Skip DrinkwaterSkip Drinkwater 1,694 Posts
edited August 2007 in Strut Central
Who here has eaten some? Please, drop some knowledge about your experiences, suggestions, pros, cons, and anything else. Real headz would like to know!


  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    I've had mescaline a couple of different times...but never peyote.

  • chasechase 767 Posts
    i have never done it, I have know some people that have, supposed to be super intense. Like a really long acid trip, I forget how long it lasts.

  • I took mescaline a few times in high school. Shit kikced my ass, I think it was cut with speed though. I have no idea really. I just remember being really fucked and throwing up a lot. It was fun in that I am young and indesturctable kind of way but I couldn't handle that shit anymore.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Ages ago I had Peyote tea... I vaguely remember it being a high similar to mushrooms... but then again, I'm at the point in my life where all my past drug use has just kinda blurred into one solid decade-long ordeal.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    i have never done it, I have know some people that have, supposed to be super intense. Like a really long acid trip, I forget how long it lasts.

    I have heard first hand accounts from several people who have woken up the morning after only to find that they were still hallucinating.

  • i have never done it, I have know some people that have, supposed to be super intense. Like a really long acid trip, I forget how long it lasts.

    I have heard first hand accounts from several people who have woken up the morning after only to find that they were still hallucinating.

    It does last a long time. Save that shit for a long weekend.

  • ZekeZeke 221 Posts
    My interest was really piqued after reading Carlos Castaneda's books, specifically:

    Peyote is really hard to come by these days. It takes a L. williamsii cactus 15 years to flower and produce the kind of buttons that were historically eaten. Obviously, this timeline doesn't lend itself to illicit production for profit. After the drug was popularized in modern culture, the natively growing species were ravaged by adventure seekers and law enforcement. If you don't know the right people, the seeds are VERY hard to get in this country. A lot of people who produce peyote for religious purposes are wary to allow "outsiders" access or knowledge, and the cactus is not easy to grow as it is really susceptible to wet and dry rot.

    However, if you're looking for an analog experience, you can make a trip down to your local WalMart and purchase either E. pachanoi or E. peruviana (commonly sold as San Pedro and Peruvian Torch, respectively.) With enough cuttings of either of these cacti and some chemistry know how, you can yield a rather large amount of mescaline. I won't get into the science behind it's extraction and production, because who in their right mind would ever do something like that. Mescaline and all of its analogues are Schedule I. I've heard the internet has a ton of resources though.

    As with every psychedelic, the effects and length of "trip" are different for everyone, but the length is generally 12 hours from baseline to baseline. I'd give yourself a day afterwards. Also, your diet for the days leading up to the experience should be somewhat controlled. Stay away from dairy, meat, and chocolate. Stick with starches and basic foods.

    The effects can be speedy as mescaline is a phenethylamine like certain kinds of amphetamines and ephedrine. Sometimes people psychologically react to this increase in heart rate negatively, especially if they have never taken a relatively high dose of "speed" before. It can be frightening, but is just a natural side effect of the active chemical.

    Set and setting.

  • Who here has eaten some? Please, drop some knowledge about your experiences, suggestions, pros, cons, and anything else. Real headz would like to know!

    Right on, Siro. Moving on to the intense psychedelics. How'd the oxy snorting go?

  • Who here has eaten some? Please, drop some knowledge about your experiences, suggestions, pros, cons, and anything else. Real headz would like to know!

    Right on, Siro. Moving on to the intense psychedelics. How'd the oxy snorting go?
    Not for me. The purpose for that thread was to get some insight from people who'd been down that road. The whole snorting oc's thing is foreign to me, but I do have friends who still do that shit. I was hoping to hear some horror stories that I could pass on to them, that might help inhibit their habit.

  • that one and Journey to Ixtlan are both excellent...everything afterward is garbage produced for $$$$$.....some have argued he fabricated everything....who knows...good reading is good reading...

    on the DIY Aldous Huxley FYI

  • i had an amazing romp through miami on mescaline in '95. stormed through parrot jungle, got kicked out of the hot tub of some luxury aprtment building, had a surreal experience in hooters in coconut groove, drank sisco, hung out in some weird park and generally had a ball. the parrot jungle trip was the illest...for some reason, no staff was in the park and there were extremely few visitors. we made smoothies for ourselves, freed the flamingos, hung out in the crocdile pit, sat on a giant tortoise, ran across the flamingo lawn that you see from the observation deck, and got shit thrown at us by monkees.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I did once.

    Main thing I remember is throwing up. If I hadn't done so many drugs I may be able to remember more.

  • LuminLumin 807 Posts
    i had an amazing romp through miami on mescaline in '95. stormed through parrot jungle, got kicked out of the hot tub of some luxury aprtment building, had a surreal experience in hooters in coconut groove, drank sisco, hung out in some weird park and generally had a ball. the parrot jungle trip was the illest...for some reason, no staff was in the park and there were extremely few visitors. we made smoothies for ourselves, freed the flamingos, hung out in the crocdile pit, sat on a giant tortoise, ran across the flamingo lawn that you see from the observation deck, and got shit thrown at us by monkees.

    this sounds like a really good time minus the cisco drinking

    anyone done dmt? i had some homeboys really into that. needless to say they liked taking hallucinogens. i dont know anyone in their right mind willingly wanting to take something like dmt.
    i do remember being in a canadian wilderness at a music festival and watching them smoke salvia and then being in this bugged trance for about 10 minutes.

  • thropethrope 750 Posts
    i had an amazing romp through miami on mescaline in '95. stormed through parrot jungle, got kicked out of the hot tub of some luxury aprtment building, had a surreal experience in hooters in coconut groove, drank sisco, hung out in some weird park and generally had a ball. the parrot jungle trip was the illest...for some reason, no staff was in the park and there were extremely few visitors. we made smoothies for ourselves, freed the flamingos, hung out in the crocdile pit, sat on a giant tortoise, ran across the flamingo lawn that you see from the observation deck, and got shit thrown at us by monkees.

    this sounds like a really good time minus the cisco drinking

    anyone done dmt? i had some homeboys really into that. needless to say they liked taking hallucinogens. i dont know anyone in their right mind willingly wanting to take something like dmt.
    i do remember being in a canadian wilderness at a music festival and watching them smoke salvia and then being in this bugged trance for about 10 minutes.

    friend of mine is always talking about dmt like its the perfect hallucinogen and doesnt have any long term side effects and shit. dont know if hes full of shit. wait i just re-read what you wrote. salvia != dmt right?

  • friend of mine is always talking about dmt like its the perfect hallucinogen and doesnt have any long term side effects and shit. dont know if hes full of shit. wait i just re-read what you wrote. salvia != dmt right?

    A few years ago I was at the periphery of a group of DMT heads, 3 of them went on to have significant mental health issues (including one full blown case of schizophrenia). I guess others I know still do it & are ok.

  • mescalin, even though it's NOT peyote buttons, is by far, hands-down, the best psychedelic experience I have ever had.

    The two stories I've been told of people doing actual peyote involved both participants turning into animals for about 36 hours.

  • I was told of a similar experience by a former professor of mine, but it wasn't peyote. He said it was some jelly type substance given to him by a shaman in Mexico. He said he turned into a bird.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts

    friend of mine is always talking about dmt like its the perfect hallucinogen and doesnt have any long term side effects and shit. dont know if hes full of shit. wait i just re-read what you wrote. salvia != dmt right?

    Salvia and DMT are two very different drugs. Salvia divinorum is a plant that grows wild and can be dried and smoked with relatively little preparation. Salvinorum-A, the active constituent in Salvia divinorum is supposedly the most potent naturally occurring entheogenic chemical on the planet. Salvia isn't often compared to traditional psychedelics because of it's dissociative properties, meaning it's common to completely lose touch with the "self" that you identify with. That said, the visual hallucinations can be striking, even incapacitating. I've only had minor success experimenting with Salvia.

    DMT refers specifically to the rather mysterious chemical compound, N,N-dimethyltryptamine, which is found not only as the active alkaloid in a variety of plants (including some of those used in the making of ayahuasca), but also as a naturally occurring chemical in the human brain. DMT's chemical structure is actually quite similar to that of serotonin, but there seems to be little agreement on what purpose it serves within the brain. DMT is one of the psychedelic tryptamines, a class of drugs that also includes 5MeO-DMT, which can be found in the venom of some frog species, and the curious DIPT (N,N-diisopropyltryptamine), which is supposed to produce some rather unique auditory experiences. (Synthesized) DMT is typically smoked in small doses, as orally ingested DMT is quickly metabolized by the body without a Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI). Like Salvia, the DMT trip is short and intense, and can take you to places you didn't know exist (for better or worse). I myself haven't tried DMT, but would absolutely be up to it.

    Whatever side effects may result from these two drugs have not been well documented. There don't appear to be any immediate health risks from either, but you never know.
    There's an incredible amount of information about these two drugs online, including 'trip reports' and dosage recommendations. If you, or anyone else, is interested in trying some of these next level hallucinogens, do some research first. You don't want to find yourself drunk at a party eating datura seeds b/c you think it will open your mind.

  • friend of mine is always talking about dmt like its the perfect hallucinogen and doesnt have any long term side effects and shit. dont know if hes full of shit. wait i just re-read what you wrote. salvia != dmt right?

    Salvia and DMT are two very different drugs. Salvia divinorum is a plant that grows wild and can be dried and smoked with relatively little preparation. Salvinorum-A, the active constituent in Salvia divinorum is supposedly the most potent naturally occurring entheogenic chemical on the planet. Salvia isn't often compared to traditional psychedelics because of it's dissociative properties, meaning it's common to completely lose touch with the "self" that you identify with. That said, the visual hallucinations can be striking, even incapacitating. I've only had minor success experimenting with Salvia.

    DMT refers specifically to the rather mysterious chemical compound, N,N-dimethyltryptamine, which is found not only as the active alkaloid in a variety of plants (including some of those used in the making of ayahuasca), but also as a naturally occurring chemical in the human brain. DMT's chemical structure is actually quite similar to that of serotonin, but there seems to be little agreement on what purpose it serves within the brain. DMT is one of the psychedelic tryptamines, a class of drugs that also includes 5MeO-DMT, which can be found in the venom of some frog species, and the curious DIPT (N,N-diisopropyltryptamine), which is supposed to produce some rather unique auditory experiences. (Synthesized) DMT is typically smoked in small doses, as orally ingested DMT is quickly metabolized by the body without a Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI). Like Salvia, the DMT trip is short and intense, and can take you to places you didn't know exist (for better or worse). I myself haven't tried DMT, but would absolutely be up to it.

    Whatever side effects may result from these two drugs have not been well documented. There don't appear to be any immediate health risks from either, but you never know.
    There's an incredible amount of information about these two drugs online, including 'trip reports' and dosage recommendations. If you, or anyone else, is interested in trying some of these next level hallucinogens, do some research first. You don't want to find yourself drunk at a party eating datura seeds b/c you think it will open your mind.

    Chemistry major? McKenna enthusiast?...
    this clip bugged me out first time i saw it....i believe the substance theyre ingesting is yage aka ayahuasca...

  • PATXPATX 2,820 Posts

    The two stories I've been told of people doing actual peyote involved both participants turning into animals for about 36 hours.

    Were they Huichol indians?

  • LuminLumin 807 Posts
    the deal with dmt from what i heard was that the trip in "real" time is about 15 minutes to an hour, but the trip in trip time can seem like days or weeks.
    since i believe in the spirit realm, i believe your spirit actually is released from your body when taking dmt since time is no longer a factor in the spirit realm.
    plus ive heard of many stories of demon possession during dmt trips which is not something i would like to experience again.

  • chasechase 767 Posts
    I had a friend that did Salvia and said he was completely incapacitated for a good 5 mins.

    the trip he described was X 10

  • CBearCBear 902 Posts
    My chemist friend who is quite the chemoisseur and made all his own drugs found DMT to be his favorite of the bunch. Said it allowed him to expand his mind and go places inside it that he was previously unable to go on any other drugs. Very scientific.

  • anyone done (or know anyone who has done) ibogaine?

  • demon possession.....not something i would like to experience again.


  • anyone done (or know anyone who has done) ibogaine?

    holy crap, I was just reading some of the responses on this thread and totally was gonna ask this question.

    I remember reading about this about 10 or 15 years ago and thinking I really wanted to try it/why the hell hasn't the medical community done more research into this?

  • LuminLumin 807 Posts
    demon possession.....not something i would like to experience again.


    yeah conversations dont come up too often that allow me to say things like that. lets just say i was not doing good things with my life and then i became a christian and had some junk in me that came out in a crazy way.

    demon possession.....not something i would like to experience again.


    yeah conversations dont come up too often that allow me to say things like that. lets just say i was not doing good things with my life and then i became a christian and had some junk in me that came out in a crazy way.

    Please explain!!!
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