Anyone in Philly know this guy??

Anyone here know a record dealer/thief in Philly by the name of Craig Minus?? He also goes on ebay under the name Diminished_Jewelz. He's (& his mate) just taken me (& at least one other person I know of) in a scam for $4000. I need to get in touch with him on the phone to see if can get anything back, so Philly heads any help will be greatly appreciated.For anyone who comes across this guy in the future be careful, seems theres alot of people who have only negative shit to say about him so dont get burned like I have...
for anyone who wants to give negative feedback!!!
good luck.
nice one
I got tipped off by a friend that the dude was at the P.O. this morning, so I went around the corner speak to him, but he had taken care of business and left. But, you've got several foot soliders on the case.
Could someone please bid on this douchebag's items w/no intention of paying?? And 'waist' no time in doing so, please...
I just found a third person he got with the same scam. Man this cunt needs a serious fuckin kicking...
thanks for tips & help people. Managed to get this creeps phone number on Saturday, rang him up & only got more excuses & bullshit....absoluting amazing though how many people have bad shit to say about this guy & nothings been done about it
is he going to rectify the situation?
there are ways to find his addrss
but then what?
i mean, $4000 is definitely a chunk of change. couple months work for most people.
you probably want to figure out your, preferably.cause you want to get that dough back
think this through jon
no I have his home address, Wiota Street or something...just filed a complaint with IC3 & I plan on giving his local police dept a call aswell...4G is alot for me aswell
probably wouldnt play out to good for an out of towner to run up in that neighborhood with guns blazing. although people might not even notice the guns blazing part. i probably know high school age kids on his block, not that that helps.
whats IC3??
but i would watch it on youtube
seriously though, can fauxrillz or other lawstrut head give risingson some idea of legal options. mail fraud has got to be semi serious business. (although philly cops are probly a little more concerned with the soaring murder rate at the moment)
somebody fuck with my four g's the murda rate may definitely rise even higher