The distorted view of America thing



  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    I'm still puzzling over somebody lecturing SoulStrut posters other than Reynaldo[/b] for purchasing "$450,000 sunglasses"...

  • I'm still puzzling over somebody lecturing SoulStrut posters for purchasing "$450,000 sunglasses"...

    Pfft. I can get quality shades for 1/100000th of that.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Not to play bad vs. worse, but European colonialism in Africa was at least as brutal, and at least as detrimental to Africa's stability and development, as the American slave trade. I'm not too familiar with European politics and society but is this shared legacy ever discussed? When looking at Africa, do Europeans ever admit any culpability in its present state?

    I'd say it's an issue every bit as fractious as it is in the US. There are still people in the UK who haven't got over the fact we don't have an empire anymore, and the legacy of Britain's colonial past is still evident to anyone who cares to look for it. Liverpool, the city of my birth, was pretty much built on the slave trade, for instance. In fact, a large number of city centre streets are named after slave traders - ironically, most of them are in the areas that are traditionally home to the city's black community. Many of Liverpool's older municipal buildings, museums, art galleries, parks and whatever were founded or paid for by slave traders in the name of "good works", which roughly translates as an attempt so assuage or make amends for them having got rich off slavery.

    Yes, contrary to what Frank wrote above, I think people who care about such things are very much aware of our countries past wrongs. The only difference, with America, is that as there were only a limited number of slaves brought to our country, actually durin slavery, so we've never had to face the issues America has. Most of our ethnic minority comunties, until recently, were invited here from the colonies.
    So there's always been a distance, geographically and therefor cognitively, between the reality of what European Coloniser did in Africa, India, Australia etc. This also makes it easier for the people who don't care to not.

    I'd also like to add, that I never met a European who would list slavery as a reason to dislike America or Americans.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Not to play bad vs. worse, but European colonialism in Africa was at least as brutal, and at least as detrimental to Africa's stability and development, as the American slave trade. I'm not too familiar with European politics and society but is this shared legacy ever discussed? When looking at Africa, do Europeans ever admit any culpability in its present state?

    I'd say it's an issue every bit as fractious as it is in the US [...]
    an attempt so assuage or make amends for them having got rich off slavery.

    Yes, I think open-minded Europeans are well aware of our historical culpability. For every knee-jerk pessimistic reaction to rising immigration numbers in England, there is, thankfully, always an equally strong voice championing the rites of people from other countries to come to England - the better informed are well aware that we 'owe' roughly a third of the world, and the least we can do is welcome people with open-arms, and even the most mercenary Conservative will begrudgingly admit that foreign labour has become essential to our economy.

    I also think that pushing for the dropping of Third World Debt is widely supported in Europe.

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    America is no different than the rest of the world, it's just a bigger example of humanity, so all of its miniscule shortcomings are bigger than the country of Luxembourg. It's just scale and scrutiny (and of course a healthy dose of natural resources and industrialization). Don't try and pretend that some backwoods Italian people are any different than some backwoods Kentucky people.

    If you want to talk about historical attrocities, look at what Spain did to South America, and Japan did to the Ainu. America is not alone in its mediocrity, we just have more of it. I am damn happy to live here, and I don't think I want to live anywhere else.

    The amount of idiots I have to interact with anytime I step out the door here in the city is no different than the amount of idiots I had to deal with in rural and suburban Florida. Whoever mentioned the presence of money in big cities is spot on. Cleatis on a tractor is a lot easier to spot than Cleatis in the back of a limo.

  • I beleive the proper spelling is Cletus.

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    I beleive the proper spelling is Cletus.
    Sorry, I'm from the South, I am dumbs.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    America is no different than the rest of the world, it's just a bigger example of humanity, so all of its miniscule shortcomings are bigger than the country of Luxembourg.

    So Wrong.

    The US consumes a greatly disproportional amount of the worlds limited recorces for starters.

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    America is no different than the rest of the world, it's just a bigger example of humanity, so all of its miniscule shortcomings are bigger than the country of Luxembourg.

    So Wrong.

    The US consumes a greatly disproportional amount of the worlds limited recorces resources for starters.
    And? Would that not be "a bigger example of humanity?" Perhaps Iw as unclear. I was reffering to the fact that ghilst aberrations in the character of the country appear as massive shortcomings because of our scale. When you're on the bottom and you're fat, no one even notices you, so your fatness isn't an issue. When you're ont he top and oyu're fat everyone will exclaim what an effort it is to support you.

    This planet is largely capitalist, so it is obvious that the US would consume a good deal of resources; we are paying for them. Please to refrain from philosophical discussions of right and wrong.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,390 Posts
    Not to play bad vs. worse, but European colonialism in Africa was at least as brutal, and at least as detrimental to Africa's stability and development, as the American slave trade. I'm not too familiar with European politics and society but is this shared legacy ever discussed? When looking at Africa, do Europeans ever admit any culpability in its present state?

    There is constant debate and soul searching about the colonial legacy in Africa and has been for the last 50 years or more. There is wide acknowledgement that the aftermath of colonialism has been a disaster in many places but people fail to agree on the reasons. The ruling style of the French, British, Dutch, Germans, Italians, Portuguese, Spanish, Belgians and others in Africa differed hugely. Many of these countries still have very strong cultural and economic links with various former African colonies. It is not a simple story of oppression and liberation.

  • I beleive the proper spelling is Cletus.
    Sorry, I'm from the South, I am dumbs.

    Its OK. I have a perverse fascination with hillbillies.

  • The amount of idiots I have to interact with anytime I step out the door here in the city is no different than the amount of idiots I had to deal with in rural and suburban Florida.

    I was going to say, anyone who thinks there are fewer morons per capita (MPC?) in the tri-state than elsewhere must be living in a fantasy land or under a rock.

    Whether it be kaitlyn and them in the meatpacking district, the guidos in NJ, frumpy disconnected academics on the upper west side, millionaire culture vultures in Grammercy, music industry idiots everywhere, to the project chicks on my block, who sit outside at 2am drinking fighting and cursing with their fatherless babies in strollers watching them... trust me there is no shortage of ignorance and idiocy here in the "cultural" Northeast.



    All of those chicks look like the typical girl you might see in the LES or Fordham Road or what have you. Quite attainable and unnecessary to post here


    All of those chicks look like the typical girl you might see in the LES or Fordham Road or what have you. Quite attainable and unnecessary to post here

    a) It's better than this bullschitt


    b) It's better than the rednecks and pregnant ladies in my workpiece. Y'know...until I can make it out to the high-dollar skrip club for my regular Filet lunch w/ boobies.

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts

    All of those chicks look like the typical girl you might see in the LES or Fordham Road or what have you. Quite attainable and unnecessary to post here
    As unattainable as the rest of your desktop, and NAGL.

  • Oh jeez.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    uh oh - I sense a "what happened to soul strut"
    thread in the very very near future ...

  • uh oh - I sense a "what happened to soul strut"
    thread in the very very near future ...

    Surely you're not predicting that type of lame from yr boy.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    uh oh - I sense a "what happened to soul strut"
    thread in the very very near future ...

    Surely you're not predicting that type of lame from yr boy.

    Not sure who "my boy" is - I didn't have anyone particular
    in mind, just see the usual signs of a "this place is over"
    temper tantrum brewing.

  • SoulhawkSoulhawk 3,197 Posts

    Ever Fuck a black woman or a Spanish woman?
    [I HAVE}

  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts
    this thread contains some of the dumbest shit I've ever come across on soulstrut



    BTW I just woke up in time to watch my neighbor across the street put her kids in the trunk before driving off. Ive never seen anything like that, Ive heard of it and people getting caught doing it, but Ive never actually seen it.

    What should I do? Do I have some moral responsibility to report her or something?

    I feel weird seeing something like that, but feel even more weird thinking there is something I could/should do....Do I just ignore it? Because really THAT is one of the dumbest things Ive ever seen in real life.

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts
    was the car full or does she not like passengers?
    either way, um, i don't know what you should do. chase her down and let the kids out?

  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts
    no, there were no other people with her. I think I will just continue to mind my own business, though it was quite shocking to witness.

  • Bringing it back to dudes original point.. The television programs that you are mentioning are hitting you the wrong way. When I see the simple life.. I see good hardworking people.. shaking there heads at these dumb broads who can't accomplish simple tasks... When I see The Girls Next Door I see tits. I live in LA... and work in the industry, I would have to agree that there are a lot of people out here who think that they need to act like a spoiled brat to fit in, but I would also have to say that those people are on the decline. I think people are truly taken-a-back by the behavior of the "USA" princesses (Britney, Paris, Lindsey) and aren't looking at them as the sign of status but as what not to let happen to you...

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    no, there were no other people with her. I think I will just continue to mind my own business, though it was quite shocking to witness.

    stop snitching?

    ...if something happened to the kids you'd feel terrible, no? if you don't feel up to confronting the person, i am sure an anonymous call to child protective services may be in order.

    looking out for others is nothing that you should regret. just sayin.

    edit: are we talking about an SUV or like a car's trunk (i.e. mob style)?

  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts
    no, there were no other people with her. I think I will just continue to mind my own business, though it was quite shocking to witness.

    stop snitching?

    ...if something happened to the kids you'd feel terrible, no? if you don't feel up to confronting the person, i am sure an anonymous call to child protective services may be in order.

    looking out for others is nothing that you should regret. just sayin.

    edit: are we talking about an SUV or like a car's trunk (i.e. mob style)?

    Mob Style. I dunno see, there was a thread in the Derm about a Dude who wanted to report his neighbors for yelling at their kids and being "white trash hillbillys" I didnt think it was right to report the family without knowing the circumstances. And it seemed the dude was being judgemental as fuck.

    This house has gotten increasingly loud and lots of screaming over the months. The kids are up at midnight when I get home, I know they are not in a good situation, But I dont really know the whole situation either. Maybe she cant afford car seats?? I guess since I was so anti-child services before, now I've witnessed things that actually merit a call, I don't want to be a hypocrite. Sometimes calling them is good, other times it is bad.

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    Maybe she cant afford car seats?? I guess since I was so anti-child services before, now I've witnessed things that actually merit a call, I don't want to be a hypocrite. Sometimes calling them is good, other times it is bad.

    i am sure you have good intentions, i guess i am just looking at this at a much more direct level. yelling at kids vs putting them in the trunk of your car are two VERY DIFFERENT issues.

    and to bring this full circle, perhaps we as a nation are becoming too complacent with looking out for each other (and please don't take that as a diss, i think all of us seem to be going this way nowadays).

    i don't think we need to apologize if you really have another persons best intentions in mind.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Are there tons of kids? Perhaps there isn't enough "regular room" in the car?
    I'm not saying this is making it cool, but perhaps it explains it a lot better than "punishment" for something.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Maybe she'll just a ticket for trunking her kids.

    If she's not looking out for their best interests, someone should.
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