post a pic of you happy as fuck



  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts

    HAPPY!!! MESSY!!!

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts

  • RerogRerog 569 Posts
    2 year anniversary.

    thats a no no here on soulstrut

    As memory serves me right....(with Iron Chef voice)

    What's the no-no? Anniversary's or boob grabbing?

    Neither - it's the screwface lip-thrust.


    that is so nasty.

    That's my pouty model face. Don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful!

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    Ha Ha oh shit ... at first I thought you were flipping him off!

    Having a pic of yourself w/Stevie =

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts

    you kinda match your avatar...hahaha! rather creeeeepy.

    trust, if i ever took a photo like that i wouldn't post it here
    just a picture of a friend way too happy as fuck

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Circa 11 years ago

    I think I must have had about 30 drinks when this was taken (long story) so I must'a been fairly happy ...

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts

    Me about 3 months ago when my fiance and I moved into our new place. I was very, very, very happy that day!

  • One Year Ago this Sunday...

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts

  • sorry for the shitty quality.
    tribal areas near Peshawar, Khyber Pass between Pakistan & Afghanistan, three weeks ago

    This day was PERFECT.
    Beautiful area, where almost every male above 14 carries an AK. There are the darra gun factories nearby, where village people basically produce perfect copies of any weapon without fancy machines upon request. They let you shoot with any weapon for low fees. Someone asked me, if I am interested to test and buy a rocket launcher
    Blazing food in a cheap ass food stall surrounded by 200 kids, when my car had a breakdown.
    too many good memories...

  • Great thread!

    Here's one where I may not look happy (on bass during my "Stache" summer ... our keyboard player must've shaved his) but that was a great show during great times. The guy on the left is now living in LA, the drummer is in Tuscon, the keyboard player is "busy", so now the band is down to myself, singer on right, and a new drummer. We're perhaps sounding better than ever but I miss those guys a lot.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Wow you guys look happy. Congratulations on your anniversary.

    One Year Ago this Sunday...

    I DEFINITELY look happy in my wedding photos but I figured I would spare the masses more of those flicks - you've seen them all already.

  • Thanks, man...and, thanks for your wedding package. Good looks.

    I've posted some wedding flicks before, but I figured with the anniversary, it's fair game to post that pic.

    And, yes. Great thread.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts

    Absolutly beautiful.

  • Absolutly beautiful.

    Yeah pretty much game over. Miles is growing up!

  • Absolutly beautiful.

    Yeah pretty much game over. Miles is growing up!

    Thanks guys.

    It's funny, I'm 6'4" and my wife is a hair under 5' and the big question is how big are the boys going to be? They both started out in the 50th percentile for height and ended up heading in the 90+% direction before long. I think I might have a couple of giants on my hands.

  • LuminLumin 807 Posts

    this was a lil bit after someone threw somethin in my drink
    my peoples dubbed this "the day molester"

  • The ex flew me down to Melbourne for my birthday, and planned out the weekend to Lou Reed's "perfect day"

    Just a perfect day,
    Drink Sangria in the park,
    And then later, when it gets dark,
    We go home.

    Just a perfect day,
    Feed animals in the zoo
    Then later, a movie, too,
    And then home.

    Oh it's such a perfect day,
    I'm glad I spent it with you.
    Oh such a perfect day,
    You just keep me hanging on,
    You just keep me hanging on.

    Cheesy? yeah sure - but it the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me, and I was definitely HAPPY AS FUCK.

    this might be the best thing i've ever heard of. you lucky bastard

  • circa 1983 or '84, I'm on the left...I was super pumped to finally meet He-Man!

  • I'm cheesing waaaaaay to hard considering I was being manhandled by a beast. She's lucky I didn't chomp the canines on her!


    Oh SHIT, you know Josh's girl too? Yeah... she can be annoying as fuck.

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts

    me and the wifey. i'm always happy when i'm with her

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    You should change your name to freckleback.

  • A tiny Pe??arol jersey for my nephew Marcelo. It's a family tradition. My dad played for Pe??arol, my mom's side of the family are all rabid Pe??arol fans but my bro in law's a Nacional fan. BOoooooo.... Well, fuck him and his shitty team, this kid is getting brought up with the right kinda futbol values.

    Here's me as a kid in mine...

    The Tuffest man alive at the Soop Sok karaoke spot in K-Town. This shot was taken at the end of the night. After we all settled up at the front desk. One of the fools in our party peeked his head into a random room filled with bored looking people not knowing what to do. So we crashed their party and got their karaoke in full effect. Shit, I didn't even need a mic. That was a really fun night... we even stole some of their shitty overpriced food.

    My first trip back to NYC after moving to Cali was to attend the premiere of the Gary Wilson documentary. It was screened at Lincoln Center, so I scrounged up money I didn't even have to get out there and see myself on the silver screen. It was truly rewarding to see a project I worked on come to fruition. Way more rewarding to re-ignite the career of an artist who gave up on his dreams long before I came around to dig him up.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    You should change your name to freckleback.

    grew up on the beach surfing everyday without evar using sunscreen...

    dumbass would be more appropriate.

  • Somewhere in the middle of the pacific, island x in French Polynesian chain, pregnant wife in my arms

  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts

    Me and my then-girlfriend-now-fianc??e on our first trip together. Barcelona, 3 years ago, at a clurrb. I think we were waiting to see DJ Craze play, but we were so drunk (damn mojitos) we had to leave for the hotel early. We spent a lot of time at the hotel

    I wrote this on a bench in Park G??ell a couple of days later, haha:

    I don't know if she lurks here, but if she does:

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    lil one's due soon, no?

  • dude. taLK about shook. It's like every night the braxton hicks got me pullin' out the stopwatch. doc says if it happens he's gonna let it run. The official date is Oct. 9th. HI MILES !! !! !! he's looking like the happiest little dude. I hope we can be so lucky.

    likes like any day i could be climbing inside the
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