tenacious local 7,783 Posts
Any Jager fans out there?I used to love the stuff and it would phuck me up! Ice Cold.Please to celebrate the strange beauty known as Jagermeister in this thread.
it really has a unique buzz not unlike cough syrup
some of the worst hangovers ever were from this and southern comfort
sugary crap
neva again
i only fuck with sake,vodka,boddington's and hefeweisen beer now
i can't drink like I used to
no time for being hungover/sick
its quite popular over here, but it used to be a drink for alcoholics, people living in the street etc.. they changed their image with a big tv advert campaign..
still, its not really popular like vodka over here.
i think it tastes like medicine, in a bad sense.
not my kinda drink.
although i can drink more j??germeister than vodka without getting sick.
i used to love it before i graduated to real drinks.
nothing worse thatn a group of fratboys in the bar ordering "yay-gur" shots.
I worked in a ski resort in Sweden, we did an apre-ski special where you brought a beer and got a mini jager bottle gratis...
we had a sweet little freezer dispenser that we would keep em in... dudes in flouro one piece ski suits, fucked up on jager, dancing to euro-techno and throwing up on themselves...
Jagermeister is funny.
never again.
Yeah the drunkenness off Jager is truly unlike any other. Used to love it in my youth but don't really fuck with it anymore. Always have a bottle in the drinks cabinet though for shots and the like, sometimes a party needs a bit of jagertime to kick things off.
chilled shot of ketel one plaese, thaenk you.
i really enjoy PIMMS ginger ale. wimbledon (strawberries & cream) related!
Yo, was this the night we got kicked out of that cab? Or was it another birthday? LOL...
California Bulldogs. Crazy Taxi.
Soulstrut 0, Jagermeister 10
Soulstrut 10, Jagermeister 0
I was clued into the Pimms Cup for the first time this year. Only had a taste, but can definitely see the allure.
oh to be young, doing jager shots on the beach, throwing up, and waking up in some strange place, wondering where the f#ck i was. those were the days. what was i thinking?
didn't really know what it was when i ordered it for the firts time. i enjoy pimms ginger ale at home
Oversized Image
But mixing any liquour w/ Red Bull seems silly to me.
I will ride for the Jagr. If I'm gonna drink hard liquor, I'll drink it straight or w/ a mixer. If I want a shot, I'd rather do something else and something that preferrably doesn't have a name or a pastel color.
Worst shot ever...developed at the Wreck Room in Fort Worth, Texas..the "Nazi Taco" one part Jager, one part Tequila......uugggggghhhh.
haha...actually i was with amanda on my 21st bday and got kicked out of another cab!
i do rememeber the crazy taxi night, but i can't recall when exactly that was. good times.
NOW... Rumpleminz (sp?) YUUUUCK.
Its known in our bar as Granma. As in "Granmas comin round to see the kids..."
two or three of them in the midst of a gang of beers and suddenly you are off your head.
I have seen Granma absolutly slay some mighty big boys talking all that about their drinking skills.
Granma loves you.
I haven't had it in years, but it seriously makes Jager taste like kool-aid.
"The best stomach-soothing liquor"
see also:
On the realness though, I will ride for some pastis as an aperitif or digesitf (whichever you prefer).
Henri Bardouin baby! Serve with ice and water.
Not a fan, but it is usually the choice shot where I live. Lotsa a bar people doin it. But y'all should czech this one, it is the czech version of j??ger, also a trade secret (nonone knows what is exactly in there) and it tastes crazy. People drink it with tonic (Beton)...