What's the Best Cheese and from where or???



  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    i re-discovered feta recently and what can i say?! it's unbelievable stuff.

  • i re-discovered feta recently and what can i say?! it's unbelievable stuff.

    wifey is 4 months pregnant and can not eat feta. Though i love feta it aint gonna be in the fridge till jan 07. damn. Salads are just not gonna be salads any more.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    i re-discovered feta recently and what can i say?! it's unbelievable stuff.

    wifey is 4 months pregnant and can not eat feta. Though i love feta it aint gonna be in the fridge till jan 07. damn. Salads are just not gonna be salads any more.

    Probably worth checking again but I don't think feta constitutes the same lysteria risks as soft cheeses such as brie, camembert etc. My wife ditched the soft cheese during pregnancy but was told that feta and mozarella were fine. Whatever you feel safe with, I guess.

  • igboigbo 44 Posts
    i re-discovered feta recently and what can i say?! it's unbelievable stuff.

    wifey is 4 months pregnant and can not eat feta. Though i love feta it aint gonna be in the fridge till jan 07. damn. Salads are just not gonna be salads any more.

    Probably worth checking again but I don't think feta constitutes the same lysteria risks as soft cheeses such as brie, camembert etc. My wife ditched the soft cheese during pregnancy but was told that feta and mozarella were fine. Whatever you feel safe with, I guess.

    Am i wrong in thinking that its ok for a preganant women to eat soft cheeses just as long as the milk is pastreurized, ie: no raw milk cheeses?

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Try some Spanish cheese for a strong flavor.

    I can't spell them but.........



    Something like that. THe names are so unusual you'll know it when you see it.

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts
    Not enough mentions of North American cheeses! There's an article in the most recent Art of Eating on brilliant artisanal cheddars coming out of Vermont and there are myriad superb cheeses from Quebec.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

    somebody needs a sausage

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    seriously. i respect all approaches to eating; however, i do not know of any culture that is or has been vegan. jains?

    anyhow, just don't force your children to be vegan. it is not healthy.

    i am both lactose and gluten intolerant. i have to eat meat to survive.

  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts

    anyhow, just don't force your children to be vegan. it is not healthy.

    I agree, some people force their pets to be vegan too, what is up with that?

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

    anyhow, just don't force your children to be vegan. it is not healthy.

    I agree, some people force their pets to be vegan too, what is up with that?

    animal cruelty.

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts
    seriously. i respect all approaches to eating; however, i do not know of any culture that is or has been vegan. jains?

    i am both lactose and gluten intolerant. i have to eat meat to survive.
    all knowing wikipedia:
    There are also numerous religious groups that regularly or occasionally practice a similar diet, including some Buddhist traditions,[96] Jains,[97] Hindus,[98] Rastafarians,[99] and the Seventh-day Adventists.[100]
    i've got adult onset lactose intolerance. the worst part about this shit is that i know what i'm missing. god, i want to eat cheese.

  • YNOTYNOT in a studio apt mixing tuna with the ramen 417 Posts
    You are all on some hipster cheese shit.

    How about good ol Chedda.

    Not that any of you would stoop to that level...If you where though:


  • fejmelbafejmelba 1,139 Posts
    No offense to Italy, but:

    Holland Holland Holland.

    Gouda + Parrano + Leerdammer =
    dont forget:
    edam, komijn, brandnetel and bleu de wolvega

    im from holland and must say france has a finer selection.
    my fav.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    there are myriad superb cheeses from Quebec.
    this is the truth

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    I also hate cheese.

    I am not a vegan.

    It smells like ass.


  • Dude, it was said best on page one...

    The best parties ain't about the DJs...its about food and drink. Music? That's good too. But, man...those first two are THE must.

    My favorite cheeses are basically when I go to the cheese shop; sample a few, and pick some favorites. Add some salumi and cured meats, artichoke hearts, home cured olives, and a loaf of the best bagguette in the state on the way out.

    Seriously...if you want to eat well, just start heading to the local purveyors; you'll learn a lot, and have a great time. Same principals as learning about records.

  • sneakypsneakyp 204 Posts
    i've got adult onset lactose intolerance. the worst part about this shit is that i know what i'm missing. god, i want to eat cheese.

    well, actually you can. lactose breaks down into other compounds as the cheese ages, primarily lactic acid. cheeses such as parmiggiano reggiano aged 1-2 years, goudas aged 1-5 years, cheddars aged 1-10, etc. contain very little lactose. depending on the severity of your condition, you should still be able to eat these kinds of cheeses.

    as far as pregnancy and lysteria goes...the only "concern" is young raw milk cheeses, which are almost impossible to find in the united states anyway since the minimum FDA approved age for a raw milk cheese produced and imported into this country is 6 months. but of course pregnant women have been eating raw cheese in europe for centuries. i'm not sure how much evidence there is to support the claim that this is in any way a legitimate health concern.
    why it's illegal to eat raw milk cheese in the first place while it's still legal for pregnant women to smoke cigarettes and consume alchohol i can't say. i will never understand this.

  • sneakypsneakyp 204 Posts
    Not enough mentions of North American cheeses! There's an article in the most recent Art of Eating on brilliant artisanal cheddars coming out of Vermont and there are myriad superb cheeses from Quebec.

    jasper hill VT= wudan mountain. never have i seen a single producer in any country absolutely kill it across the boards. baley hazen...winnemere...ascutney. i used to work for murrays cheese in NYC and they sent us an exclusive limited edition washed rind cheese...forget the name. it was like a true reblechon although slightly more pungent.
    the only US producer i know of that might rival comes out of wisconsen. they actually sell raw milk cheeses aged less than 6 months (which is illegal in the US), but they sell it as "fishbait" at the farmers markets with a wink. the story is they used to sell it as "cat food" but the FDA came down on them for not having the proper permits. they applied for said permits but were continually ignored. but they did some further research and found that the only thing to selling fishbait was the suggestion that it be biodegredable. so now it's available as fish bait to american consumers. of course you can do with it as you wish. mine would be to spread it on a warm baguette and eat the shit out of it. the link is lovetreefarmstead.com. for real headz only

  • cheese is rotted milk curd

    wtf people?

    don't know how people eat it

    brie,gorganzola,lindburger etc all that stuff smells like dead ass to moi

    glads to be vegan

    Hey Kala, nice to meet you.
    Do you perhaps know this with all your vegan-knwoledge to be true or false?
    Is the yeasting process when making beer, also just a rotting process?
    Orare they two different things?
    Cuz beer also smells like 'rotten/puke' to me.

  • KineticKinetic 3,739 Posts
    I would call cheese partially rotted milk curd.

    I believe the process of fementing beer is not that dissimilar. It's also not particularly good for your digestive system.
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