and then very little advice that'll actually help you. At least, that's what happened to me in my late teens -- same symptoms as you after a period of intense stress, got lots of tests done over the years, given the IBS diagnosis, and none of the doctor's advice did me any good.

    In the meantime, advice from other people and common sense eventually got the symptoms down to close to zero:

    reducing sugar intake (this helped more than anything!!!)
    reducing caffeine intake
    reducing beer and sugary alcohols (rum, etc) intake
    reducing dairy intake
    lots of peppermint tea
    lots of ginger tea
    eating more slowly/chewing more
    avoiding stress (obviously)[/b]

    I've seen several doctors over the years for IBS & Reflux ... Name a pill and i've taken it ...They all suck....The only thing you can do is find the diet that works best for you.....Caffeine,greasy foods,dark liquor and dairy are a bitch.

    Yeah, no medicine helped me. I also got the impression that IBS is less one real condition and more a nebulous grouping of stress-related conditions medicine isn't fully on top of yet. A few medical professionals I know have essentially confirmed that. Every once in a while I do some web research to see if there've been any breakthroughs in the 10 yrs+ since my diagnosis and... nah. Just a Cam'ron song.

    To the above list I should add:

    avoid overeating
    avoid lying down right after meals
    eat rice w/ as many meals as possible
    white bread may be preferable to whole-wheat [/b](unlike w/ most people, if you have IBS or some similar stress-triggered digestive disorder you probably want to increase soluble fiber and decrease insoluble fiber)

    Oh. and I tried accupuncture[/b], too. It did seem to help but it wasn't a dramatic improvement and after 4 months or so I decided it wasn't quite worth the cost.

  • I kinda want to try that Dr. Natura stuff...

  • djannadjanna 1,543 Posts
    oh man, it started with gas for me too. Got bad.

    I tried:

    Colon Cleanse
    Elimination diets (no dairy, no gluten, no soy)
    all sorts of IBS voodoo bullshit

    and then I finally got a got a good GI doc and a colonoscopy and I got to see what was really going on! There was no secret snake-like goo, trust me, I saw the whole thing. It was like this:

    Now I'm on some scary-ass drugs, but I'm starting to feel better. Finally.

  • ZachDZachD 318 Posts

    Just .02, if you have had stomach issues all your life and haven't tried eliminating certain foods then you should, many people are allergic to gluten or dairy and often both but they never know it.

    Sounds like the original poster has issues not related to food allergy if this is something that just cropped up although I have heard of some food allergies just appearing later in life.

    Probiotics are good and so is Kim-Chi.

  • djannadjanna 1,543 Posts
    I still take Probiotics, I do think they are good stuff, they just didn't solve what was ailing me.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

    How do you know that taking that shit isn't actually creating that shit in your shit and therefore creating a whole shitty market for more shit solution products?

    PS That image clearly needs to be the new graemlin.

    Sayin X2

    ...and a thing like that came out of my dog's ass when she had Parvo.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    OK, lately I've been having all sorts of digestive problems aggravated by stress. This causes bouts of extreme discomfort, bloating and pressure below my chest. I've tried GasX and it doesn't do anything. Can anyone recommend any remedies for this sorta thing. I want to address this before it becomes a chronic condition.

    Please try elimination before you add anything.

    1 out of 1000 people are intolerant to gluten on some level. Only 1 out of 100,000 know it.

    I had all those symptoms and they disappeared after two weeks off gluten. It's been a year. The only thing I miss is beer. Bonus-you end up on a default whole food diet and loose about 10 lbs. Also, most gluten free products (pastas, bread) are nasty. I've also been off lactose for over 5 years.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    That's a lot of people in one place to have the same ailment...?

  • changed my life

    That site get 10 out of 10 on the Quackometer.
    "This web site is heavily laden with loosely defined terms and possibly pseudoscientific language with a smattering of alternative medicine speak. It is heavily using scientific jargon and may be doing this to bamboozle. Using lots of physics terms like this rarely has any meaning outside of physics books. It shows little or no sceptical awareness and so should be treated with caution! It also looks like this site is trying to sell stuff. Buyer Beware!"
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