Becky: "There must be something better on there."



  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    people are entitled to request whatever they want; they aren't entitled to get any of those requests heard. can anyone really say even 25% of their requests were for something that wasn't played within the last 30 minutes, playing at that exact moment, or appropriate for the time/night? i'm sure if people actually received decent requests there wouldn't be so much annoyance towards it but a lot of these mufuckaz should just stay home and listen to their ipods.

  • i should be able to yell at the dj for playing music i don't like and yell at the bartender for not immediately getting my drink."

    Is Serg a Becky?

  • people are entitled to request whatever they want; they aren't entitled to get any of those requests heard. can anyone really say even 25% of their requests were for something that wasn't played within the last 30 minutes, playing at that exact moment, or appropriate for the time/night? i'm sure if people actually received decent requests there wouldn't be so much annoyance towards it but a lot of these mufuckaz should just stay home and listen to their ipods.

    The male Becky isn't Chad, it's BRIAN!!!

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    o snap

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    people are entitled to request whatever they want; they aren't entitled to get any of those requests heard.

    And they definitely aren't entitled to be condescending or tell the dj he sucks because he doesn't have, already played or isn't the right time for - your song.

    BTW, This really has nothing to do with women IMO, but how people interact with the DJ.

    Hopefully Soulstrut Becky is getting all of this

  • If I can find a venue out here where people will consistently dance to soul/funk, I will anywhere but the yay

    I feel you on that.

    Oh, and J-ro, you're on fire in here

    You don't ask your plumber to do a root canal.

  • people are entitled to request whatever they want; they aren't entitled to get any of those requests heard.

    And they definitely aren't entitled to be condescending or tell the dj he sucks because he doesn't have, already played or isn't the right time for - your song.

    BTW, This really has nothing to do with women IMO, but how people interact with the DJ.

    I think people have been summing this up well.

    I have no problem with someone requesting something, even an oddball request. That is what you're there for. To play music people want to hear. If you do it with a smile, it's totally going to happen (to the best of my abilities). If you come at me like "can you play _______" and I say I don't have it or "yeah, I'm working my way up to that kind of stuff" then just sit back and see if you hear something you like. If you want to hear Morrisey, Erasure, and Bauhaus (nothing wrong with any of thoese) then maybe you should have rolled down to PopScene instead of Milk that night. You don't go to a concert not knowing who the band is. You should at least know what kind of night the club is.

    Yes, it is a service job and people are entitled to and should request songs, but it's all in how it's done. You don't treat the person like shit because they can't make one song happen at that very moment. It's also a bit annoying when people (men and women) say things like " can you play something that me and my friends can dance to" when the floor is packed with dancing people.

    Like most have been saying. It has nothing to do with women. It unfortunately happens to be girls that make more requests. It's not a gender thing. I think dudes are just playing the background, trying to be cool. Either that or they are "fellow djs" who ride backseat with you and tell you what to do.

    I think this whole thing got out of hand. Some girl was telling me that any song from the Thriller lp were not good enough for her. I decided to play one of them anyways, at her request for Michael Jackson, and she danced whole heartedly with a smile the whole time. The part that was annoying and that made her a "Becky" was that she gave me a hard time for about 5 minutes, not even giving me a chance really.

    I said to her nicely "I'm sorry I don't think I'm going to be able to make you happy." At that point she could have been like "well, ok thanks for checking for me."

    Dudes are annoying too. I don't hate women. If it was a dude looking at Ross's laptop I would have chopped his head too.

    I don't understand why you would get worked up over this, unless you think of yourself doing all of these things. In that case, we're just telling you how we feel. If you want a request, ask nicely and we're that much more likely to play it. I am always happy to play something for someone if they ask.

  • DJing in Japan has been great, the crowd never ever makes requests, I have never seen it happen.

    I had an American dude Bradding me before, and an extremely drunk japanese girl kept touching a playing record after I told her to stop about 3 times, but those were absolute rarities.

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    Guy rolls up to me last night and says that his girl would really like to heat 'Soulja Boy'.
    I told him, sure. $20 and i'll play it.
    He didn't come back.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts
    Aren't DJs service employees?

    no wonder this thread resembles the bitching & moaning of a bunch of fast food counter jockeys.

    yes, I want fries with my Thriller.

  • Aren't DJs service employees?

    no wonder this thread resembles the bitching & moaning of a bunch of fast food counter jockeys.

    yes, I want fries with my Thriller.

    Yes. I'm sure you didn't mean it that way Oliver, but "service employees" kind of makes it sound like "free to treat like shit and be rude to." Unfortunately that's true for America.


  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    the problem with the conclusions we've reached in this thread is that we are assuming every DJ is any good and not worth bothering

    i'm always v. polite to djs, even when i think they are shitty, but i can absolutely understand why a group of girls go to a club, pay a cover, buy expensive drinks and get on the floor only to hear some Dilla obscurity being like, "wtf, play something we can dance to."

    ive never seen anyone on soulstrut dj (except trew, once) and i believe a lot of u guys are great djs and there are people out there who are obnoxious when requesting songs but lets be fair - DJs are not inherently infallible when it comes to this stuff.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    the problem with the conclusions we've reached in this thread is that we are assuming every DJ is any good and not worth bothering

    i'm always v. polite to djs, even when i think they are shitty, but i can absolutely understand why a group of girls go to a club, pay a cover, buy expensive drinks and get on the floor only to hear some Dilla obscurity being like, "wtf, play something we can dance to."


  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    i'm always v. polite to djs, even when i think they are shitty, but i can absolutely understand why a group of girls go to a club, pay a cover, buy expensive drinks and get on the floor only to hear some Dilla obscurity being like, "wtf, play something we can dance to."

    Why you had to take it to Young Phonics like that?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i'm always v. polite to djs, even when i think they are shitty, but i can absolutely understand why a group of girls go to a club, pay a cover, buy expensive drinks and get on the floor only to hear some Dilla obscurity being like, "wtf, play something we can dance to."
    then they probably should have known in advance what the club was playing that night

  • Guy rolls up to me last night and says that his girl would really like to heat 'Soulja Boy'.

    Yo why you had to out Mylatency like that?

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    Last night I djed at the opening of a warehouse/party space. peacefullrotation played before me (because he had to dj somewhere else that night) and said it was really chill and nobody requested anything. I was happy with that.
    After about an hour of djing some girl comes up and says "I requested Prince 3 hours ago and I still haven't heard it." I told her I wasn't djing 3 hours ago, but that I didn't bring any Prince with me and I apologized. She gave me the gas face. She stuck around for about 5 minutes saying stuff like this:

    "what do I want to dance to?"
    "Well, what is the most popular stuff to dance to these days?"
    "what do you have that I will like?
    "what do I want to hear?"

    After being unhappy with almost every suggestion I had, I finally said Michael Jackson.

    She says "ooh yeah, but what song?"

    I say "anything off of the Thriller album."

    She says "well what's on it?"

    I say "Thriller, Billie Jean, Pretty Young Thing, Human Nature..."

    She says "There must be something better on there."

    Then I just stopped listening and cued up PYT and she danced the entire time.

    ummmmmm, wormhole...

    this exactly happened to me last night! With the same songs, except I got a $20 dollar bill for playing PYT.

    I played for 8 hours last night. And today, I don't want to do ANYTHING.

    Man, thats so weird that I read this post and I thought you were describing my night last night.

    Oh then I had the blond chick with some big ass teef come up to me with her hands together like a dog begging..."Do you have any 90's?"

    You know what works...Act like they don't exist. I kept looking through my records, took a sip of my tonic water...put my head phones back on, etc...

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    You know what works...Act like they don't exist. I kept looking through my records, took a sip of my tonic water...put my head phones back on, etc...

    If she's hot, Ill think about it. If she's not - break north w/ that.

  • sergserg 682 Posts
    i should be able to yell at the dj for playing music i don't like and yell at the bartender for not immediately getting my drink."

    Is Serg a Becky?

    I will yell at anyone if they suck and play bullshit. I don't yell at bartenders though. I'll pour my own drink before I yell at them.

    Fuck a request though, if you don't have the brains to figure out what going to a club in this day and age then you're Frickin' retarded. The shit isn't a high school dance party. Parties happen at club and it's your job to find out what the fuck is going on. not show up and expect the dj suit your Frickin' mood because you felt like dancing.

    If your stupid enough to show up to a party that you don't know shit about and pay a cover, buy expensive drinks then you're too Frickin' stupid to complain about the music. You did it to yourself.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    people are entitled to request whatever they want; they aren't entitled to get any of those requests heard.

    I used to spin at a bar where a very sympathetic management had prominently placed a sign in the DJ booth which read; "You are welcome to make requests, but please be aware that our DJs are not jukeboxes and your request may not get played". I used to like playing there.

    That said, I try to be as accommodating as possible where requests are concerned; if I've got it, I'll play it. The only time I've got irritated recently by someone making a request was this guy who asked me for Daft Punk when I was playing mellower, more downtempo stuff in a bar which had no dancefloor to speak of anyway. I didn't have any with me so, in an attempt to try and meet dude halfway, I picked the tempo up and played twenty minutes or so of disco classics, only to catch him sneering at me from across the other side of the bar. The moral being that you can't please everyone, so sometimes you're better off pleasing yourself.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    i'm always v. polite to djs, even when i think they are shitty, but i can absolutely understand why a group of girls go to a club, pay a cover, buy expensive drinks and get on the floor only to hear some Dilla obscurity being like, "wtf, play something we can dance to."
    then they probably should have known in advance what the club was playing that night

    Most fliers don't include "Dilla obscurities" as one of the genres listed.

  • i'm always v. polite to djs, even when i think they are shitty, but i can absolutely understand why a group of girls go to a club, pay a cover, buy expensive drinks and get on the floor only to hear some Dilla obscurity being like, "wtf, play something we can dance to."
    then they probably should have known in advance what the club was playing that night

    Most fliers don't include "Dilla obscurities" as one of the genres listed.


  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts

    Beckys' worst nightmare squared?

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts

    Beckys' worst nightmare squared?

    (That's double for Beckys who ain't mathematically aware.)

  • catalistcatalist 1,373 Posts

    Fuck a request though, if you don't have the brains to figure out what going to a club in this day and age then you're Frickin' retarded. The shit isn't a high school dance party. Parties happen at club and it's your job to find out what the fuck is going on. not show up and expect the dj suit your Frickin' mood because you felt like dancing.

    If your stupid enough to show up to a party that you don't know shit about and pay a cover, buy expensive drinks then you're too Frickin' stupid to complain about the music. You did it to yourself.


  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    The shit isn't a high school dance party. It's your job to find out what the fuck is going on. not show up and expect the dj suit your Frickin' mood because you felt like dancing. If your stupid enough to show up to a party that you don't know shit about and pay a cover, buy expensive drinks then you're too Frickin' stupid to complain about the music. You did it to yourself.

    SOmeone should print these up on a business card and hand them to people when they come up to make a request.

  • Fuck a request though, if you don't have the brains to figure out what going to a club in this day and age then you're Frickin' retarded. The shit isn't a high school dance party. Parties happen at club and it's your job to find out what the fuck is going on. not show up and expect the dj suit your Frickin' mood because you felt like dancing.

    If your stupid enough to show up to a party that you don't know shit about and pay a cover, buy expensive drinks then you're too Frickin' stupid to complain about the music. You did it to yourself.



  • The moral being that you can't please everyone, so sometimes you're better off pleasing yourself.

    this aint that kinda club.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts

    If some of you cats bent over some Beckys, you might not express such hate toward them. Some of them are nymphos that give good brains.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

    P.S. Just make sure you put on your shower cap before going into the water.

  • these two look like they will end up as man & wife...
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