Aussiestrut ROLL CALL

bobbydeebobbydee 849 Posts
edited October 2007 in Strut Central
I've had communication with a few of you (sheep, pundit, kwality, idiotproof etc)And then there are guys like NZshadow or Kenny who once called the sunburnt country home.Lets get the networking skills going.
Name -[/b] Nick (aka that luminous kid)City -[/b] Brisvegas/brisneylandJob -[/b] Designer/photographer/general artist (I also run a high quality A3 digital press so get at me for flyers etc)I mostly work to fund my art, both visual & musical. I'm saving to buy a CNC machine & some large screen printing equipt (I do small 4 colour stuff now) to get a textile/furniture design company rolling.


  • Also idiotproof - I have an A1 copy of that edan poster you did for you, it came back to me in the post so I must have fucked up your address. I'm a slacker - Get at me.

  • phatmoneysackphatmoneysack Melbourne 1,124 Posts

    Name -[/b] Dave
    City -[/b] Melbruno
    Job -[/b] Public Servant

    I work for the department of sustainabilty and environment as a policy support officer. We're currently developing a long term state-wide biodiversity strategy in response to the pressures of climate change.

  • Name -[/b] Matt
    City -[/b] Mullumbimby
    Job -[/b] Youth Worker (crisis Accomodation)/Local markets flogging LPS/Snare drum manufacturer ( Design/

    Virgo, Married with a 2yr old girl,Like bushwalks and strolls along the beach.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    Name[/b] - Mark
    City[/b] - Sydney aka Sin City
    Job[/b] - Youth Worker for Local Government

    I work for a council as the youth development officer and oversee a range of programs, networks and also convene the youth council, which is toally fun. When we get other council people coming to visit the youth council they always look at me and say "this is what you get paid to do?" and I smile and nod.

    I'm also getting married in about a month and still trying to work out what the aisle song is gonna be. At the moment we're tossing up between Dorothy Morriosn - I can't go without you and "90% of me" my what's-her-name.... someone Mccrae. The 45 box is so far away!

  • LamontLamont 1,090 Posts
    good thread
    as i'm on the brussels-sydney train nov. 27

  • djsheepdjsheep 3,620 Posts
    Name - DJ Sheep / Bevan
    City - Brisbane
    Job - DJ / Record Hustler


  • dec0ndec0n 38 Posts
    Name: Andrew
    Reside: Gold Coast
    Job: Web Developer/SEO
    Wannabe: Dj/Beatmaker

    great thread idea ^_^

  • PunditPundit 438 Posts
    I'm John.
    I do music. I do art type stuff..

    Met Bevan looking at Run DMC cassettes at Garden City in 1988, before he left/got kicked out of his high school and came to mine - bet you don't remember that sheep.

    Been a Registered Nurse for fucken ages,

    been a DJ/collectro for as long as I've been earning money to spend. Getting into teaching in the last few years. DJ'd with the now defunct gravity warriors for a year or three, been a sectarian lurker on the strut for ages and ages, used to lurk on the uhh producer board prior to that. I'm not real huge on geeking out on forums, I just find soulstrut has the right mix of music/news/humour/shit to keep me informed/amused.

  • the_dLthe_dL 1,531 Posts
    name david
    location adelaide
    job i write sop's and so on, dj a little on the side

  • kennykenny 1,024 Posts

    ah, i was a just lost chinaman passing by...

    it was fun times though.

  • I've had communication with a few of you (sheep, pundit, kwality, idiotproof etc)

    And then there are guys like NZshadow or Kenny who once called the sunburnt country home.

    Lets get the networking skills going.

    Name -[/b] Nick (aka that luminous kid)
    City -[/b] Brisvegas/brisneyland
    Job -[/b] Designer/photographer/general artist
    (I also run a high quality A3 digital press so get at me for flyers etc)

    I mostly work to fund my art, both visual & musical. I'm saving to buy a CNC machine & some large screen printing equipt (I do small 4 colour stuff now) to get a textile/furniture design company rolling.

    you mean a CNC Lathe?

  • you mean a CNC Lathe?

    The guitar workshop my ex worked at (maton) always just called it the "cnc machine". I guess its essentially a computer controlled router. They showed me the interface and with plenty of CAD & vinyl cutter experience it seemed straight forward.

  • kwalitykwality 620 Posts
    Name - Corey
    City - Melbourne
    Age - 25
    Job - Writer for an ad agency (although I think I'm about to get fired...) I also help out with my girlfriends shop in Camberwell.

    I've been producing for a long time but always seem to get jerked around just as things are about to happen... oh well, all good fun. Hopefully soon I'll have some tracks on a pop album. Fingers crossed it'll be bashed by all the cheesy radio/tv stations!

    Holla when you get that CNC going man, they're brilliant and extremely versatile! Great to see all the aussies here - anyone else noticed that often something will be posted here and then two days later it'll be on the news?

  • kicks79kicks79 1,353 Posts
    Name - Chris
    City - Sydney Stand Up
    Age - 28
    Job - Retail Hustle

    I've been into music for as long as i can remember. Been collecting records since 97 and Dj-ing since 01. Used to run a free weekly hip hop night call Mofonics. Worked at Next Level Records sydneys only independant hip hop store (RIP). Currently host Droppin Science a hip hop radio show on 2ser Fm.

  • LokoOneLokoOne 1,823 Posts
    Good timing for me...I just hopped on board...

    Name: Loko One/Sacha
    City: Western Sydney
    Job: Editor/Journalist for trade magazines

    I got into Hip Hop thru graff, then I started MCing, then i got a job at Maccas and first pay check blew it all on reocrds at the Lounge Room... been diggin since then, first hip hop, then the soruces of my hip hop, then to untapped potential sources of hip hop.... does that make sense...?

    Trying to get better at djing cause I got so many records ppl automatically assume i can dj like a king...

    gettting more into production, hoping to be producing my own shit soon...

    putting on a party next week... to Celebrate The Break......

    img src="Image Hosted by
    By lokoone at 2007-10-24" alt="" />

  • Name[/b] - Richard
    City[/b] - Sydney
    Job[/b] - Data Clerk @ University of Sydney
    What i like most[/b] - being a Daddy to my 3 y.o daughter

  • Name: Chris
    City: Melburn
    Job: Northside records

  • Name: Mitch
    City: Melbourne
    Job: Management consultant

    Little guy collector/hack of a dj. Got more of a background/interest in the audio engineering side of things, starting to get into production a little more when i can find the time.

  • Name: Hugh
    City: Melbourne
    Job: Also a public servant
    Other: I ride a bike, or two bikes. Been knocking a small time writing & photography hustle for a few years. Currently make contributions to the now seemingly annual Stealth magazine. I'm from NZ, representing

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    Damn - not many Sydney heads. Where y'all at?

  • frenziefrenzie 174 Posts
    NAME: Frenzie / Shan

    CITY: Sydney

    JOB: Record player and geeky student

    I already know half of you.. so no pics

  • wooshiewooshie 490 Posts
    NAME: Dylan / Wooshie
    AGE: 21
    JOB: Music is my occupation
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