Fuck The Police



  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    so a member of the press with a camera is imune from having to take direction from the police. what fringe benefits, i should have become a reporter. Can they park in front of hydrants too?

    Sorry, I forgot who I was talking to.

    It's even more disappointing in light of the fact that he is an attorney.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    I was taught that if a Cop tells you to move, you move.

    My Dad told me if I didn't there would be consequences.

    Right, but if you are a member of the press,
    and you feel your Constitutional right to report
    on police activites is being violently suppressed,
    you might feel the need to stand up for yourself.

    then dont be surprised if you get your constitutional ass kicked.

    And the cops shouldn't be surprised if they get
    their constitutional asses sued. I'm not naive,
    I've had plenty of run-ins with cops where the
    BIll of Rights wasn't really coming into play,
    and it was walk away son or get your head kicked
    in and the weekend in jail - but I'm also not a
    member of the press and I wasn't holding a video
    camera. Cops feel like they can get away with anything,
    and unfortunately, time and again we see they usually
    can. Anytime a cop takes a fall for doing dirt I think
    it's great - cause maybe, just maybe, the next cop
    will think twice about abusing his authority, and
    show a little restraint.

    so a member of the press with a camera is imune from having to take direction from the police. what fringe benefits, i should have become a reporter. Can they park in front of hydrants too?

    The force used seemingly went above and beyond what was merited. Dude was walking away and still was being fucked with hard and badgered excessively by the cops.

  • this video is pretty wild...

    An Athens police sergeant allegedly beat two Albanian detainees -- then forced them to beat each other. The sergeant has been suspended, pending an investigation. The video -- shot a year ago --

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    I was taught that if a Cop tells you to move, you move.

    My Dad told me if I didn't there would be consequences.

    Right, but if you are a member of the press,
    and you feel your Constitutional right to report
    on police activites is being violently suppressed,
    you might feel the need to stand up for yourself.

    then dont be surprised if you get your constitutional ass kicked.

    And the cops shouldn't be surprised if they get
    their constitutional asses sued. I'm not naive,
    I've had plenty of run-ins with cops where the
    BIll of Rights wasn't really coming into play,
    and it was walk away son or get your head kicked
    in and the weekend in jail - but I'm also not a
    member of the press and I wasn't holding a video
    camera. Cops feel like they can get away with anything,
    and unfortunately, time and again we see they usually
    can. Anytime a cop takes a fall for doing dirt I think
    it's great - cause maybe, just maybe, the next cop
    will think twice about abusing his authority, and
    show a little restraint.

    so a member of the press with a camera is imune from having to take direction from the police. what fringe benefits, i should have become a reporter. Can they park in front of hydrants too?

    Give me a fucking break, the police were yelling obscenities and threatening the guy from the press because the press was filming the police kicking the shit outta someone...something they didnt want the TV watching public to see. They werent "giving directions" because they were concerned for the public safety at that moment...they were beating the shit outta someone and they didnt want anybody to see it. I cannot fucking believe ANYONE would apologize for these scumbags in this situation. Maybe I should become a police officer so I can make up the law as I go along and disregard current laws because me and my police buddies will kick the shit outta you if we feel like we want to.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

    so a member of the press with a camera is imune from having to take direction from the police. what fringe benefits, i should have become a reporter. Can they park in front of hydrants too?

    Sorry, I forgot who I was talking to.

    Please, go back to being "funny guy" - it works so well for you.

    Is there any back story to this video? How do you know dude was press?

  • People getting beatdown by the police all year round, talking like it's something new under the sun. This was a pretty bad one some years ago.

    For the record though a lot of cops are not getting away with this now.


    NEW YORK -- The tape tells the story: A man already in handcuffs was struck and maced by a New York City Police Department officer

    The incident happened in the very same precinct where Abner Louima was brutally attacked. In fact, the officer involved was assigned there right after the Louima torture case to diversify the stationhouse.

    Now, that officer is charged with a vicious assault that was all captured on home video.

    In the video, one can see 26-year-old Anthony Carty, already in handcuffs, being subdued by at least six police officers.

    Many of the onlookers shouted to officers to "ease up," and moments before that, witnesses say Carty was sprayed with pepper spray or mace.

  • The_Hook_UpThe_Hook_Up 8,182 Posts
    I wanna see a film of a prosecuted police officer getting thrown into general population...now that would be funny.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    I was taught that if a Cop tells you to move, you move.

    My Dad told me if I didn't there would be consequences.

    Right, but if you are a member of the press,
    and you feel your Constitutional right to report
    on police activites is being violently suppressed,
    you might feel the need to stand up for yourself.

    then dont be surprised if you get your constitutional ass kicked.

    And the cops shouldn't be surprised if they get
    their constitutional asses sued. I'm not naive,
    I've had plenty of run-ins with cops where the
    BIll of Rights wasn't really coming into play,
    and it was walk away son or get your head kicked
    in and the weekend in jail - but I'm also not a
    member of the press and I wasn't holding a video
    camera. Cops feel like they can get away with anything,
    and unfortunately, time and again we see they usually
    can. Anytime a cop takes a fall for doing dirt I think
    it's great - cause maybe, just maybe, the next cop
    will think twice about abusing his authority, and
    show a little restraint.

    so a member of the press with a camera is imune from having to take direction from the police. what fringe benefits, i should have become a reporter. Can they park in front of hydrants too?

    Give me a fucking break, the police were yelling obscenities and threatening the guy from the press because the press was filming the police kicking the shit outta someone...something they didnt want the TV watching public to see. They werent "giving directions" because they were concerned for the public safety at that moment...they were beating the shit outta someone and they didnt want anybody to see it. I cannot fucking believe ANYONE would apologize for these scumbags in this situation. Maybe I should become a police officer so I can make up the law as I go along and disregard current laws because me and my police buddies will kick the shit outta you if we feel like we want to.

    i dont apologize for anyone, if the guy sues, thats his right more power to him, but if the police tell you to do something, especially if they are cursing at you, and you dont do it, I don't find it surprising that you get your ass kicked whether its a constitutional ass kicking or not.

  • ZEN2ZEN2 1,540 Posts
    The majority of cops ARE scumbags if for no reason other than the system demands it. The powers-that-be want walking dicks with control complexes roaming the streets so when your ass screws up they won't hesitate to either beat the living shit out of you, make some money off you, or both. Hiring intelligent people with a conscience goes against what the system is built to do, which is generate money by oppressing the proletariat.

    I saw an 'expose' on Dateline or something of that ilk a while back on a man who sued his local police department for refusing to hire him because he scored TOO HIGH on the entrance exam.


  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts

    I saw an 'expose' on Dateline

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Over the last 30 years more than 2,500 U.S. Policeman have been killed in the line of duty.

    Most were killed while responding to Domestic Disputes, Suspected Robberies and Auto Accidents......all acts of trying to serve and protect the public.

    Most of them left wives and children behind.

    The good they do outweighs the bad 1000x

    This isn't an excuse for the small percentage of bad ones.

    It's a reminder to respect the 90%+ good ones.

    And seriously, go ride with an officer for a night.....in the worst part of town, and ask him if from day 1 all he heard was "Fuck The Police" out on the streets.

    I'm far from a Cop and I hate hearing it.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    I was taught that if a Cop tells you to move, you move.

    My Dad told me if I didn't there would be consequences.

    (When he was a teen it was a billy club to the knee)

    Only to be surpassed by the consequences I'd face once I got home if my Dad found out I disobeyed a Cop.

    There are only three things you say to a cop:

    1. Yes, Sir.

    2. No, Sir.

    3. It wont happen again, Sir.


    As for the "if a cop tells you to move, you move" rule, it also has a corollary: When dealing with a cop, do not move unless he or she tells you to. Like if you get pulled over for speeding, don't reach over and open up your glove compartment to get out your registration until the cop asks you to. If he's approaching the car and sees you going for your glovebox, he doesn't know if you're going for your registration, a gun, or what. It makes it much easier on everyone if you just wait for directions, and then carry them out.

    And yes, big ups to the good, honest cops for taking on an often tough/shitty job. A massive fuck you to the abusive/racist/power-drunk cops.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    Over the last 30 years more than 2,500 U.S. Policeman have been killed in the line of duty.

    Most were killed while responding to Domestic Disputes, Suspected Robberies and Auto Accidents......all acts of trying to serve and protect the public.

    Most of them left wives and children behind.

    The good they do outweighs the bad 1000x

    This isn't an excuse for the small percentage of bad ones.

    It's a reminder to respect the 90%+ good ones.

    And seriously, go ride with an officer for a night.....in the worst part of town, and ask him if from day 1 all he heard was "Fuck The Police" out on the streets.

    I'm far from a Cop and I hate hearing it.

    I think ive met mabye 2 cops in my whole life that werent walking dicks. I hear you saying theres alot of good ones out there. I guess. But I think saying that the vast majority of cops are super cool good guys is quite a bit of a stretch.

    I mean it might not be all their fault, these dudes are surounded constantly by the worst elements of society, im sure that more than a little of that mentality rubs off on them.

    Plus, it just reminds me of that old stanford psyche experiment with the prison guards and shit. Its like even if they joined the force with positive intentions, they are gonna become dickhead cops in about 6 months.

    So...yeah fuck cops basicly.

    My parents just taught me to be scared of them. cause those bitches can put you away for anything. constitutional rights are really out the window.

    And dont even think that they work for the public. If thats the case try asking for an officers badge number anywhere without ending up in the back of a squad car.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts

    I think ive met mabye 2 cops in my whole life that werent walking dicks. I hear you saying theres alot of good ones out there. I guess. But I think saying that the vast majority of cops are super cool good guys is quite a bit of a stretch.

    Cops in America have the same issue that teachers in America do. 60% of cops and teachers are cops and teachers for the wrong reasons, i.e., it's a paycheck. Jobs like these, it'd be nice if they gave a fuck. I'm not saying cops don't do a hard thankless job. I am saying my empirical data says they're mostly dicks, not because I didn't deserve some of the treatment I got, but because of the air of entitlement they express at all junctures. The shortest amount of work to get the paperwork done. Fuck em.

  • sabadabada WOW .. just wow. I don't usually read these posts. Are you always like this?

    I like cops for the most part, so this isn't a cop hating post. I'm talking about THE COPS IN THE VIDEO only. You think they did nothing wrong? They asked the guy to move. He moved all the way across the street to which they followed him. Then pushed him down the street. They didn't ask first. .. man i was gonna type a lot more stuff but i'm honestly too tired and don't care enough.

    But to say he should have just listened in THIS case. WOW.

  • kwalitykwality 620 Posts
    Cops are kinda the parrot in the coalmine of a society - they're no more fucked than the society they're working for.

    But did that guy deserve that treatment? No way in hell. He was walking away while being shoved in the back and getting screamed at. Why shouldn't a cop treat someone with even a slice of respect? Can't they maintain authority without pure aggression? It shows pretty small minds if they can't. Bless the good ones, and hope they don't turn.

  • Cops are kinda the parrot in the coalmine of a society - they're no more fucked than the society they're working for.

    But did that guy deserve that treatment? No way in hell. He was walking away while being shoved in the back and getting screamed at. Why shouldn't a cop treat someone with even a slice of respect? Can't they maintain authority without pure aggression? It shows pretty small minds if they can't. Bless the good ones, and hope they don't turn.

    It's not even about respect. It's about following their own procedures and protocol. And that is NOT what they're taught to do. That's the problem with me. If they're following what they need to do by the book fine. I understand they have no clue what's going on and need to act accordingly for their safety, and you know what they have a big old book and classes that teach them what to do. I guarantee you two hand shoving somebody down the steet and cussing and talking shit isn't what they learn in class. That's what they learn on the job.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    parrot in the coalmine

    "I couldn't have said it better myself."

  • prof_rockwellprof_rockwell 2,867 Posts

    There are only three things you say to a cop:




    You have the right to remain silent and to not incriminate yourself.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts


  • dayday 9,611 Posts


    this is bullshit. they aquitted that cop.

    Webb then appears to tell Carrion twice to "get up." When Carrion says, "OK, I'm getting up" and starts to rise, Webb shoots him three times.

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