the ASR-X is the one I was taling about..the old school sample/sewuencer. I know the sequencer sucks on it..but I came across one for about $125-$ it had me thinking. I sold both of my MPCs years back and have regetted it ever since. So I would love to get back into making music. Sorry, but all I really know about is MPCs and SP1200 a little. Forgive my ignorance.
use it as an effects processor... anything other than that, and it's pretty much a paperweight.
The ASR 10 is one of the performfance samplers ever made. Not the fastest work flow but once you get use to it's almost unbeatable on very thing except drums. Think Early Timbaland, RZA and Alchemist. I wouldn't pay over $700USD. Look for the one with the Purple screen.
this is the question...
These things should go for like 300 in good condition
(ref: ASR X[/b] )
who the fuck is this kid? i'm speaking on the ASRX ... I have a 10. fall back and read, son...READ.