the 7 year old version of your former self

back when i was 7 a thought occured to me. i felt dumbed down by adults, but i felt i had the ability to judge whether an adult was cool or not, despite not knowing the facts of life etc. i've always thought that if your 7 year old version of yourself could get along with your current age version of yourself (ie. whatever age you are now), you are doing good in life. how would your 7 year old version of yourself rate how you are based on your current persona?my 7 year old version would say:"I think its kind of gross the spots on a girl that you are touching, but i admire the fact that you made it a "pry-ore-itey" to cut off all your prior engagements so you could watch transformers on the first week it debuted. also, your clothes are gay, but because you have the ability to pay for any transformer you like, on that site eeebay, that is cool. buy me one too...because mom would only buy me gobots. now go on with your adult bad ass self. also, smoking is stupid, why do u do it? so is alkohall. if i had the money you had right now, i would buy 10 bags of that popeye spinach gum and maybe 4 fundips, but i really want the spinach gum more. oh yeah. what happened to michael jackson? all i want in life is that red jacket from thriller with the zippers. that is my status symbol"
I would tell that little bastard to mow some fucking lawns and buy some real estate.
jesus, we did that too.
I've heard 85% of Trip Hop