

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    RedBull Music Academy is one of those things that sounds great on paper, cause it's a lot of good musicians in the same space, but whenever I see the video interviews they post, it's pretty weak and forced. There is one British dude I remember interviewing Just Blaze and he spent a good 7 minutes talking about why he shouts out his name on records he produces.

    I would love to see a similar music seminar go down that's not sponsored by a big company that makes unhealthy drinks. I mean really, get everyone in the same spot with some cameras and recording gear, board them up in a hotel and let the magic happen. Shit is not rocket science, it just costs money and requires good planning.

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    No Strutters made it in? I did mention this site on my "Top 5" websites.


    My ass stings.


    you should've gotten in as far as im concerned.

    cosign on that.

    And I am officially asshurt. Oh well, next year.

    I am so surprised, too, that no strutters got in as well.

    Things happen for a reason, next year, next year, blah blah

    I'll just keep on making music...thats all that matters.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts

    I'll just keep on making music...thats all that matters.

    amen, fuk ''ll be huge E, I'm sure of it

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    This isn't to take away from Thes' truly shitty experience but most of the people I know who've done stuff with RBA have been pretty happy about the experience. It's easy to poke fun at them since the connection b/t Red Bull and the music academy isn't really intuitive but considering the lack of other programs like this, around the world, I can't hate on the concept even if - as noted - their execution isn't exactly flawless.

  • BaptBapt 2,503 Posts
    This isn't to take away from Thes' truly shitty experience but most of the people I know who've done stuff with RBA have been pretty happy about the experience. It's easy to poke fun at them since the connection b/t Red Bull and the music academy isn't really intuitive but considering the lack of other programs like this, around the world, I can't hate on the concept even if - as noted - their execution isn't exactly flawless.

  • bozakbozak 334 Posts
    was rejected on the first application I sent in then was accepted on the second. Its a bummer to not get in especially with all the interesting people that they bring in for you to learn from/ get to know, but I wouldnt let it discourage you from applying next year. From what I understand almost noone gets in the first time around.

    It was MOST DEFINITLY worth my time spent working on the app when I made it. It will most definitly be worth your time as well. While the interviews and application questions may seem weird to some - its just par for the course at the academy. Things in general are a bit quirky for the sake of being fun and a little different. I did notice some of the interviewers doing some preinterviews with artists....maybe just blaze wanted to talk about dropping his name?

    ive noticed some comments about it being a huge ad campaign. from my experience being there Ill say this: every room had a mini fridge of redbull if you wanted one. aside from that there was only one redbull logo anywhere in the building (you see it in the videos). and this was a fairly massive three story warehouse that was converted for the use of the academy. Thats how it was in melbourne...maybe it was a different story elsewhere.

    beyond that redbull was not really mentioned at all. in fact, aside from the dude from buenos aries who was drinking 7 a day (????) noone drank it at all. There were a couple people employed by redbull there but most of the people doing things behind the scenes were employed by the company that produces the academy (a seperate company from redbull).

    Just sharing some of my experience and observations....definitly dont want to sound like its perfect....thes, your story sounds like a real nightmare. that fuckin sucks.

    all that being said, I think the academy could use some strutters in there ranks again and think a lot of you have much to offer talent/experience/personal outlook wise. keep applying yall.

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    yeah .....what he said.

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts

    I'll just keep on making music...thats all that matters.

    amen, fuk ''ll be huge E, I'm sure of it

    I don't know about you're just being too nice!!

    It would just be a great opportunity to actually meet people from around the world who are very creative and could collab.

    i figure, another year of making music, and finally getting those people to sing over my beats (that I need to finish).

    it still sucks though to be honest, but Im suppose to be here now. (Buddhist talk)

  • BaptBapt 2,503 Posts

    I think the academy could use some strutters in their ranks again

    I'm down.

  • Controller_7Controller_7 4,052 Posts
    No Strutters made it in? I did mention this site on my "Top 5" websites.


    My ass stings.

    I didn't get in either. I mentioned Soul Strut as one of my top 5's too.

    The worst part was that my mail application had a new mail from Red Bull that had the following as the subject line:

    "the jury has come to a decision, yo....."

    It looked promising, but no luck. I got excited for a moment that it was going to say "you got in." I was denied. Oh well, I don't even think I'll apply again. I was hoping to go to this to get me excited about music again and gain some knowledge and new friends. I spent a lot of time on the application and don't really feel like doing that again.

  • i figure, another year of making music, and finally getting those people to sing over my beats (that I need to finish).

    E, I dont think I have heard any of your music..have you posted it on here and I just missed it? If so, can I get a link or something?

  • el_sparkoel_sparko 884 Posts
    Damn, shame no one from here got in, especially with all the talented people here...
    Even though i couldn't have taken time off to go this year i wish i'd applied now i know that hardly anyone gets in on their first go.
    I'm gonna apply for the first time next yeat though, despite some of the bad press this thing has got it still looks amazing...(albeit pretentious and self consciously quirky to the extreme)

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
    No Strutters made it in? I did mention this site on my "Top 5" websites.

    Watch it, they're lurking And they might have a negative opinion about this place after the biz markie incindent in seattle and the reactions on this forum . after all, i was part of the very first red bull academy in berlin in 98 when it was all national. It was very good times, but when they took it international, it was on a whole nother level. can't say how the last ones went down.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    Sayin: some strutters HAVE been there in the past. It's not like we're O for 5000. Shit is pretty competitive these days so it's not surprising that MOST people are going to get negged. Hell, I bet Strut has a better record for RBA attendance vs. any other similar message forum.

    Take that Waxidermy!

  • lord234lord234 236 Posts
    after the biz markie incindent in seattle

    what happened???

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    after the biz markie incindent in seattle

    what happened???

    yeah, whats this all about?

    Please tell me the suitcase was somehow involved!?

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts

    i figure, another year of making music, and finally getting those people to sing over my beats (that I need to finish).

    E, I dont think I have heard any of your music..have you posted it on here and I just missed it? If so, can I get a link or something?

    I some of my old stuff on my myspace page. I'm hoping to get some new tracks on there in the next few weeks. It's nothing to

    I sent them some of my newer ish too. HOWEVER, I do like how hard it is to get in, in a way. I guess thats a good way of looking at it. Plus, I've been working on some new tracks and trying to get this one dude to sing on it. I do not like making house as it is too easy (to me) and is too trendy right now. Er, well has been trendy.

    And to the RBMA(if you see this!)...I'll keep trying!! And to those that got in, have fun and absorb it all!!
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