You Wish This Stuff Was Made Up

bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
edited September 2007 in Strut Central
Student Tasered _________________________________________________________Woman arrested for not watering her lawnOREM, Utah (AP) - A 70-year-old woman arrested in a dispute over her brown lawn pleaded not guilty Tuesday, then stood by as a Los Angeles lawyer waved handcuffs for the cameras outside court."I ask the citizens of Orem: How many of you would like to have your great-grandmother taken from her home with bruises and blood and placed in handcuffs for failing to water her lawn?" Gloria Allred said.Betty Perry signs a forum after pleading not guilty. Perry, 70, is charged with having a bad lawn and resisting arrest. (AP Photo/George Frey, Pool) "Let's bring sanity back to law enforcement," she said.Betty Perry is charged with resisting arrest and failing to maintain her landscaping, both misdemeanours.She was arrested July 6 after failing to give her name to a police officer who visited her home.During a struggle, Perry fell and injured her nose. She spent more than an hour in a holding cell before police released her.The mayor and city council apologized, and the police department said the incident could have been handled differently. But the city attorney still is pressing charges against Perry.She pleaded not guilty and will return to court Oct. 11.Allred is a noted feminist who has been involved in several high-profile cases, including representing Amber Frey, the girlfriend of Scott Peterson, who was sentenced to death for the murder of his pregnant wife, Laci.A state investigation found Officer James Flygare acted properly in arresting Perry after trying to get her to co-operate.Perry's water had been turned off for about nine months, at her request, although she was living at the house at the time of the arrest. Orem has a shut-off policy for people who are away for extended periods.


  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts

    The powers-that-be have gone crazy.

  • The whole forced to water your lawn thing pisses me off. What a waste of water. I water the dogwood in my front yard when it is really dry but that is it.

  • The whole forced to water your lawn thing pisses me off. What a waste of water. I water the dogwood in my front yard when it is really dry but that is it.

    My lawn has to be about ready to catch fire before I dig out the sprinkler. This drives my anal retentive neighbor insane, which of course fills me with happiness.

  • The whole forced to water your lawn thing pisses me off. What a waste of water. I water the dogwood in my front yard when it is really dry but that is it.

    My lawn has to be about ready to catch fire before I dig out the sprinkler. This drives my anal retentive neighbor insane, which of course fills me with happiness.

    Yes! Its grass it will grow back. The lady up the street who washes her car everyday should be zapped.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    The whole forced to water your lawn thing pisses me off. What a waste of water. I water the dogwood in my front yard when it is really dry but that is it.

    In Austrlaia you can pretty much get arrested for watering your lawn!

    No joke!

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    Woman tasered for not watering her lawn

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    enviromentalist elise coming out:

    If you have a dehumidifier use the water collected to water your plants, and if you get enough, water your lawn.

    and................ I'm done.

  • Perry's water had been turned off for about nine months, at her request, although she was living at the house at the time of the arrest. Orem has a shut-off policy for people who are away for extended periods.

    Wait, so was she living there for 9 months with no plumbing?

  • The whole forced to water your lawn thing pisses me off. What a waste of water. I water the dogwood in my front yard when it is really dry but that is it.

    In Austrlaia you can pretty much get arrested for watering your lawn!

    No joke!

    Word - shit's no joke here. I'd love to know how an officer enforcing an important law like that sleeps at night.

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