It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia

kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
edited September 2007 in Strut Central
Back on.2 new episodes tonight. So far, Mac and Denise are tanning a dumpster baby to get it in commercials.Frank and Charlie have become hobos.and Denis is a hippie.


  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts

  • Gotta catch up. JUst bought the DVDs today. Forgot to Tivo the new ones.

    Never seen it but I hear it's good. They give my boys the Sklars some work.

  • Now, the gang is trying out for the eagles, and Frank is dropping acid.

  • DJPrestigeDJPrestige 1,710 Posts

    love this show.

  • love this show.

    Funniest shit on TV.


  • chasechase 767 Posts

    love this show.

  • DJFerrariDJFerrari 2,411 Posts
    Yeah, it's been pretty on point this season. I must say I was worried they wouldn't be able to keep it up, but I've been cracking up during every episode. I 3 Sweet Dee

  • Now, the gang is trying out for the eagles, and Frank is dropping acid.

    I saw this shit the other day, hilarious. Ol' boy did the acid trip schtick pretty well. That show seems kinda funny, I suppose I should check the 1st season.

  • "Sweet Dee Dates a Retarded Person" was hilarious!

    Day Man and Night Man are the SONGs OF THE YEAR!

    Charlie is always maybe cause he's the idiot and his raspy voice when he flips out is . No ghey.

  • "Sweet Dee Dates a Retarded Person" was hilarious!

    Day Man and Night Man are the SONGs OF THE YEAR!

    Best ep of the series. Frickin' hilarious.

  • DJPrestigeDJPrestige 1,710 Posts
    cosignage. lil kev was off the hook. the nightman sketch was

  • DJFerrariDJFerrari 2,411 Posts
    Day Man and Night Man are the SONGs OF THE YEAR!

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    Finally got a chance to get into this show. it was recommended to me several times, but i couldnt get into it. the cast is amazing. i especially enjoy the charlie and dee characters. she's a riot. really good show.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    just wanted to say
    i got all 5 seasons and the xmas special and am loving it
    very funny and closest to arrested's humour i've seen thus far
    however is it true that season 6 is terrible and that they've hit a slump
    also i can't get nightman out of my head

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts

    Now there just needs to be a Tee for Frank with a box of magnum condoms. Thus demonstrating you have a monster dong. lol

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    there are so many IASIP shirts it's crazy

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    There were some funny bits this season, but the Dee Has Her Baby episode was painfully bad.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    The show reached its pinnacle with the "Sweet Dee's Dating a Retard" episode. It's been amusing off and on since then, but they've never matched that episode for continuous comedy genius. It hasn't been a steady decline, there have been great moments since then, but overall they've not really blown my Kitten Mittens??? off. WILDCARD, BITCHES!

    PS, I totally didn't recognize Pablo "Nick Sobotka" Schreiber in the Christmas episode, my wife had to point it out to me.

  • djwaxondjwaxon 411 Posts
    There was a couple of prettty good ones but not as many as in previous series. I enjoyed their reinactment of Lethal Weapon though.

    I can't get enough of:
    Day Man
    Mac's karate moves/general tough guy talk
    Project Badass

    Mac's definitely my favourite character as he's the most naive in some respects, and with him there's a slight possibility that part of him isn't a total bastard.

  • I cant get with this show. I get what they're going for, it just isn't working for me.

    (and yes I like TV and enjoy many funny shows thank you very much.)

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    thanks for the advice dudes
    i think dee's real life pregnancy has something to do with her and rob mcheimlney(mac) not doing enough writing this season
    i will dload 6 and not coppeth

  • they brought on new writers at the beginning of the 5th season, this is where i see the obvious decline in quality. however, i still really enjoy the show, and it is one of the better comedies on TV right now. hightlights from season 6 were the boat episode, macs mom buring her house down, and the halloween special. i didn't hate the finale, but it wasn't amazing (their finales never are, outside of the nightman stage play). it seemed like the new writers were really pulling a "remember these characters" move, which is usually cheap, but since i am such a fan, i didn't mind it too much.

    the christmas special is an instant classic, and was in heavy rotation both last holiday and just recently.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    cookbook said:
    the christmas special is an instant classic, and was in heavy rotation both last holiday and just recently.

    You think? The general consensus around these parts is that the Christmas special is their weakest episode. I thought it felt forced and weak on real laughs. Just saying. I served with Wine in a Can. I know Wine in a Can. Wine in a Can is a friend of mine. Christmas special, you're no Wine in a Can!

  • DB_Cooper said:
    cookbook said:
    the christmas special is an instant classic, and was in heavy rotation both last holiday and just recently.

    You think? The general consensus around these parts is that the Christmas special is their weakest episode. I thought it felt forced and weak on real laughs. Just saying. I served with Wine in a Can. I know Wine in a Can. Wine in a Can is a friend of mine. Christmas special, you're no Wine in a Can!

    did you fuck my fucking mother, santa?

  • i don't know man i think y'all are sleeping on the rat king episode

  • Lethal Weapon 5 was pretty dam insane. Who knocked up D was my favorite show all season.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    i amsure if get really drunk
    i will enjoy season 6 after all
    this rat king business seems hilarious
    also i got to say i had never seen the show before
    a sweet deal came up for 5 seasons+xmas special
    i randomnly clicked a youtube recognized dollar_bin' avatar and they were creating dayman
    i purchased the whole lot right after

  • Wow... I was really into graemlins in Fall 2007.

    Anyway, I still ride, but this is probably the most uneven show I've ever loved. I mean, I dig it, but it's wild inconsistency will never make me question folks not totally loving The Gang.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Grandfather said:
    Who knocked up D was my favorite show all season.
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