'The Wire' v. 'The Shield'



  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    The Shield is one of the best shows on baisc cable

    No doubt. I hardly watch TV and it's the only show I've seen every episode of every season.

    I have the first season on DVD but haven't had the time to watch it yet. Looks like I will today...

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    Based upon this thread, I think I will go and rent the first season of the Shield.

  • The Wire is better than anything. Except maybe Married With Children. The Shield is lamo.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    those into the Shield may want to check out "the Commish."

    sort of a "Life Goes On" spinoff...but with some cop stuff.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    I think some of you fockers are forgetting The Shield goes about as far as you can go on basic cable. Had it been on HBO or Showtime I'm sure it would be a whole different show.

  • VitaminVitamin 631 Posts
    those into the Shield may want to check out "the Commish."

    sort of a "Life Goes On" spinoff...but with some cop stuff.

    maybe the wackest television evar.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Based upon this thread, I think I will go and rent the first season of the Shield.

  • izm707izm707 1,107 Posts
    Married With Children

  • those into the Shield may want to check out "the Commish."

    sort of a "Life Goes On" spinoff...but with some cop stuff.

    maybe the wackest television evar.

    is that chiclis with hair...or an island of hair?

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts

    is that chiclis with hair...or an island of hair?

    I believe that was during the period where Chiklis was renting out parking space on his fivehead to make ends meet.

    That Hollywood grind's a real bitch, man.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    although i've only seen the first season of the shield, i really tried to give it a chance but the overacting just seemed to be way too much and the whole "im going to get you" from the commissioner vs vic's "i aint listening to shit" just seemed way too corny.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    P.S. I watched Chris Rock's I Think I Love My Wife (crap movie) and Omar and Bunk had cameos.
    i was forced to watch that terd and their cameos were the only redeeming things. shouting out "fucking omar" when i'm the only one who watches the wire was kinda awkward though.

  • Looks like Jan. 6 is the day.

    Down to 'The Wire': It's a Wrap for Gritty TV Series
    Real Life and Fiction Jostle for a Final Time As Acclaimed HBO Show Shoots Last Episode[/b]

    By Teresa Wiltz
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Monday, September 3, 2007; A01

    It was early still -- about 10 p.m. on Friday -- and somewhere in Columbia, David Simon was giving a tour of the sights: There, he said, pointing, was the Baltimore mayor's office. Over there? The city's Western District police headquarters, and there, that little closet of a room, "that can be the visiting room at Jessup." Pause. "Or the jail. Depends. We just redecorate."

    As he stood on a platform, taking in his world, it was hard to ignore the irony: For the past two years, a good chunk of "The Wire," the HBO show that critics have praised for the grittiness of its inner-city v??rit??, has been filmed in an anonymous soundstage in the burbs -- a soundstage that reportedly will be turned into a massive Wegmans Food Market.

    After five seasons, and this final episode, they would be done.

    "It's time," said Clarke Peters, who plays Detective Lester Freamon, "to pull the plug on 'The Wire.' "

    It is the actor's lot to say goodbye again and again, to bond with cast and crew, only to be sent scattering after the wrap. But this, everyone insisted, would be a particularly sorrowful parting: This morning, they buried one of their own, the daughter of a crew member who died of breast cancer. Tonight, they were putting "The Wire" to rest.

    "I was a wreck," said Deirdre Lovejoy, who plays Assistant State's Attorney Rhonda Pearlman on the show. "But there was a funeral and that put everything in perspective." She looked around the room at everyone guzzling champagne, slapping backs and engulfing each other in hearty bear hugs. " This is a happy death."

    Simon, who once covered cops for the Baltimore Sun, always knew that "The Wire" would end at exactly this point. From the beginning when the show debuted in 2002, he saw it as a visual novel, with each season a distinct chapter exploring an aspect of inner-city life: The first season examined the drug trade; the second focused on Baltimore's longshoremen; the third grappled with politics and the notion of reform; the fourth dug into education and the lives of the city's children. This season, which begins airing Jan. 6, explores the media, featuring a morally challenged reporter played by Tom McCarthy, who wrote and directed the indie film "The Station Agent."

    "The Wire" has always struggled in the ratings; last season it averaged 1.6 million viewers per episode. But it's always enjoyed the admiration of critics, who praised it as being the "most authentic epic ever on television." Notwithstanding the giant soundstage, a good 50 percent of the show was shot on location in Baltimore, with real-life characters frequently sprinkled in with the fictional ones. Like former drug kingpin Melvin Williams, whom co-producer and writer Ed Burns, an ex-Baltimore cop, once arrested in a big takedown. Felicia "Snoop" Pearson, who did time as a teenager for killing a 16-year-old girl, made her acting debut last season, playing an assassin. Even Robert Ehrlich, when he was Maryland governor, made a cameo -- as a state trooper in the governor's office last season.

    Over the years, Simon has carved out a cottage industry from covering Baltimore's drug and crime issues, from "Homicide," to the HBO miniseries "The Corner," based on his book by the same name, to "The Wire." But despite the show's depiction of Baltimore as decaying and dysfunctional, the city has benefited greatly from its presence, from its showcasing of B-more music to the tens of millions in revenue it has brought to the city. In many ways, "The Wire" is a long, convoluted love letter to Baltimore-- from a conflicted but resolutely committed lover.

    But even the greatest love affairs come to an end.

    Said Wendell Pierce, who plays Detective William "Bunk" Moreland: "He told us from day one, 'It's a novel.' He had the novel in his head, and he wouldn't share with us."

    It wasn't until last year that Simon told his cast that this season would be the last.

    "If you get five years out of a TV show," Pierce said with a shrug, "that's pretty successful. I'm proud of it. . . . We showed the possibility of television used as an art.

    "There are people who come up to me and say, 'I hate the show.' I accept that. They're still engaged. If at the end of an hour of watching 'The Wire,' if you don't feel bad, you should."

    This sensibility of art as mission statement pervades the conversations of everyone here -- writers, actors, producers, casting directors, crew. Here, they don't talk about TV, they talk about "television." There is a sense of them being the earnest outsiders, messengers shining a klieg light on society's ills. Whether you like it or not.

    It was sweltering on the set of the cop shop: No cooling fans allowed during filming. Too noisy. Which meant that between takes, the makeup artists rushed in to dab at the sweat on the faces of Pierce and Dominic West, the British actor who plays Detective James "Jimmy" McNulty.

    Behind a stack of file cabinets was the video village, where Simon and his crew hunkered down over TV monitors, listening intently to the action on headsets. Actor-filmmaker Clark Johnson sat in the director's chair. He directed the pilot; it seemed only fitting, Simon said, that Johnson direct the coda, too.

    Johnson, honey-colored, genial, goateed, stared into the monitor. "Tighter, tighter, mo' tighter," he called out, jumping up to confer with his cast, in this instance McCarthy and West, who were filming a confrontational scene. They would film this scene over and over, from every angle, wide, medium and "mo' tighter."

    At 9 p.m., it was time for "lunch," which was held in a giant tent outside the warehouse. Surrounding it were massive trailers: wardrobe trailers, caterers' trailers, even bathroom trailers marked "Desi" and "Lucy." A woman from wardrobe, bald and heavily tattooed, greeted everyone with a big smile, while weathered crew dudes hung back for a smoke. Folks were queuing up in the food line, grabbing trays and loading their plates with lobster tails, steak and baked eggplant before heading into the tent.

    Notwithstanding the cameras, the makeup artists and the high-rent grub, this was your standard office party. On the walls of the tent, a gag reel was projected, a litany of you-had-to-be-there jokes: close-ups of actors munching on chips, belching, cursing, a montage of "The Wire's" extravagant use of the F-word. Actors wandered in with their families, while Andre Royo, who played Bubbles, ran around, dressed like a newspaper peddler, handing out copies of a fake newspaper, "The Wire," with a giant headline: "HBO SERIES WRAPS PRODUCTION: Fifth season concludes in Baltimore; Emmy voters will be given one last shot to get it right."

    After lunch, it was back to work, and as the clock edged past midnight, folks started getting giddy. The final episode was an hour and a half, as opposed to the normal hour-long length, but the production schedule dictated that shooting be confined to 11 days. Simon, juggling another HBO miniseries, admitted that he's been consistently late with turning in scripts. ("Really, really, really late," said Royo, with a laugh.) The night before, they filmed until close to 3 a.m. They would be even later this night.

    So all kinds of silliness ensued. Actor Reg E. Cathay showed up to watch, his curly 'fro completely shaved bare. Johnson, not to be outdone, came back after break with all the peach fuzz on his head shaved, too. No way he, he said, was he going to be upstaged. A crew member worked the set sporting a three-foot Afro wig.

    "Did that [expletive] just mock my performance?" Pierce joked to one of his cast buddies. "I know I'm not as good as you, but damn, you don't have to rub it in."

    At 3:10 a.m., it was time for some goodbyes. Everyone applauded after Sonja Sohn, who plays Shakima Greggs, wrapped up her final scene. Her teenage daughter ran to her, shoving a bouquet into her crying mother's arms.

    "Ain't no need to hold the tears back," said Sohn, her voice shaking. ". . . It's not going to be like this again. It can't be."

    At 4:40 a.m., the assistant director called out, "It's a wrap, it's a wrap. We're done. Forever."

    Everyone stood around clapping and clapping, wiping away tears. It's hard to say goodbye to five years of friendship and steady employment. Pierce is going to act in a New Orleans production of "Waiting for Godot." Royo is heading with his wife and daughter to Los Angeles, to run their new restaurant and act in theater. Peters and West are going to ride horseback across country to raise money for AIDS awareness.

    Pierce, a native of New Orleans, thanked everyone for standing by him after Hurricane Katrina. A wardrobe worker, who first met Simon when he was an inner-city preteen haunting the set of "The Corner," sobbed, hands covering his face.

    Simon held his plastic champagne cup aloft. "It's 4:40," he said, "and I am at a complete loss. I'm out of words.

    "I am very spoiled by this cast and crew. . . . To all of us and for this last night . . . L'chaim."

  • ^^^^ MADD SAD. ^^^^

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    Thanks for posting the story, White Tea. The WaPo site also has a video:

    (warning: video starts with a loud commercial)

    No real information, but it's nice to see. There's also a chat transcript with Jamie Hector (Marlo) that is pretty boring, but has this great nugget:

    Hartford, Conn.:[/b] Which actor on "The Wire" would you have liked to work with, but never had any substantial scenes with?
    Jamie Hector:[/b] Clay Davis

    Marlo + Clay Davis = Sheeeeiiiittttttt

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I hope Felicia Pearson gets steady acting work after this.

    I finally got The Corner and cannot put it down. It becomes too depressing (especially the war on drugs and the bureaucracy and all that bullshit) and I have to stop reading and then I got to pick it back up to see what's going on with the basketball team, Miss Ella, DeAndre and Tyreeka, Ella and Ricky, Ronnie and Gary, on and on.

  • bluesnagbluesnag 1,285 Posts

    Apparently there is now a release date of December 4 for DVD of The Wire Season 4:

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