McDoland's Video game(fun related!)


  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,633 Posts
    I've been playing it all day. It's actually kind of hard. For the first minute I thought it was a McD sponsored game. Is it possible to download before it gets shut down?

  • Is it possible to download before it gets shut down?

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    I thought that this was a thread about


    which is actually a pretty good game.

  • Speaking as a vegan, I consider the fact that I bankrupted the company a total WIN

  • Speaking as a vegan, I consider the fact that I bankrupted the company a total WIN

    But how many digital cows died for your alleged victory?

  • shooteralishooterali 1,591 Posts
    yo I slaughtered all the cows & then ran out of money.
    Bankrupt in just 2 minutes

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    the tutorial has some great stuff:

    Agricultural sector:
    If we had to rear all the cattle we need in our part of the world, our cities would drown in an ocean of cow shit. Pastures and soy culture need a lot of land and South America is one of the best places for it. Obviously you have to conquer your land as our forefathers did. Remember the old saying: under every forest there is a lawn".

    Industrial waste:
    You can save time and money by adding industrial waste in the fodder. Oils, sewage and other shit are not very good for the cows??? health but they are so convenient.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    So far the best I've managed is to take the chain into mid 2011 before becoming bankrupt. I was doing so well until I got addicted to firing all my staff at the slightest sniff of the smile leaving their faces. I feel corrupted by power and dirty on the inside.

  • E_DailyE_Daily 812 Posts
    I got till 2021 with like 80 Gs, untill I had a cattle shortage and bankrupted within 3 minutes.

    Mad fun though, was playin this for atleast 2 hours
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