Fucked Up Movies I want to see

kalakala 3,362 Posts
edited September 2007 in Strut Central
very fucked up-men behind the sunken parkcannibal holocaustnot so fucked up- The baron blue collar putney swope pound slaughter scorpio rising/lucifer rising/any other K anger flix not so fucked up I have recently bought and really enjoyed- youth of the beast=A+++1963 yakuza crime flick coonskin-1972 ralph bakshi cartoon madness-A++++++incredible 7 sumarai-1953 classic sword flick -a true classic that I slept on together brothers-197? black action flick A+++ yet another classic i slept on


  • very fucked up-

    men behind the sun

    Yeah, this is a tough one to make it through, but totally worth it IMO. I don't have patience for a lot of the ultra-gore shit like August Underground or the Guinea Pig series (though I fully understand their appeal), but Men Behind the Sun is a movie that, while devastating, ultimately leaves you feeling more human. Salo is similar in that respect.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,136 Posts
    I admit that I used to have a guilty pleasure for these types of movies, but I grew out of it quickly. Most ultra-gore flicks are pretty corny with some tepid, hackneyed "commentary on society message" attached to it (namely the Japanese flicks of this nature). However, I've have been on a Jess Franco kick lately for some reason. Last night, I saw The Bloody Judge, with a couple of my favorites, Christopher Lee and Margaret Lee.: quasi-historical, Inquisition-era stuff. The storyline is pretty anti-climatic, though. Not bad, but not great, either.

    Oh yeah, check out that one flick with the jumbo cokewhore and the 19 cocks. I forgot the exact name of it, but it has been getting some rave reviews here as of late.

  • Just saw this:

    Strange but oddly satisfying. Not fucked up in a Gozu or Necromantic kind of way, but still somewhat disturbing.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,917 Posts

    ken park

    It's really not that fucked up. In fact, only the small amount of gore seemed gratuitous. The sex scenes fit well, but they do go on a bit long (I guess you have to expect that with a perv like Larry Clark). If you can find a copy, I recommend at least seeing it once. Parts of the story are genuinely touching, albeit in a clumsy, amateurish way.

  • don't ever watch Cannibal Holocaust. it is pretty much guaranteed to FUCK YOU UP FOR LYFE.

    it's been at least 5 years since i've skimmed through that DVD..... however, if you like rape scenes involving bloody fist fucking w/spiky objects, then please disregard this warning. even if you do like rape scenes which end in mutilated fatalities, don't even think about eating 2 days before or after that shit.

    my 2 cents.

  • whlie we're talking rape,

    it is such a good movie.... although it does involve quite a bit of rape. i like to think it is strong symbolism here: check go go 2nd time virgin. sick early 70's japanese youth angst plot. killer soundtrack, totally psychedelic, and full of venom.

    don't watch it on a first date. i made this mistake once. ONCE.

  • DWGDWG 334 Posts
    I used to hunt out the banned 'video nasties' years back, before they got resubmitted and released here in the UK. I've got original 'big box' VHS copies of some of the more notorious ones like 'Last House On The Left', 'I Spit On Your Grave', 'Driller Killer' and a few others.
    None of them lived up to my expectations in terms of gore or violence, but 'The Man Behind The Sun' is actually quite disturbing. The use of a real human cadaver in the autopsy scene or the scene where the cat gets torn apart by rats (both real) are hard to sit through. Once I'd tested my limits with this one, I kinda knew where my boundaries were set.

    'Cannibal Holocaust' is quite raw, but 'Cannibal Ferox' takes the crown for the 'best' cannibal film, in my opinion. I'm not into the scenes where real live turtles and things get cut up at all though. Fuck that shit.

    Funny that I can sit through any sick shit like that, but any rape/sexual violence scene turns me cold immediately. 'Irreversible' is easily the most disturbing thing I ever sat through - there's no way in hell I could ever watch that one again. 'The Great Ecstasy Of Robert Carmichael' was another thing I never want to see again too.

    The best horror film I've seen in the past year or so was 'High Tension' (AKA 'Switchblade Romance'). Now that is a great horror film.

    For weirder less-mainstream stuff, 'Pinocchio 964' or 'Shogun's Sadism' (AKA 'Split Oxen Torturing') are both pretty fucked up viewing material.

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    Hi ??h??!$,
    I remember watching those movies at your apartment. 'Cannibal Ferox' is the shit, just downright disgusting and kinda funny in a twisted way.
    'Men Behind The Sun' however is probably the most disturbing film i've ever seen, and ever will.

    That and 'New York Minute' with the Olsen Twins.

  • magneticmagnetic 2,678 Posts
    'Cannibal Ferox' is the shit, just downright funny in a twisted way.

  • magneticmagnetic 2,678 Posts
    Ichi The Killer Trailer (european version)

    This guys work is disturbing!

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts

    That and 'New York Minute' with the Olsen Twins.

    I've SEEN this!

  • erewhonerewhon 1,123 Posts
    Disturbing on a different level, maybe, but this one always stands out for me:

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    does anyone have a us version of ken park they want to dupe and sell me?

  • Salo

  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts
    I just saw Dirty Sanchez

    Some disgusting stuff in there. Drinking lipo, eating fingers.. etc
    Makes the Jackass boys look a little soft in comparison. Usually stuff doesn't make me sick to my stomach, but this one did.
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