How did you propose? (Wedding Related)



  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts

    Now, we all can't be romantic Don Juans like the one O-Dub.

    speaking of which,

    no ring

    I know it takes all kinds or whatever, but wifey is NOT having that.

    Sayin. My wife would have looked at me and asked, "why did you waste our money on this?" She could have cared less about an engagement ring and we don't even wear our wedding bands, mostly because we forget we have them.

    If my wife would have had the choice, we wouldn't even have had a wedding. She preferred going the justice of peace eoute. I'm the more sentimental type between the two of us since I actually thought a party would be nice.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I am so not up on proposal how-to's and trends - why is proposing outdoors in nature so popular?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Natural beauty = enhances the moment?

  • wyzewayzwyzewayz 303 Posts
    oooh, I Proposed just last new years peep the thread and photos!

    gettin married august 25th----honestly, when she starts talkin about it, my eyes usually glaze over, and "I go off to a nice happy place"---

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Had my then-girlfriend convinced I was at least several months from being able to get a ring, money wise, so when we went out to dinner one Friday night, I sprung it on her by surprise. We had planned to get married, talked about it for a while and had lived together for two years, and so the only part that was in my hands was the actual proposal. Then we had a nice litlle wedding at the Tropicana in Vegas, and spent our Honeymoon in California, from Burbank (Price is Right!) to Long Beach (visiting friends) up to San Francisco to sight see.

    I recommend a small ceremony far away from home. Best choice we ever made.

  • Mr. CasualMr. Casual 953 Posts
    oooh, I Proposed just last new years peep the thread and photos!

    gettin married august 25th----honestly, when she starts talkin about it, my eyes usually glaze over, and "I go off to a nice happy place"---

    and if i may be so bold: your fiance is fine.

    ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^^^

    Still One of my favorite replies of all time

  • djannadjanna 1,543 Posts
    KVH, having talked about this with many women... as its something I'm getting ready to do... the only thing I can say about your idea is... ASK HER. Do not allow a cake, or anything else, to do the talking for you, and definitely do not beat around the bush like one fella I know who said "so, lets get married then" or another that pulled out his ring and asked, "so... which finger does this go on?" Both people probably thought they were being slick or coy but the women were both disappointed. Bottom line is girls want you to ASK "will you marry me?" four words. Everything else is superfluous.

    ohhhhh Johnny Paychex!!

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    KVH, having talked about this with many women... as its something I'm getting ready to do... the only thing I can say about your idea is... ASK HER. Do not allow a cake, or anything else, to do the talking for you, and definitely do not beat around the bush like one fella I know who said "so, lets get married then" or another that pulled out his ring and asked, "so... which finger does this go on?" Both people probably thought they were being slick or coy but the women were both disappointed. Bottom line is girls want you to ASK "will you marry me?" four words. Everything else is superfluous.

    Woah, that's heavy. (Not that I've proposed before).

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    The lady and I were going out to a nice dinner for my birthday, and then going camping. My lady had an heirloom ring, so I went to her parents and asked for her hand in marriage. They left the ring in one of the slippers I keep at their house, and when lady went to get the tent, I put it in my pocket. I had the ring burning a hole in there all day, and was planning on popping the question at night when we got to the campground overlooking the ocean, where she grew up camping...

    But, as the day went along, it felt like I wasn't gonna make it, so I revised the plan to dinner. We sat down, got a cocktail, and after they brought an amuse for us, the wife asked what I wanted to do with my 26th year.

    "What would you like to do?" I asked, knowing her answer. She rolled her eyes.

    So, I pulled the ring out, and put it in front of her, and just said, 'Would you like to plan a wedding?' She said, 'Oh. My. God. Gar.' And then I said...

    "I love you. Would you be my partner in crime? Would you be my wife?" She said yes, we kissed.

    The restaurant was great, too. Very discrete, but happy. Each of the staff quietly came over to congratulate us, and they sent out a bottle of champagne on the house. The restaurant, Hugo's in Portland, Maine by the way, was a wonderful meal that my wife barely remembers, but was quiet and perfect for the occasion. I estimate of the 30 people in there, no more than 6 knew what happened.

    The best part, though? As we left I realized that there were maybe 10 people in the whole world, including the servers at the restaurant, who knew we were engaged. In that one moment, it was the best secret that I will ever have...

    And, then we let the cat out of the bag. And, that was great too.

  • Young_PhonicsYoung_Phonics 8,039 Posts
    Me and my now-wife were sitting around in our then-SF apt, we had gotten our daughter down to bed, turned to each other and asked, "should we just get married?" "Well, we have a kid together, might as well." "Ok."

    No ring.
    No bended knee.
    No cake/strippergram/ridethroughthepark/etc.

    Got married about three months later in a lovely daytime potluck party in the backyard of a friend of mine. Friends only save immediate family.

    Seriously, after you have a kid with someone, marriage is practically an afterthought.

    I love being married. Just glad we got to skip all the pomp and circumstance though I appreciate a lot of folks like said pomp and circumstance.

    (Further note, I'm writing this, wearing a cap, gown and hood,[/b] during my college's graduation ceremonies. Clearly, I'm not above a lil p&c either. I just wish I wasn't wearing all black, outdoors, in 80 degree weather).

    What, people normally don't post like that? I do. Since my posts are so damn scholarly and full of knowledge jew-elz I think it's only fitting.

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    My fiancee was in Colorado for a conference, so I surprised her by flying out there and showing up at her hotel. I took her out to dinner, we took a walk around this little pond and stopped and sat down on a bench, and I got down on one knee and popped the question.

  • sonofsamsonofsam 680 Posts

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    On a grassy knoll at 12am. Didn't have the ring prepared so made one out of a long blade of grass before purchasing the diamond version a little while after. Then did it again formally with the ring on christmas day morning.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts

    My proposal was no big ceremony, I asked her just after midnight on her birthday. As far as rings, we have family rings (my mother's mother's ring and my father's father's ring), which felt really good.

  • nzshadownzshadow 5,518 Posts
    At night on a boat on a canal in Amsterdam (i was driving).

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts

    My proposal was no big ceremony, I asked her just after midnight on her birthday. As far as rings, we have family rings (my mother's mother's ring and my father's father's ring), which felt really good.

    My mother in law gave me one of her diamonds. So all I had to do was buy a setting which was $300.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts

    My mother in law gave me one of her diamonds. So all I had to do was buy a setting which was $300.


    In law =

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    Ok, so the ring is bought, and i plan on dropping the bomb on Monday night.

    Two questions:

    1) We are going out to dinner at a nice place in one of the boardwalk casinos in Atlantic City for her birthday. My plan is to go for a walk with her on the boardwalk and then surprise her with the ring....which will not be her bday present. This sound okay? If its gonna rain, I think I might do it in front of her parents right before we leave for dinner.

    2) She told me a long time ago that I should ask her dad's permission. The problem is that I might not see him until that night. Is this something I can do over the phone? Do i need to segway into it, or can i just say "I'm gonna ask your daughter to marry me, is this cool with you?"

    (for myself and the ladies)

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    You should definitely ask her father. I can't tell you how to do it, but you must do it.

    Do not do it as you are asking her.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    ask dads permission is a must.
    do not propose in front of others.

  • TabaskoTabasko 1,357 Posts
    Is this something I can do over the phone?

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    only if it is impossible for you not to see him in person or depending on your relationship with her father. If you have been dating for a long time and everybody knows and is waiting for this to happen, then its okay.

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts
    Is this something I can do over the phone?


    I asked my wife's father over the phone. We don't see him often and he lived far away at the time. He was really happy and even cried. I was glad I asked him and he was glad too. Do it in person if possible, but over the phone at least.

    And good luck! I just got married a couple of weeks ago and it was the best thing I ever did. Enjoy being engaged though. People will try and rush you to get married, but plan it at your own pace.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    Is this something I can do over the phone?


    I asked my wife's father over the phone. We don't see him often and he lived far away at the time. He was really happy and even cried. I was glad I asked him and he was glad too. Do it in person if possible, but over the phone at least.

    And good luck! I just got married a couple of weeks ago and it was the best thing I ever did. Enjoy being engaged though. People will try and rush you to get married, but plan it at your own pace.

    and then they're all going to want grandkids, so get busy.

  • CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts

    and then they're all going to want grandkids, so get busy.

    Truth, they can never just enjoy the moment its all about whats next.

  • Big_StacksBig_Stacks "I don't worry about hittin' power, cause I don't give 'em nuttin' to hit." 4,670 Posts

    I cooked my dearest T**i a nice dinner at my apartment. Afterward, I presented her with a romantic card, which contained my marriage proposal inside and an engagement ring. We were married in 1999 and we're still going strong.


    Big Stacks from Kakalak

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts

    i love this!

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Is this something I can do over the phone?


    Text message should cover it.

  • theory9theory9 1,128 Posts
    She proposed to me.

  • TabaskoTabasko 1,357 Posts
    Is this something I can do over the phone?


    Text message should cover it.

    or a PM
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