Job-search websites suck
Miami 1,665 Posts
Everytime I click on a job application that looks interesting, it takes me to yet another job-search website which requires me to yet again register my details and enter my resume. I must have been through 6 of these already. One of them wouldn't even accept my .pdf resume saying that it only accepted .doc format documents. Fuck. Shit just gets frustrating.OK. Vent over. The search continues...
But my beef is when you apply for jobs thinking your sending your shit to the HR dept of the actual company but instead some jackass recruiter calls you with absolutely no knowledge of the position he's trying to place you in. I don't wanna fuck wit a middleman? Can I talk to the person who may actually pay me one day?
Recruiters. These people. I've never met one that had a clue what they were talking about.
Oh if you're a recruiter I'm sure you're the exception to everything I've written and I wish you continued success going forward.
what he said...
Officeteam has been the best in my dealings with staffing agencies. If they got one in your area hit them up.