Do vegans hate ice cream?



  • kalakala 3,361 Posts
    yeah o dub

    me and my militant vegan crew sit out front baskin robbins and merck fools as they come out the door

    "what ,you eatin rocky road bitch???"
    time fo a beat down dairy queen ho.......

    again if you do the research -bovine growth hormones,antibiotics and steroids are in all comercial dairy products-no if ands or buts

    {cow's milk is for baby cows rant rant etc}

    this is to maximize the amount of milk coming out of a factory farmed cow
    [who in fact does lead a shitty caged up life]
    these huge corporations could give a fuck about you and your health
    at the end of the day it's all about profit on some skkkumbag CEO's excel spreadsheet.

    as for my hate of cheese-i grew up dirt poor and yes me and moms was eatin gov't cheese sanwhichs for a minute as a child/youth

    and i don't digest that poison so well either[lactose intolerant]

    then as i got older i dated a chick who turned me onto "the lifestyly"
    [rasta goddess /peta freak animal lover]
    then started going to jamaica and was exposed to "ital" and "natural living"
    from true rasta gentlemen and women
    enlightenment soon followed

    you are a fool if you think there is no difference between a local organic farmed product and a factory farmed vegetable grown with genetically modified seeds from monsanto,sprayed with herbicides and pesticides in soil that has no mineral content in it

    again life is short eat what ever the fuck floats your gut,but it all means something
    and you are supporting multi -death -corp -rot -nations by eating conventional dreck

    i am not alone ,as evidenced by a 30-40 % market growth every year in the organic category

    wal mart and such now have to carry organic items because of the demand and also because of the rise of whole foods and wild oats

    This is all kneejerk, reactionary, ignorant, bullshit propaganda. Most states in the Midwest -- you know, the breadbasket of the US -- have anti-corporate agriculture laws. By all means, though, keep pointing to whatever spreadsheet makes you feel better about your hilarious rasta lifestyle.

    well pisskkkunt one
    just because your old man brain is to narrow,empty and brainwashed to accept reality and truth with regard to factory farming doesn't mean you can insult my lifestyle with any degree of intelligence

    my so called "rasta lifestyle' sums up how much you know about roots consciosness
    and the global food crisis that confronts the human race in the 21st century.

    to scribble off a few sentances of "reactionary, ignorant, bullshit propaganda"
    with no science or fact to back it up,let alone actually knowing anything about me proves and cements your toyhood status.

    the reslults are in and you just played your self again as a wind up "i'll eat whatever they give me TOY"
    have fun poisoning yourself at your fave fast food chain
    eat more dairy.....put extra pesticides on your plate fool.

    they made a spoon fed movie for moron's like you
    it's called super size me

    for every year i don't eat meat I save a couple of acres of rainforest in Brazil
    that is a fact asshole
    try denying that the planet needs trees
    most of the south american rainforest is burned down for export beef to fast food chains

    at the end of the day assholes like you drive suvs eat mcdonald's and think its all good

    congratulations foll you did what they told you

  • mallardmallard 452 Posts
    i don't understand why people feel the need to label as vegan/vegetarian/etc. be as health conscious as you like, i'm not mad at you for eating that ham sandwich. there is no asterisk next to your vegetarianism if you accidentally catch that pepperoni slice on your half of the pizza. i understand some people have strong ideals and morals, but really, get off it. i think the fact that a lot of healthy eating can be portrayed as elitist, all-or-nothing super club turns people off to the casual organic/natural lifestyle.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    The Madness Quotient in this thread reached fever pitch faster than I could have imagined.

    Foodstrut > Racestrut?

  • try denying that the planet needs trees

    So much funny.

  • JoeMojoJoeMojo 720 Posts
    Lifestyle grocery shopping that's ignorant. It's a waste of money. Negligible difference between organic and traditional. Assumes that traditional farmers are know-nothings trying to poison people to reap profits

    I know you're mostly trying to get your provocateur on, but 'poisoning people' - through pesticide residues presumably - isn't the only argument for organic farming.

    Another argument is that industrialized agriculture is massively dependent on petrochemical inputs. You deplete the soil through monocultural plantings and restore productivity by pumping it with fertilizers and pesticides. As oil prices continue to rise, this tradeoff is going to start getting a lot more expensive.

    Anyone who's interested in this stuff should check out this Richard Manning article from Harper's: The Oil We Eat. I can't really cosign on dude's precious/erudite style, but it's worth reading.

    Agreed with Aser that local is the way to go. We grow our own greens, eggplant, peppers, cucumber, sweet potatoes and taro, and buy a lot of other stuff at the farmers' market down the street.

  • kalakala 3,361 Posts
    Lifestyle grocery shopping that's ignorant. It's a waste of money. Negligible difference between organic and traditional. Assumes that traditional farmers are know-nothings trying to poison people to reap profits

    I know you're mostly trying to get your provocateur on, but 'poisoning people' - through pesticide residues presumably - isn't the only argument for organic farming.

    Another argument is that industrialized agriculture is massively dependent on petrochemical inputs. You deplete the soil through monocultural plantings and restore productivity by pumping it with fertilizers and pesticides. As oil prices continue to rise, this tradeoff is going to start getting a lot more expensive.

    Anyone who's interested in this stuff should check out this Richard Manning article from Harper's: The Oil We Eat. I can't really cosign on dude's precious/erudite style, but it's worth reading.

    Agreed with Aser that local is the way to go. We grow our own greens, eggplant, peppers, cucumber, sweet potatoes and taro, and buy a lot of other stuff at the farmers' market down the street.

    dude i don't think these guys are smart enough or care enough to
    A.Make the petrol connection
    B.worth it for me to go that deep

    these guys are clueless and i feel sorry for them

  • The oil we eat argument is essentially mentioned in the "Nature" article about organic farming.

    I'll read yours; you read mine.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    then as i got older i dated a chick who turned me onto "the lifestyly"

    what, swinging? or mandingo parties?

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    then started going to jamaica and was exposed to "ital" and "natural living"
    from true rasta gentlemen and women
    enlightenment soon followed[/b]

    gee it's that easy? that fool the Buddah was wasting his time I guess.

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    local seasonal produce > organic (mystery marketing term)

    yo i'm among some likeminded people on this thread.

    kala too. although maybe to a less virulent extent.

    but i'm vegetarian pretty much for environmental reasons. i dont want no part in monocropping, factory farming, toxic waste animal filth environmental disasters, chemical hormone infused meat, rain forest clear cutting, and all that other bullshit. that shit is an affront to nature/god/etc.
    i eat cheese, yogurt, eggs and an occasional ice cream, but i'm extremely picky about source, process and ingredients. yall motherfuckers eating cheez whiz....LOL. well, yall do your thing.

    in one years time i'll have my chicken coop in the backyard. as soon as they stop laying eggs, i'll break my vegetarianism.

    this shit is not about personal health, but more about voting for what kind of world you want to see down the line.

  • OK, never mind. That article isn't talking about polluting farm soil with oil.

  • JoeMojoJoeMojo 720 Posts
    Is that article peer reviewed by scientists, like the one on the myths of organic farming published in "Nature Magazine"?

    Actually, since this was published in Nature's 'Commentary' section, it's probably not peer-reviewed. 'Commentary' is their version of an editorial page, it's intended for a popular audience and doesn't involve primary research.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    What benefits have you discovered?

    dude, glofish are the fuckin move! I want like 20 of those shiny little fuckers chillin in my room like a nite lite but they're not allowed in Cali. booo

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts

    then started going to jamaica and was exposed to "ital" and "natural living"
    from true rasta gentlemen and women
    enlightenment soon followed[/b]

    gee it's that easy? that fool the Buddah was wasting his time I guess.

    Or, as Stephen Colbert said, "Buddhism: The only religion that's too much of a pussy to kill in its own name."

  • Is that article peer reviewed by scientists, like the one on the myths of organic farming published in "Nature Magazine"?

    Actually, since this was published in Nature's 'Commentary' section, it's probably not peer-reviewed. 'Commentary' is their version of an editorial page, it's intended for a popular audience and doesn't involve primary research.

    Good call. Saving me future embarrassment.

    Back to the drawing board.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    I'd like to point out that America has far less rigirous standardsa for use of the term "organic" on produce than other countries.

    A health food shop owner I used to buy from regularly told me that some USA products she imported were not allowed to be labelled organic in Australia because they failed to comply with the standards.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    for every year i don't eat meat I save a couple of acres of rainforest in Brazil
    that is a fact asshole

    - spidey

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts

    thats dope

  • kicks79kicks79 1,335 Posts
    Theres a lot of strong feelings running around this thread. But the basic idea that people need to realise is that what you eat has an impact on not only animals, but your fellow man and the planet as a whole. People are starving beacasue resources are used to feed cattle for the dairy and meat industry. You can't look at how these fast food chains are run and tell me that they are sustainable or even good for the planet.
    But i disgress trying to get serious points across on this board some times is a waste of time. So let the clowning begin.

  • IronfeetIronfeet 516 Posts
    So my question is Vegan's are the rich looking down at the poor??? Cause organic ain't cheap and is it really organic does the FDA supervise these organic growers??? Hmmm quik nobody's looking let's add some DDT to this apple????

    The way I look at it moderation is the key just like how the human body fights off antibiotics, poision in moderation makes you immune just like in the movie Kid with the Golden Arm dude was taking poisin with his wine and he could handle it... And as you can tell I need to cut back cause I can't spell..... Shoot that's what I call Ironbonics ilitericationpenmenshipism....

    It's like I can't buy records anymore cause I don't know how this record was cleaned in the past, hmmm did anyone use milk to clean this? I better not buy this holy grail for a dollar?
    Or did sombody wipe this record with a slab of cow or horse meat, hmmm I better not pick it up???

    Is it fear? Shoot one can eat the best but then still get hit by a car at the end of the day....

    I guess to each his own and more Carne Asada burrito for me hmmm did they use dog and not beef, I wonder cause I'm sweating a lot after eating this??? (I was once told by an uncle you know your eating dog when you sweat a lot after eating it)...?????

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    I think what people are reacting to has very little to do with the actual issues at hand and has a lot more to do with the sanctimonious attitudes that come with it. And hey, I'm certainly not above spreading holier-than-thou-isms around but it depends on which way the wind blows. Many people - especially around here - find vegetarians and vegans to be strange to begin with (which reflects poorly on omnivores who can't handle difference) but when they feel like they're getting preached at (which Kala excels at), shit goes code red in a hurry.

    In response to the last post, being vegan and being pro-organic isn't quite the same thing. Obviously, most vegans probably prefer their produce organic but I wouldn't assume all of them make that choice. Likewise, a lot of omnivores - myself included - are pro-organic without being remotely vegetarian.

    Is there a class element? Of course - what's fucked up about our society is that eating healthy costs more money than eating poorly. But that's a problem with social stratification, not an issue with the idea of eating healthy. Rejecting responsible eating habits (for example, buying fresh, local produce and other products vs. shit shipped from across the world or country) if you have the means to do it makes no sense - certainly not out of some sense of class solidarity.

  • JoeMojoJoeMojo 720 Posts
    Is there a class element? Of course - what's fucked up about our society is that eating healthy costs more money than eating poorly. But that's a problem with social stratification, not an issue with the idea of eating healthy.

    I don't think that social stratification per se is the problem - the class difference in diet has more to do with artifically low commodity prices. Didn't we talk about this Michael Pollan article when it was published a couple months ago? You Are What You Grow

    A few years ago, an obesity researcher at the University of Washington named Adam Drewnowski ventured into the supermarket to solve a mystery. He wanted to figure out why it is that the most reliable predictor of obesity in America today is a person's wealth.
    Drewnowski gave himself a hypothetical dollar to spend, using it to purchase as many calories as he possibly could. He discovered that he could buy the most calories per dollar in the middle aisles of the supermarket, among the towering canyons of processed food and soft drink. (In the typical American supermarket, the fresh foods--dairy, meat, fish and produce--line the perimeter walls, while the imperishable packaged goods dominate the center.) Drewnowski found that a dollar could buy 1,200 calories of cookies or potato chips but only 250 calories of carrots.
    This perverse state of affairs is not, as you might think, the inevitable result of the free market. Compared with a bunch of carrots, a package of Twinkies, to take one iconic processed foodlike substance as an example, is a highly complicated, high-tech piece of manufacture, involving no fewer than 39 ingredients, many themselves elaborately manufactured, as well as the packaging and a hefty marketing budget. So how can the supermarket possibly sell a pair of these synthetic cream-filled pseudocakes for less than a bunch of roots?

    For the answer, you need look no farther than the farm bill. This resolutely unglamorous and head-hurtingly complicated piece of legislation, which comes around roughly every five years and is about to do so again, sets the rules for the American food system--indeed, to a considerable extent, for the world's food system. Among other things, it determines which crops will be subsidized and which will not, and in the case of the carrot and the Twinkie, the farm bill as currently written offers a lot more support to the cake than to the root. Like most processed foods, the Twinkie is basically a clever arrangement of carbohydrates and fats teased out of corn, soybeans and wheat--three of the five commodity crops that the farm bill supports, to the tune of some $25 billion a year. (Rice and cotton are the others.) For the last several decades--indeed, for about as long as the American waistline has been ballooning--U.S. agricultural policy has been designed in such a way as to promote the overproduction of these five commodities, especially corn and soy.

  • bobbydeebobbydee 849 Posts
    i don't understand why people feel the need to label as vegan/vegetarian/etc. be as health conscious as you like, i'm not mad at you for eating that ham sandwich. there is no asterisk next to your vegetarianism if you accidentally catch that pepperoni slice on your half of the pizza. i understand some people have strong ideals and morals, but really, get off it. i think the fact that a lot of healthy eating can be portrayed as elitist, all-or-nothing super club turns people off to the casual organic/natural lifestyle.

    Real talk. Just follow your own rules. Just because you don't eat sheep doesn't mean you have to become part of the vego/veagn herd.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    For the record, I'm from vegas, and I love Ice cream.

    - spidey

  • m_dejeanm_dejean Quadratisch. Praktisch. Gut. 2,946 Posts
    yo i'm among some likeminded people on this thread.

    kala too. although maybe to a less virulent extent.

    but i'm vegetarian pretty much for environmental reasons. i dont want no part in monocropping, factory farming, toxic waste animal filth environmental disasters, chemical hormone infused meat, rain forest clear cutting, and all that other bullshit. that shit is an affront to nature/god/etc.
    i eat cheese, yogurt, eggs and an occasional ice cream, but i'm extremely picky about source, process and ingredients. yall motherfuckers eating cheez whiz....LOL. well, yall do your thing.

    in one years time i'll have my chicken coop in the backyard. as soon as they stop laying eggs, i'll break my vegetarianism.

    this shit is not about personal health, but more about voting for what kind of world you want to see down the line.

    I was thinking about posting a lengthy monologue, but I guess I'm a little weary after years and years of having this exact same discussion with people IRL. And since I see that Mr. TDouble pretty much summed it up in the above, I'll just save my breath/keystrokes and on the above plus sentiments from JoeMojo, anasarcasm & Aser.

    Is MikeSeaversNikes Dolo's henchman?

  • CraigCraig 269 Posts
    I'm a vegan and don't hate on stuff. i love vegan choc ices they are so much better than the regular ones especially because they have dark chocolate.

    luckily for me you can get the vegan equivalent for most thing!

  • piedpiperpiedpiper 1,279 Posts
    I am not a vegetarian, but I am picky when it comes to meat products. IMO especially the difference in quality between usual and organic meat is rather obvious and I don??t want to contribute to the factory like meat production.

    Fortunately organic stuff is easy to get here. Organic farmer??s markets somewhere everyday of the week offer the best combination: regional, organic production.

  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts

    luckily for me you can get the vegan equivalent for most thing!

    Just when I thought this thread was coming to an end.

    Equivalent means equal. What is all this bullshit about the enviroment and substainable living? What garbage. And who really cares enough to give up your god given right to velvetta?! Oh, thats right all the sensationalists and extremists in this thread who call themselves vegans. What a freaking crock. There is no such thing as vegan mac, vegan cheesecake, or vegan beef and that is that.

    You want to talk about how much energy goes into making your soy bean look and taste like bacon??

    Far more than it takes to slaughter a pig thats for sure. And what the fuck does it matter anyways? The world is gone to shit. There is no turning back. Live freely and enjoy what you can while you can. You probably recycle too.... freakin losers.

    Just kidding......

    ok. I'm done channeling my inner lolo.

    In all seriousness though. Vegan desert of any kind simply tastes empty and hollow to me. Ive tried so much vegan cake, cookies, and cream pies and I will never be convinced that it is even comparable let alone equal. I love tofu, I dig hard on those veggie corndogs because I havent eaten a real hot dog since I was 10. I love and appreciate a lot of vegan and veggie foods but there is no substitute for Cheese, butter or ice cream. Its just not the same. I understand getting use to something and not being able to remember what the real thing tastes like....but its kinda like dying your hair and forgetting what color it was naturally.....except really you do remember but you've convinced yourself so much other wise that you end up lying to everyone including yourself. Long live Creme Brulee.

  • kalakala 3,361 Posts
    mike seaver's sweatshop built nike's= eric or aaron bobo right?
    willy bobo's son?

    either way out of respect to your father i don't want no cyber "beef" dude

    i specifically and intentionally prefaced all of my comments with"to each his own " and 'Life is too short so eat what you want" in all of my og "cheeze whizz comments"

    therefore it sucks that i have been labeled "the crazy preacher vegan guy"
    i went ballistic because of seaver's thoughtless comments and personal insults directed at me

    where as i DID NOT insult anyone specific in any of my comments
    all i said was that shit smells like ass and it ain't for me!!!

    now please ya'll .....go smother yourself in the foulest stinky cheeze and red meat
    sandwhich you can find,preferably on a bleached wheat white bread bun
    wash it down with a carbonated high fructose corn syrup cocoction of your choice ,eat a pint of hagen daz and drive that big SUV and into the sunset

    over and out

  • tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
    go smother yourself in the foulest stinky cheeze and red meat
    sandwhich you can find,preferably on a bleached wheat white bread bun
    wash it down with a carbonated high fructose corn syrup cocoction of your choice ,eat a pint of hagen daz and drive that big SUV and into the sunset

    i wish i could fit this all into my location
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