Food cost strut....
8,182 Posts
what are y'all paying for groceries, eating out, etc...My girl and I spend about $150-$160 every ten days at the grocery...this provides us with 3 quality squares a day(lots of fresh produce, steak, seafood, full breakfasts). We eat out about once a week, nothing fancy, just $25-$30 for the two of us. So we are looking at around $600 a month to eat. Whats it cost to eat well in your neck of the woods?
What really helps is packing lunch at home -- easily saves us $150/month or so.
Me & my girl eat out maybe once a week. Spend around 30 to 50 dollars.
So I say around 300 a month.
I'm definitely in the minority, food is one area I DO NOT cut corners in. I'll pull back on everything else in life before food.
It's mostly about local produce as the center of every meal:
I am with you. I spend a lot of money on food. I have never taken the time to add it up, and frankly I don't care. I like to eat out and I like to cook at home. I buy what I want to eat and drink and only look at the price if I am really strapped for cash. I go to the grocery store daily, because I never know what I am going to want to eat. Its a habit I picked up when I live in Rome and walked by a huge food market on my way home every day.