Tiger Woods

yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
edited August 2007 in Strut Central
He's well on his way to breaking Jack Nichalaus' career wins at the Majors. Has there ever been an athlete this dominant in any sport ever? I don't think so.


  • Yuch, you should definitely go work for the World Wide Leader...You're skills for instant history and sports hyperbole would work well there.

    He is great; most dominant? He's in the discussion.

  • rkwparkrkwpark 915 Posts
    sergio garcia got disqualified for signing his card with the wrong score. serves him right, i hate that foll.

    but yeah tiger is a monster.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    Yuch, you should definitely go work for the World Wide Leader...You're skills for instant history and sports hyperbole would work well there.

    He is great; most dominant? He's in the discussion.

    13th major at the age of 31. He's like 8-0 when he has the lead going into the final day. Due to the relative indifference by your everyday sports fan, his accomplishments may not seem like much. In my eyes, he's one of the few athletes that exemplify perfection. At least in the arena of individual sports, he's uncomparable. When I watch Tiger do what he does on the final day of a major, I feel bad for the competition. He's obviously a revolutionary figure in the sport of golf, not only because of his ethnic background, but because he lifts weights and has a tremendous physique which enables him to dominate. He's the only guy on tour that actually looks like an athlete as well.

    He was having a "slump in the majors, not winning one this year", even though he's had two 2nd place finishes and one tie for 12th. For most pros, a 2nd place finish at a major is a career.

    So who else in the individual sports is more dominant than him. Muhammed Ali? Pete Sampras?

  • 99Problems99Problems 1,541 Posts

    Michael Jordan

  • dude he's not the only guy on tour 'who looks like an athlete', and in any case the thing with golf is that people with practically any body shape can play and win, cue John Daly .. mental strength is whats really more important in the upper echelons

    and as for perfection, sure he's great but he's only human and does have his off days, like the final round of the US masters back in June where he duffed his approach on (I think) the 17th - he was quoted saying 'what the hell happened then?'

    Roger Federer is a modern champion with a similar record of domination, but he too loses occassionally ..

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    Woods > Federer
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