Hey, does that Matthew Cassell Lp even exist?

Man, I cannot find a thing about this album out there. Outside of the comped track this guy is virtually ungooglable. A year and a half ago I found an ended auction with a posthumously named trio, but since then, nada.I assumed there'd be quite a stir about it after K&A debuted it, a flooding if you will of the virtual terrain, but unless I've missed a bunch of auctions this Lp is still flying under the radar. Am I just on the wrong coast here, any left coasters seen this one about? Man, this album has to be fire, I know it.
Have you read this already?
It was a secret squirrel of mine years before it "blew up." I remember sending the break to Sketcherillo via Soulseek BITD.
Matt came up to my weekly radio show for an on-air interview about a year ago, right after the BBE joint dropped. Cool as fuck dude with a great perspective on all this renewed interest in his work. I think there are still plans for a vinyl release/remix of some cuts. He also just finished a new track w/ his drummer Jimmy Hobson called "Suddenly" that picks up right where he left off years ago. Kon probably has more info on these projects.
Decent record. I've had this lp for a long time, was surprised to see anyone checking for it.
"oh yeah, been had that shit - didn't know people were checking"
... unless it's some Rulon Jones style shenanigans
(check for 'em nestled up with OLIVIA)
I definately don't have it.....but have heard the matt the catt one. would love to hear the others, especially the 45.
Is the rest of the record really average?
Four figures would be dope. I still wouldn't sell being that they got emotional value sorta (Matt sent them to me himself after I wrote him). Also because they're fucking great albums. They're relatively simple.....but have such awesome soft jazz rock shit on em - and his voice is so dope to me. These records are far from average. And good luck finding them in the dollar bin wedged "next to some olivia joint" - I've never seen one for sale, and up until Kon put it on BBE - never heard of anyone ever finding one or knowing about it (beside 1, maybe 2 people on this board - from years ago).
My bust.
You're right. I found mine in the quarter bin. Coincidentally, it was at the same thrift store I found that Baba Yaga LP.
Strange....quite a few people got it from this site....even though there are only 500 of em. I guess if you're on the west coast though - you'd have better luck.
Literally: between two Mary Watkins.