Where's Guzzo/Jewbacca?



  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    with your shoes off practicing your dance moves in the mirror with a drink in your hand.

    Post video or you're soft. I question your dancing ability. And your drinking ability.

    And your ownership of a mirror.

    Or shoes.

  • cascas 1,484 Posts
    meet me in the announcements thread.
    it's going down.

    i have many different shoes of varying flavors and styles.
    my dog can vouch for my dance moves
    and my cabinet has a wide assortment of alcoholic beverages...just not at this particular moment.

    just saying.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts

    my dog can vouch for my dance moves

    See, that i can believe. Dogs don't lie, man. They stay true to the game.

    The licking your own balls game.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    dogs gotta start pulling their weight. next earthquake happens with no doggy warning and they are getting put on the street that's my word.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    dogs gotta start pulling their weight. next earthquake happens with no doggy warning and they are getting put on the street that's my word.

    Your pooch just needs better training. I would recommend getting it to fall asleep in a giant box, then wake it up by shaking the box violently and screaming at the top of your lungs. That should do the trick.

    If not, just tape up the box and send it to Illinois. We'll see who's laughing then.

  • dogs gotta start pulling their weight. next earthquake happens with no doggy warning and they are getting put on the street that's my word.

    cats too.. I don't know what type of warning these assholes give but if I don't see some hair standing up on the back at least 15 minues prior...

  • troublemantroubleman 1,928 Posts
    You are missed here Guzzo/Jewbacca. The strut has gone through many changes and members. Some stay, some go, some return, some get banned...etc. It's not unlike Saturday Night Live. In fact it's just like Saturday Night Live. Some threads/sketches go on wayyyyy past the point they should, also just when you get happy with a cast...it changes. For better or worse, I have to say I love this place.

    Anyways, hope all gets better in your life soon Ad*m. Pm me and let me know a good day for a record listening night.

  • You are missed here Guzzo/Jewbacca. The strut has gone through many changes and members. Some stay, some go, some return, some get banned...etc. It's not unlike Saturday Night Live. In fact it's just like Saturday Night Live. Some threads/sketches go on wayyyyy past the point they should, also just when you get happy with a cast...it changes. For better or worse, I have to say I love this place.

    might be the best analogy for this place i've heard.

    can i be norm macdonald?

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    Hope all is well, A*am.



  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
    You are missed here Guzzo/Jewbacca. The strut has gone through many changes and members. Some stay, some go, some return, some get banned...etc. It's not unlike Saturday Night Live. In fact it's just like Saturday Night Live. Some threads/sketches go on wayyyyy past the point they should, also just when you get happy with a cast...it changes. For better or worse, I have to say I love this place.

    might be the best analogy for this place i've heard.

    can i be norm macdonald?

    only if Crink can be Chevy Chase. and Faux can be Dan Akyroyd.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    can i be norm macdonald?

    Sorry, you're going to have to be Tim Kazurinsky.

  • troublemantroubleman 1,928 Posts

  • BaptBapt 2,503 Posts

    Where have you been mayne!!? Don't tell me you're on [wack shit hermit].
    We're missing you here.

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,850 Posts
    AP gave me a call and let me know that folks actually missed me. Truth is I've had a few things going on in the real world that are pretty heavy in a real serious way and lately soulstrut just wasn't really doing it for me. Once Dizzybull left I kinda felt like the tone of the board changed. the lighter side of soulstrut seems to have been replaced with too much negativity for me to want to participate. I still check in but only from time to time and mostly to see what people are putting up on set sales and eBay.

    That Jewish Chewbacca character on E! is a blatant rip off. If Joel wasn't a sexy hunk of funny I'd be one pissed off wookie.

    whats good with you people?

    The crazy thing is, I was just catching up on soulstrut posts and thinking about where you were. What's good?

  • BaptBapt 2,503 Posts

    Danno, Ad*m is gone now...
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