Im shutting the tv off for a whole month

ishnock_baptisteishnock_baptiste 90 Posts
edited June 2007 in Strut Central
Books-djing-records-plus art will be my steez for the rest of the month. The sopranos( fuck u, chase!) are over , and entourage has been on some bullshit lately.The nba finals are wack. Baseball, I use to watch it as a kid - I still keep up with scores and players, but not religiously, and football season is 2 months I think I can go without the tube for at least a month. However, my xbox madden addiction is something serious, as well as fight night, halo and nba live...those are the only games I play. Yo, suggest some great books to read . Im currently reading SCIENCE OF THE MIND by Ernest HolmesAlso, what do you think about the harry potter collection? I read one book out of the whole collection, but I felt rather kid-like after I read a bad after taste.


  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    count of monte cristo

    it shuould keep you busy all month.

    "...wait and hope"

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    I wouldn't throw the baby out with the bathwater. There are some great things on TV, and if your paying a monthly bill on cable/ satellite your basically telling the company I don't want to use your service but heres a bunch of money for you anyways.

    That being said I say get familiar with the books of Denis Johnson, "Jesus Son" is a favorite of mines and also a great movie too

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Do you want me to tape anything for you?

    I just finished The Razor's Edge by Maugham, and it was pretty decent, if you like novels with a philosophical bent.

  • VeeEightVeeEight 325 Posts
    If you're an MMA fan, Stout vs. Fisher is on tonight...

    For books, reading "Surely you're joking, Mr. Feynman" would be a good idea. Richard Feynman has all kinds of crazy stories, makes you wonder why you watch TV at all.

  • TheGoochTheGooch 541 Posts
    Man vs Wild, I Shouldnt be Alive, and Survivor Man are the only shit to not keep me from cutting off cable and putting the TV in a box. These shows have me looking for proper fire making wood everytime im walking in prospect park. I dont think i'll be hitting the flea markets at all this summer. Need to keep my body dust free for one season.

    All for musical productivity this summer!!

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts

    That being said I say get familiar with the books of Denis Johnson, "Jesus Son" is a favorite of mines and also a great movie too

    Definitely in my top 10, and I read a lot. It's a perfect book to ease yourself into a month of reading, too... very slim volume, but every word is riveting and perfectly chosen.

  • bonzaisk8bonzaisk8 946 Posts
    i've gone a whole year without conventional tv programming and it's been great. all the clutter and distractions that tv brings has really bothered me before, so i decided to cut it out completely for a couple years. sure, i'll rent dvd's and sometimes watch shows off the internet, but really, i've been so much more productive and less agitated and distracted by all the bs we're fed on tv.

    good luck man, i'm sure you're going benefit big time from this. sure, sometimes you get a little but it's nothing you can't catch up on via the internet and what not.


  • I understand what you are saying, but I just got a lot of shit to work on, and I just want to give tv a break ...

    I'll still watch shit on my lap top (like movies, etc)and tune into the net, but for the most part Im going to take a rest

    Im not sure if you guys are up on this, but I have not paid for a ppv event in months because I use sopcast and myp2p. I get to see recent movies, england soccer matches, mma( im a boxing purist, though).....bascially its a point 2 point network that allows you to connect to broadcasting channels overseas. There are several different front-end video players you can use to do this, or you can just tune in through a web-based front-end video player

    Go here:

  • count of monte cristo

    it shuould keep you busy all month.

    good looking out, I'm feeling this

  • Man vs Wild, I Shouldnt be Alive, and Survivor Man are the only shit to not keep me from cutting off cable and putting the TV in a box. These shows have me looking for proper fire making wood everytime im walking in prospect park. I dont think i'll be hitting the flea markets at all this summer. Need to keep my body dust free for one season.

    All for musical productivity this summer!!

    Dude, we need to get on the ball with what we were talking about....connect this weekend?

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    i'm almost done the audio version of the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. hate him or love him, this is a must-read book.

  • onetetonetet 1,754 Posts
    i'm almost done the audio version of the God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. hate him or love him, this is a must-read book.

    I did enjoy this book (although he's preaching to the coverted in my case), but it didn't 100% satisfy me. I felt like it would offer a more comprehensive Atheism 101 handbook than it did... as it is, I'm not sure it's a book I would hand off to a religious person to give them a better understanding of my non-belief -- which is the function I was hoping it would serve.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Man vs Wild

    New episodes out.

  • 3RD_Man3RD_Man 213 Posts
    "Rule of the Bone" by Russell Banks or any Phil Dick...

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    how about longer than a month?

  • mrmatthewmrmatthew 1,575 Posts
    how about longer than a month?

    Hold on...hold on.....let's not do anything rash here.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    "Rule of the Bone" by Russell Banks or any Phil Dick...

  • 3RD_Man3RD_Man 213 Posts

    Hah, nice avatar!

    I half expected the squirrel to bust out a mini six-shooter goin all Charlie Bronson... pretty sure there's a shot exactly like that in one of those Leone flicks...

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    Do it, man. TV is the devil.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Do it, man. TV is the devil.

    Hey, better the devil you know TV. [shameless plug]Ever consider watching PBS?[/shameless plug]

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    I haven't watched television in 3 years. Don't want it, don't miss it. I catch a lot of good shows on DVD (The Office, Arrested Development, Seinfeld, etc.). Whenever I am at someone's house and they have cable I find myself doing nothing but channel surfing. Damn, there's just so much crap on TV now. I don't see why people bother.

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    I haven't watched television in 3 years.

    Me too.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    I haven't watched television in 3 years.

    Me too.

    you people make me sick

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    Where are the quality shows like "Who's the Boss"?

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    Where are the quality shows like "Who's the Boss"?

    I don't know but I'm currently working with a childhood idol

    Kubiak from Parker Lewis Can't Lose

    and Kubiak only makes quality

  • hcrinkhcrink 8,729 Posts
    damn... tempting....

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    i've gone a whole year without conventional tv programming and it's been great. all the clutter and distractions that tv brings has really bothered me before, so i decided to cut it out completely for a couple years. sure, i'll rent dvd's and sometimes watch shows off the internet, but really, i've been so much more productive and less agitated and distracted by all the bs we're fed on tv.

    No offense to no one,[/b] but if you're tired of TV, one word: DO IT IN MODERATION OR NOT AT ALL. No one chained you to the set, no one put a pistol to your head to watch King Of Queens.

    This reminds me of those self-righteous "I'm quittin' record collecting" threads that turn up on Soul Strut every now and then, and now here's the television equivalent. If you're minimizing TV, fine, but no need to get all preachy and kum-ba-ya about it, jes' do your thing!

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    No one chained you to the set, no one put a pistol to your head to watch King Of Queens.

    You live in a safer, and no doubt happier world than I.

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    "Rule of the Bone" by Russell Banks

    Such a great book! huge cosign

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    ... and if your paying a monthly bill on cable/ satellite your basically telling the company I don't want to use your service but heres a bunch of money for you anyways.

    All I know is, funk paying money for TV.

    Don't you yanks get like 20 normal channels anyway? Gees, we have 5 here and I still wouldn't dream of paying for foxtel. The way I look at it is, if you start paying for TV, you're gonna feel like you should watch more often just to get your money's worth.
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