
  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    At the gym I usually take an hour and split evenly between weights and cardio - 15 min on the bike, 15 on the treadmill, 30 working around various machines and free weights.

    Be sure to do weights BEFORE cardio. No sense wearing yourself out and leaving nothing left in the tank for the lifting portion.

    I actually sangwich the weights between cardio - cycle, weights, treadmill. I don't know if this is the right way but it works for me.

  • djkingottodjkingotto 1,704 Posts

    I'm in.

    i lost close to 40 pounds 2 years ago and found close to 30 of it. i was eating a pretty strict diet for 5 days out of the week and hitting the gym at least 4 days a week. felt great but now i feel flabby again.

  • oldnewsouloldnewsoul 238 Posts
    I'm in. Big dudes with a gut .

  • Controller_7Controller_7 4,052 Posts
    I've been in lose weight mode for awhile now, but I've never been good at it. I have a bad habit of not eating for along time. I've learned recently about that being bad because of the burning muscle and preserving fat thing.
    I'm not the best shopper, so it's hard to keep the house stocked with healthy eats. I'm also a somewhat picky eater.
    I ran for a few weeks and then my heel started hurting. I had to take a break. Then my other foot started to hurt. I haven't run since. I need something not so harsh on my body. I felt good when i ran. now I feel like shit.

    I'm in, but not sure how well I can avoid eating jelly bellys and eating on a regular schedule.

  • I've been in lose weight mode for awhile now, but I've never been good at it. I have a bad habit of not eating for along time. I've learned recently about that being bad because of the burning muscle and preserving fat thing.
    I'm not the best shopper, so it's hard to keep the house stocked with healthy eats. I'm also a somewhat picky eater.
    I ran for a few weeks and then my heel started hurting. I had to take a break. Then my other foot started to hurt. I haven't run since. I need something not so harsh on my body. I felt good when i ran. now I feel like shit.

    I'm in, but not sure how well I can avoid eating jelly bellys and eating on a regular schedule.

    i have lost about 20 pounds since the end of april, which i am sorta geeked about. i did some hard exercises for a bit- running and hiking- but i think i tore my inner thigh muscle.

    has anyone ever pulled a muscle so bad that it bruised for a couple weeks? i dont know if i should start to push it again- still sorta tender.

    i definitely changed my eating habits. no real sweets. a banana/fruit with a peanut cliff bar(best thing evaaaaaaaar) and maybe a small apple sauce. and then for dinner i get down on whatever i like, but don't over do the proportions. it feels good.

  • Pistol_PetePistol_Pete 1,289 Posts
    I'm 6'4" 210 right now - i'd like to get down to about 200, maybe a little a less.

    I just joined a gym and have a pretty solid workout plan so I hope i can get down there by August.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    I went to the Dr. yesterday for an earache and they weighed me/measured my height.

    Currently 6' and 200 lbs. Apparently that's a little overweight.

    So my goal is to be 6'2" by this time next year and maintain the same weight.

    I think with the right workout schedule and diet I can attain it.

  • pointmanpointman 1,042 Posts
    So then, with all this working out we're going to be doing what's the ultimate workout mix to jam while getting a good look on?

  • Options
    I'm 6'1 210lbs right now. Every year I lift weights from around Halloween until June, when summer takes over and I don't want to be cooped up inside a gym at any point during the day. This year I planned on lifting straight through the summer just to see what would happen, and lo and behold I broke my foot playing softball three weeks ago and haven't touched a weight since. I was benching 275 before the injury, now it would probably be down to 245. I wanted to get up 315 by September.

    Once you miss three weeks it's next to impossible to get back into your routine, that's what I've heard for years in all the gyms I've gone to. Guess I'll be back in October.

    My suggestion is to join a gym with lots of eye candy so you want to go back more often. No harm in looking.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    The key is to exercise right after you get off work, right before you eat dinner. After dinner = impossible. At least for me it is. Unless it's some light exercise like swimming and a couple pushups or something.

  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts
    Ive been trying to convince Void that he needs to lay off the soda and drink more water, quit the snacks and fast food. He is naturally super skinny, but his dad had prostate cancer and they are finding diet to be the main contributor, its also more common in countries that have high obesity rates, like america where over 50% of people are over weight. Cut the sodium, cut the fat and drink a lot of water.

    I think its great you guys are being mindful and an added bonus to recognizing this now is that you'll still be able to have sex after you turn 50. That is very important for you and your wife/lady/secretary friend. A lot of people mistake a beer belly in older men for what is actually an enlarged prostate.

    I eat 4-5 small meals a day. You know the average american eats their meal in 7 minutes? SLOW DOWN. Most people stuff themselves so fast they dont know they are already too full until its too late. You just have to look at portion sizes from 20 or 30 years ago to see that shit has doubled if not tripled.

    An average fast food meal from the 60's was the size of what a happy meal is now, soda included.

    If I have to eat at one of these places on the road or in a hurry I will almost always go for the kids meal. Much cheaper, you don't deprive yourself of guilty pleasures and a couple hours later you get to eat again.

    So basically, I eat what I want in moderation and I eat all day long.

    The french folks have a certain love for food, they take time to enjoy the things they consume. Your supposed to chew your food too not inhale it, this will help with the time factor as well and you'll appreciate what your putting into your body more.

    Im also a big fan of protein. It gives you a lot energy and takes longer to burn through your system. I think you can take good things out of a lot of the fad diets ( atkins, southbeach, zone etc..) to build your own and figure out what works for you.

    Ive also been discussing high colonics with some co-workers recently but thats a whole other topic. You have to be incredibly daring to go this route, Im too scared to try it, but Ive heard you can lose 5-10 pounds having your shit cleaned out...literally. Maybe its not really that good for you since it isnt really a part of the natural process. I dont really know about all that. But there are some high detox programs that will clear you out and jump start your weight loss naturally, it involves drinking a maple syrup/cayenne/lemon tea for like 10 days.
    I need food and get super onry when blood sugars are down, so this has never been an option for me. But you can kick it off with a smoothie, fruit and juice diet for 3-5 days and get some toxins out without having to go all hardcore.

    Good Luck Everybody!

  • Options
    The key is to exercise right after you get off work, right before you eat dinner. After dinner = impossible. At least for me it is. Unless it's some light exercise like swimming and a couple pushups or something.

    That's what I do now, my gym is on the way home from my work. But the best shape I was ever in was when I was working at 8am (instead of 7 now) and getting to the gym at 5:15am. I'd eat a banana on the way for some quick fuel, lift weights for an hour then run, step, or elliptical for an hour or 45 mins. If I had the time to go before work in the morning that's how I'd still do it.

  • Young_PhonicsYoung_Phonics 8,039 Posts
    i used to weight 260 pounds.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    Any of you "fit" dudes drink beer?

    I can cut out the soda & sweets no problem, but I love me a beer or two after work.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Any of you "fit" dudes drink beer?

    I can cut out the soda & sweets no problem, but I love me a beer or two after work.

    That's my problem. I get home from work, like to wind down a bit... a few drinks, a little smoke. Then make dinner. Then I convince myself I need time to "digest"... and that usually extends into the next day.

  • Options
    Any of you "fit" dudes drink beer?

    I can cut out the soda & sweets no problem, but I love me a beer or two after work.

    I do. Not every night though, a few LongTrail Hefeweizens or Corona's here and there. I'd rather drink wine then beer though, some beer makes me fart like..., well like me in the "memorable farts" thread.

    I know this will offend the beer snobs on the board, but Bud Select won't kill you either.

    The whole idea of exercise is to be able to eat and enjoy the foods you like whenever you want to.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    The key is to exercise right after you get off work, right before you eat dinner. After dinner = impossible. At least for me it is. Unless it's some light exercise like swimming and a couple pushups or something.

    That's what I do now, my gym is on the way home from my work. But the best shape I was ever in was when I was working at 8am (instead of 7 now) and getting to the gym at 5:15am. I'd eat a banana on the way for some quick fuel, lift weights for an hour then run, step, or elliptical for an hour or 45 mins. If I had the time to go before work in the morning that's how I'd still do it.

    Word, sounds like a good regimen.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    The whole idea of exercise is to be able to eat and enjoy the foods you like whenever you want to.

    Well said. I whole-heartedly agree.

    A lot of people seem to think that they're gonna shed pounds, look good, all that, by breaking a light sweat in the gym. It's not gonna happen. That's why I'm not a fan of lifting weights. I'd much rather jog outside on grass, do some pushups and situps, or swim. Ofcourse, it requires more self-discipline than simply going to the gym to hit the treadmill. Sweating is key.

    Pick two days to sweat profusely. And stick to it.

    Also, try to get a partner or friends to do it with you. "Mondays and Wednesday, me and my wife/friend whoever will run with me". So that every Monday and Wednesday it'll be automatic..."oh it's Monday, I better run".

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    The key is to exercise right after you get off work, right before you eat dinner. After dinner = impossible. At least for me it is. Unless it's some light exercise like swimming and a couple pushups or something.

    totally on point

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    If I have to eat at one of these places on the road or in a hurry I will almost always go for the kids meal. Much cheaper, you don't deprive yourself of guilty pleasures and a couple hours later you get to eat again.
    plus you get a toy!

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    If I have to eat at one of these places on the road or in a hurry I will almost always go for the kids meal. Much cheaper, you don't deprive yourself of guilty pleasures and a couple hours later you get to eat again.
    plus you get a toy!


    Fuck the kids meal, I will go for the Sourdough Jack combo, dip my fries in buttermilk and hotsauce.

  • DustbusterDustbuster 278 Posts
    I love me some beer. But you can't drink too much. I try to get light and Amstel is the only one that really has some flavor (if I'm at a dive I can hang with Miller Lite). Guiness is actually the best of all the non-lights. It has the fewest carbs, calories, and alcohol of all the major brands. It's an acquired taste, but a damn good one once you appreciate it.

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    i'm in! i've been going to the gym 3-4 times a week and have been riding my bike more during the last 3 months. i feel great but i love beer and hate most other forms of alcohol so the weight hasn't been losing in the one area called the belly. sucks. i don't think i can give that up or the bacon avocado benedict at the local diner on the weekend brunch. the exercise regimen has worked for me cause i have more energy these days, i'm not a stoner anymore and i'm not as susceptible to depression as i used to be. i do need a better diet food and drink-wise. i am all about enrichment these days in every definition. it's good therapy

  • hogginthefogghogginthefogg 6,098 Posts
    The key is to exercise right after you get off work, right before you eat dinner. After dinner = impossible. At least for me it is. Unless it's some light exercise like swimming and a couple pushups or something.

    totally on point

    I'm fortunate enough to be able to hit the gym across the street from my office every day on my lunch break. It's also a great stress reliever in the middle of my day.

    And Alice is on point with her eating advice. I eat 6-7 small meals a day now. Kinda crazy to think about how big the 3 meals I used to eat would be.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    I am by no means.. out of shape. However, some summertime training should be fun, before I run to the beaches in California. That what Bike do you ride looked mad convincing. Time to break out the REDLINE.

    - spidey

  • TabaskoTabasko 1,357 Posts
    man, I lost 2 pounds just reading this thread..

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    I've been going to the gym at least 3 times a week since January. Not a heavy workout - about 25-30 minutes of cardio every time. Haven't lost a ton of weight but it has changed 1) my body a bit and 2) my stamina. Keep in mind: I haven't had a regular workout routine prior to this in years. Like Raj, fatherhood was a big reason for it as was general laziness.

    I know I could get more out of the workout if I adapted more of my diet. In general, I try to avoid all the obviously bad foods but there's no way I can commit to a really strict diet - that'd be a guarantee for me to just yo-yo back up once I came off the diet.

    This is just a philosophical point but for me, I'd rather spend more time in a gym to get healthy than radically changing my diet. Food is such a simple pleasure that it kills me when I see people on shit like the South Beach or a really strict Atkins routine where they're avoiding stuff like...bread and rice. I get the science (or at least the claims to science) and I'm not knocking people at all for choosing to eat healthier. But given the choice between sacrificing the dream body or a few extra years on my life vs. being able to really enjoy food - not as a glutton of course - I'm rolling with food. You know?

  • JoeMojoJoeMojo 720 Posts
    I usually prefer fresh, light food to prepared/frozen/nasty. But it's a lot more work to keep a constant supply of fresh fish, fruit, and vegetables than to load up the freezer with Costco crap or get takeout.

    I'm lazy and I'll eat whatever's close at hand. So for me the key to eating well is to make sure that I do the prep work when I'm not hungry. Shopping at the farmers' market twice a week, preparing healthy snacks, planning meals, cooking so there are leftovers. Then when I'm ready to eat there's always something decent at arm's length.

    For exercise, try joining some kind of exercise group or team. When I was just going to the gym by myself there was always some reason to bail out. A little social pressure goes a long way in make sure that you're motivated and competitive.

  • rocco2nrrocco2nr 530 Posts
    Any of you "fit" dudes drink beer?

    I can cut out the soda & sweets no problem, but I love me a beer or two after work.

    i ride my road bike 100 miles a week or so and i drink a shitload of beer on the weekend.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    Any of you "fit" dudes drink beer?

    I can cut out the soda & sweets no problem, but I love me a beer or two after work.

    i ride my road bike 100 miles a week or so and i drink a shitload of beer on the weekend.

    I hope you engage in these activities separately.
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