male health strut - hair loss

RishanRishan 454 Posts
edited December 2007 in Strut Central
Advice needed please! There has got to be a few on here with some experience of this. I have only just turned 26, but for the past couple of years I've noticed more hair falling out during washing and drying, than I am entirely comfortable with. I still have a good head of dark hair don't get me wrong, but if this is the start of male pattern baldness, I would like to try and do something about it. Prevention is better than cure right?I have tried herbal shampoo and conditioner, scalp massage, hot oil treatment, and seen a few specialists, one of which I plan on starting their course. While they seem to slow the hair loss, I'm told I have an oily scalp with sebum build up and a high level of androgens, which prevent new hairs from growing in again.Should I go bald gracefully, or is there anything I can do? I'm not quite at the stage of cosmetic surgery or hair implants, thats a last resort that I'd rather avoid. I just really, really want to keep my hair for as long as possible!


  • Just let nature take its course. I too am losing my hair and it sucks, but what the hell I sure as fuck am not going to get plugs.

  • If its really sudden and patchy it may be alopecia areata, which comes in several degrees, I have the worst kind which is complete hair loss, including eyelashes and eyebrows. mine started when i was 23, Its crazy as hell and shocking at first, but im pretty used to it. They say it Runs in cycles though. Im actually starting to regrow some stubble on my head for the first time in about 4 years. But if its limited to the top of your scalp, primarily the front or the top back its probably male pattern baldness, and I dont think theres much you can do about it, plus its labeled as "cosmetic" by our healthcare system so there is no medical coverage for most hair loss related illnesses.

  • I don't know how much my opinion on this matter really counts since I'm 33 and my hair isn't really thinning noticeably at all. However, I do know that nothing looks dumber than when a guy is obviously balding and trying too hard to hide what everybody can already plainly see. I say if the hair starts thinning out noticeably and just starts looking bad, cut it all off! Or at least, cut it short. Long hair and a big bald spot just makes you look like Bozo The Clown. Better just to clip it short or just shave it bald all the way. Of course, before you shave it clean you have to be absolutely sure your head doesn't have some strange shape to it that people will be staring at non-stop. I have a lot more respect for a guy who recongizes his hair's thinning and just lops it off and goes on with his life than I do for the sad sacks who hold onto every last strand, kicking and screaming.



    Really, what purpose is served by that stray fuzz scattered about his bald spot other than to look like ass hair on his head? You're not fooling anybody! Just shave that area clean and be proud of the real hair you have left, not some scraggly rat's nest glued to your cranium. Of just say fuck it all and shave it clean and be proud to be bald when the time comes. It worked for Michael Jordan and Lex Luthor!

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    Regaine works for some people, particularly in the early stages, and on the medical side finasteride is the treatment of the moment. Transplants and patches are a rather drastic step. From when hair loss starts it can take 5-20 years for it all to go. Don't panic just yet.

  • RishanRishan 454 Posts
    Yeah for sure I will go the clippers route if nothing else works. There is a ton of stuff on the market but I'm guessing most of it is rubbish. Regaine and Rogaine is the same shit right, just for different countries?

    Natural/herbal treatments is the way I want to go though, and I live in Malaysia where there are lots of old Chinese and Indian remedies. And they are a lot more affordable than in the west.

    Not panicking yet because I know hair falls out naturally, but I'm going to catch it early just in case!

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,849 Posts

    Mine's going as well, but whatever. I've been buzzing my head with a #1 clipper for the last 15 years anyway. My best advice is to hit the gym, so at least you'll be fit.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,526 Posts

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    Better just to clip it short or just shave it bald all the way.

    This is how I've done it. I inherited the balding gene from pops (don't believe this "you only inherit from your mother's side of the family b.s.) and my hair line has been falling back since the late '90s (at the very least). For a while, I kind of bugged out about it and there are treatments you can pursue to try slow shit down (Propecia, Rogaine, etc.) but at the end of the day - if I'm going to go bald, I'm just going to embrace it and keep it mad short (#1 blade).

    Maybe, one day, they'll find a way to reverse balding. I've read a good deal about the science of it all and it does seem like a possibility in my lifetime but I'm not holding my breath. The only thing that kind of bugs me out is how my daughter will one day look at my pictures as a younger man and wonder, "gee Daddy, wtf happened to all your hair."

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    I'm getting older
    Everybody around me acts all sober
    Lookin' poker faced
    I started losing hair at the corners
    Matter-of-fact, I looked up top
    That whole border's jacked [/b]
    Nobody's gonna chauffeur me anymore
    Whatever this is, we all go through it I guess
    It's just awkward
    I'm not a hundred percent comfortable with
    The rate that everything's developing at
    It's just a little overwhelming at times
    I'm dealing with hella shit to process
    It's new data daily
    There's really no preparing for this thing
    Or, maybe it's mainly just me acting strangely
    Just me facing the challenge
    I doubt it though
    'Cause I met thousands of people
    Seen something similar in their faces
    It's like the outlook is changing
    I think it's called bein' a man in the making

  • my loss has stagnated...about 5 years ago I saw a picture of me shot from above and nearly freaked when I saw the thinning patch on top of my head...been obsessive about checking it ever since, but it doesn seem to have made any progress...still the same, havent lost anymore since my discovery...but we will see....

  • My best advice is to hit the gym, so at least you'll be fit.
    and date women (or whoever...) that have bald fathers. Cuz at the end of the day they're all looking for daddy!

  • Should I go bald gracefully, or is there anything I can do?

    i actually met this relatively famous dermatologist at Upenn who was responsible for hair regrowth in mice through some strange procedure where they "injure" the mice, and when it recovers, hair is regrown in the spot where it was injured. Ha. That is a poor explanation, but most of what he said went over my head. Anyway, he told me that the chances of a "cure" in humans based on this research is a minimum of 5 years away, and that is only for testing purposes. He also told me that everything on the market is pure snake oil, except for rogaine and propecia, which he said "actually work". i don't know. take that for what its worth.

  • tonyphrone, dude your avatar is not appropriate for this thread.

  • tonyphrone, dude your avatar is not appropriate for this thread.

  • Fuck, I've been going bald since I was about 23 - shit's not a good look, but it's life. I'm getting a solar panel on the top of my head, so as soon as my barber gives the word that it's getting silly, it's all gonna go.

    I can safely say I'd rather it wasn't happening, but there are more important things to worry about in life. As for treatments? Well Trump is living proof that nothing works - if he can't afford to get a better looking doo, then what hope do us mere mortals have?

  • i started receding at about 18, and i'm 26 now. this last year i've noticed it thinning on top. i've never really cared to be honest, it's just hair. sometimes i bic my head, sometimes i grow it out, whatever.pretty sure no one else gives a shit about my balding so why should i...

    also, the longer your hair the more you will be able to see the scalp if you are thinning. so cut it shorter if you don't want to go the shaved head route.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    He also told me that everything on the market is pure snake oil, except for rogaine and propecia, which he said "actually work".

    I think he probably meant that they "actually work" to the extent that they might help you keep what you've got; once it's gone it's gone.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    He also told me that everything on the market is pure snake oil, except for rogaine and propecia, which he said "actually work".

    I think he probably meant that they "actually work" to the extent that they might help you keep what you've got; once it's gone it's gone.

    Yeah, this is key. You can't grow hair back once it's gone; the follicle is dead. Some of what scientists are working on are ways to restimulate those hair cells but again, we're still years away from a treatment that could do this with any efficacy.

  • HamHam 872 Posts
    reading this thread makes me wanna shave everything off. i started receding around 18, i'm 21 now. it's starting to look kinda silly.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    He also told me that everything on the market is pure snake oil, except for rogaine and propecia, which he said "actually work".

    I think he probably meant that they "actually work" to the extent that they might help you keep what you've got; once it's gone it's gone.

    Yeah, this is key. You can't grow hair back once it's gone; the follicle is dead. Some of what scientists are working on are ways to restimulate those hair cells but again, we're still years away from a treatment that could do this with any efficacy.

    Finasteride actually stimulates new growth but only works in about a third of cases.

  • reading this thread makes me wanna shave everything off.

    Do Soulstrutters have tendencies to go "bald"


  • I got so much hair I wish I could share it round with you.

    Does anyone have the soulglo song on mp3.

  • yes, someone posted it 4 or 5 months ago. try doing a search. if it doesn't come up, i'll look around on my other comp and upload it.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    It's all about strategic combing and filling in the blanks

  • It's all about strategic combing and filling in the blanks

  • It's all about strategic combing and filling in the blanks

    I trust my wife will tell me when enough is enough and I need to shave it all off.
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