The Biz vs. the dude in the next office



  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    and man, grover washington covering end of the road? Now that sounds like the capital of wack.

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    good thing we have you here to remind us of the the standard

  • I would even say that cti is wack, bob james is hella wack smooth jazz garbage, or that take me to the mardi gras is actually a wack ass cover of a wack paul simon song or some shit before i would say daytona 500 is wack.
    I'm not you.

    Daytona 500 was a weak beat to me thats all. To my ears the track has little listening value.

  • BaptBapt 2,503 Posts
    Anyone got a picture of the CTI suitcase?

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    what was wack about daytona 500? sure it was sloppy, but that shit felt live, like he was just cutting doubles.

    Just because rza is wack now doesnt give people the right to walk around talking bout daytona 500 beat was wack.

    I would even say that cti is wack, bob james is hella wack smooth jazz garbage, or that take me to the mardi gras is actually a wack ass cover of a wack paul simon song or some shit before i would say daytona 500 is wack.

    Can I call this as the best post-board-upgrade rant to date?

  • izm707izm707 1,107 Posts
    If you dont like Daytona 500, then you dont like Mardi Gras. Period.

    I didnt kno about that :

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    If you dont like Daytona 500, then you dont like Mardi Gras. Period.

    I didnt kno about that :

    Doesn't Daytona 500 use Nautilus and not Mardi Gras? Or am I thinking of the wrong Ghostface track?

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    If you dont like Daytona 500, then you dont like Mardi Gras. Period.

    I didnt kno about that :

    Doesn't Daytona 500 use Nautilus and not Mardi Gras? Or am I thinking of the wrong Ghostface track?

    No, you're right. I have no idea what he's talking about in that quote.

  • I hate to seem like the Bob James fanboy here but...

    There was some often sampled honky who was not down with "the rap." I thought it was him, apparently not.

    I think it was Bob James, at least that was the rumor. I wonder if that came about because of the whole Souls of Mischief "Cab fare" sampling of the Taxi joint. Wasn't there some misunderstanding there? Something about people saying it was Bob James who tried to file a lawsuit aginst them or some shit, but it ended up being somebody else who owned the rights to the record? I dunno, it's all real hazy, but I believe that weas discussed at length here on the strut at some point. I may be way off on that...

    BJ hated "Cab Fare" - he said they made him sound cartoony, like on some Mickey Mouse schitt, by speeding him up (I believe it was the WildStyle DVD where Paul Simon's publisher put the kybosh on Mardi Gras) but he's cool w/sampling if he likes the use of his material

    Speaking of the suitcase, I saw a picture of it somewhere recently, it was brown leather (i'm assuming, maybe it was vinyl) with little gold CTIs all over it a la a louis vuitton handbag or something, right? I hope this story unfolds completely one day. I know there've been multiple people on here claiming to be on the case, but no results yet.

    There's a little insert in a lot of the LPs w/a pic of the suitcase - you'd get in by sending in a bunch of those inserts w/some cash I think... so I'm sure there's plenty of them out there...

    Yeah, that's true about cabfare. I did a whole radio show on Bob James and him being sampled and I was able to track him down for an interview. This was in like '97. I believe his exact quote was "The bastardized my piece!". He was definitely down with hip hop but also wanted his compensation or at least recognition. I gotta dig that up and post it. I know I have that interview somewhere. He was a real cool and down to earth dude.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts

    Yeah, that's true about cabfare. I did a whole radio show on Bob James and him being sampled and I was able to track him down for an interview. This was in like '97. I believe his exact quote was "The bastardized my piece!". He was definitely down with hip hop but also wanted his compensation or at least recognition. I gotta dig that up and post it. I know I have that interview somewhere. He was a real cool and down to earth dude.

    In his defense, the Cabfare beat did kind of suck.

  • Yeah, that's true about cabfare. I did a whole radio show on Bob James and him being sampled and I was able to track him down for an interview. This was in like '97. I believe his exact quote was "The bastardized my piece!". He was definitely down with hip hop but also wanted his compensation or at least recognition. I gotta dig that up and post it. I know I have that interview somewhere. He was a real cool and down to earth dude.

    In his defense, the Cabfare beat did kind of suck.

    I honestly never liked that song either and never got all the hype about it....people calling it classic and all that. I like Souls but I can do w/o "cabfare" in their discog...

  • izm707izm707 1,107 Posts
    I was never sure whether he meant Mardi Gras or Nautilus.

    I don't know for him, but myself, i was referring to Nautilus and not Mardi Gras (scroll up). I was drunk...

    All i remember from BJ was him saying he liked Guru. With that said, what about Earl Klugh. He never gets no love, like Bobby Byrd in the shadow of James Brown.

  • Yeah, that's true about cabfare. I did a whole radio show on Bob James and him being sampled and I was able to track him down for an interview. This was in like '97. I believe his exact quote was "The bastardized my piece!". He was definitely down with hip hop but also wanted his compensation or at least recognition. I gotta dig that up and post it. I know I have that interview somewhere. He was a real cool and down to earth dude.

    In his defense, the Cabfare beat did kind of suck.

    I honestly never liked that song either and never got all the hype about it....people calling it classic and all that. I like Souls but I can do w/o "cabfare" in their discog...

    I agree. The hype behind this was generated, IMO, by the fact that they had gotten dropped from Jive, their second LP on Jive was pretty hard to find (import only for the vinyl if I recall correctly), and they had just started the Heiro Emporium online and that was the only place to get their new music. Plus add the nostalgia factor that they used the Taxi theme and you had some straight backpacatnip.

  • Just got cassette of bob James 2, panned right bells are gone.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    NINO_209 said:
    Just got cassette of bob James 2, panned right bells are gone.
    It lives!

  • deezleedeezlee 298 Posts
    NINO_209 said:
    Just got cassette of bob James 2, panned right bells are gone.
    Assuming this (like all Marti Gras related rumors) is true then maybe that's the mix that's on the 12". 

    Either way I'm glad my copy has the bells. 
    I ride for the bells. 
    If the regular version had no bells I'd be looking for the version with the bells.

  • YemskyYemsky 715 Posts
    Did this thread get resurrected because of RVG being the engineer?


  • Nah, I just happened to find the tape

  • deezleedeezlee 298 Posts

    You see what you want to see so I looked at that graphic like "looks legit"...
    Anyway now I'm up on the chunkier drums version. I never thought I would learn something new in this thread. Thanks biz!

  • YemskyYemsky 715 Posts
    deezlee said: 
    You see what you want to see ...

    ...and you hear what you want to hear.
    I remember a lot of people hear ghost bells in the no bells version.

  • deezleedeezlee 298 Posts
    They also heard ghost phased vocals repeating behind the loop
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