How often do you hear gunshots?

CousinLarryCousinLarry 4,618 Posts
edited April 2007 in Strut Central
As the Mrs and I were going to bed last night we heard about 7 or 8 gun shots extremely close to our house. We hear gunfire at least once a week in our neighborhood, but not usually that close to the house. Just wondering how many other folks hear shots ring out while at home. And yes I did call the cops to report the gunfire, because I would hope someone would do the same for me if I were shot at.


  • When I lived right outside of downtown I heard them at least every other day, if not every day....but now that I live in beautiful East Memphis, I only hear them once or twice a month! Movin' On Up!

  • When I lived right outside of downtown I heard them at least every other day, if not every day....but now that I live in beautiful East Memphis, I only hear them once or twice a month! Movin' On Up!

    lol, yeah when I lived in North Philly it was daily too. I guess the fact that even then they were always in the distance made it easier to cope with. That shit last night could have been in our backyard. Shit bugged me out.

  • boodooboodoo 28 Posts
    heard 15-20 rounds last night at 8:30 when putting my 3 year old to bed. he said: "diddy, hear those fireworks?"

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Not often, but I am on a main road to the major hospital center about 2 miles away, as well as another major hospital even closer, so I have had to adjust to what seems like constant sirens. Ambos, firetrucks, cops....I notice it less and less, but hey, no gunshots so far!

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    When I lived right outside of downtown I heard them at least every other day, if not every day....but now that I live in beautiful East Memphis, I only hear them once or twice a month! Movin' On Up!

    Yeah, that's about right for me too. And I live in East Boston. Maybe it's an eastside thing?

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,784 Posts
    Damn. I have never heard a gun shot in any neighborhood I have ever lived in.

  • DigginDiggin 319 Posts
    Once every 5 years? No 2nd amendment around here (Stockholm).

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts
    I never heard a gunshot growing up in Toronto. I never heard a gunshot in Montreal. I do hear gunshots in New Brunswick, but only when people are hunting.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    Damn, i live in hollywood, not the greatest neighborhood for those that have been here, but i think ive only really heard them once. But its usually pretty noisy around here.

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    Two weekends ago a guy was shot at the popeyes half a block from my house. It was about 1:30 in the morning. Heard 5-6 shots and then 10 seconds later a guy yelling "help, I've been shot" while stumbling down the street behind ours. I called the 911 immediately as did quite a few of my neighbors. Fortunately, he was only grazed. In the past few years we have several shootings or gun fire within a few block radius. But the gentrification of the area continues apace so it gets less and less every year. When I first moved in 12 years ago I would guns about once a week.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts
    I hear gunshots every day.

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    Weekly. I heard automatic machinegun-gunfire last week.

    There's nothing glamorous about it--I almost want to go back to the burbs except for the fact I love the Bay Area. I'll move once school is up and I can afford somewhere else.


  • Prior to moving to a different neighborhood in november we heard them about twice a week. Since the move we've only heard it once, maybe twice.

  • Weekly. I heard automatic machinegun-gunfire last week.

    There's nothing glamorous about it--I almost want to go back to the burbs except for the fact I love the Bay Area. I'll move once school is up and I can afford somewhere else.


    where exactly do you live?

    apparently homicide is up big time in the Western Addition/Fillmore this year, but luckily I never hear shots.

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    Weekly. I heard automatic machinegun-gunfire last week.

    There's nothing glamorous about it--I almost want to go back to the burbs except for the fact I love the Bay Area. I'll move once school is up and I can afford somewhere else.


    where exactly do you live?

    apparently homicide is up big time in the Western Addition/Fillmore this year, but luckily I never hear shots.

    I live in Richmond, CA--East Bay. Not "The Richmond" as many people confuse my town with the SF neighborhood. Is that what you meant?

  • i would have to say daily, or almost daily as well. sometimes theyre in the distance, sometimes pretty close. i gotta tell you though that the shit doesnt really phase me anymore. im about ready to get the fuck up out of my hood of apt complexes and buy some property of my own.

  • Weekly. I heard automatic machinegun-gunfire last week.

    There's nothing glamorous about it--I almost want to go back to the burbs except for the fact I love the Bay Area. I'll move once school is up and I can afford somewhere else.


    where exactly do you live?

    apparently homicide is up big time in the Western Addition/Fillmore this year, but luckily I never hear shots.

    I live in Richmond, CA--East Bay. Not "The Richmond" as many people confuse my town with the SF neighborhood. Is that what you meant?

    haha no I would never make that mistake. you said you lived in the Bay; I had just fogotten where that's all. yeah Richmond can be a little rough in some spots. I live right next to Western Addition/Fillmore in the City so that's why I mentioned it.

    doubt there's much gunfire in THE Richmond.

  • cardovacardova 743 Posts
    I never heard gunshots in my city. Once two cops were shot a few blocks from where I used to live though.

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    Weekly. I heard automatic machinegun-gunfire last week.

    There's nothing glamorous about it--I almost want to go back to the burbs except for the fact I love the Bay Area. I'll move once school is up and I can afford somewhere else.


    where exactly do you live?

    apparently homicide is up big time in the Western Addition/Fillmore this year, but luckily I never hear shots.

    I live in Richmond, CA--East Bay. Not "The Richmond" as many people confuse my town with the SF neighborhood. Is that what you meant?

    haha no I would never make that mistake. you said you lived in the Bay; I had just fogotten where that's all. yeah Richmond can be a little rough in some spots. I live right next to Western Addition/Fillmore in the City so that's why I mentioned it.

    doubt there's much gunfire in THE Richmond.

    FOOL WHATCHU KNOW BOUT THA RICH?!? nafin... ease your lips there sunshine. tha rich is off the chain with russian cats hidden behind sunglasses whipping by in their bmws. times here are gangster...

    actually nothing much happens here. theres tons of cops out here though. its weird. mostly see dudes getting pulled over for speeding on the streets/not stopping at the signs. every now and then youll hear a shot or two let off. its very uncommon though. theres blocks here and there throughout the richmond where its more low income renters (chinese, black, white, russian) where things are a little more like when i lived on san bruno ave/paul. ill say its an okay place to raise a family... except theres no freeways and mediocre mexican food.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Weekly. I heard automatic machinegun-gunfire last week.

    There's nothing glamorous about it--I almost want to go back to the burbs except for the fact I love the Bay Area. I'll move once school is up and I can afford somewhere else.


    where exactly do you live?

    apparently homicide is up big time in the Western Addition/Fillmore this year, but luckily I never hear shots.

    I live in Richmond, CA--East Bay. Not "The Richmond" as many people confuse my town with the SF neighborhood. Is that what you meant?

    haha no I would never make that mistake. you said you lived in the Bay; I had just fogotten where that's all. yeah Richmond can be a little rough in some spots. I live right next to Western Addition/Fillmore in the City so that's why I mentioned it.

    doubt there's much gunfire in THE Richmond.

    There are some really scary parts of Richmond, and most of the Bay Area has no clue all the shit that goes on over there. It's not all up in the newspaper like Oakland and SF are, and there is pretty much no reason to go to Richmond if you don't live there, which makes redevelopment and income for the city terribly difficult. Friends of mine from East Oakland say shit is way worse in Richmond.

    I've heard gunfire twice in the different places I've lived, but I really can't imagine it being on a regular basis. I think I could deal if it was just me living there, but raising kids or even living with a parent or girfriend would wreak havoc on my nerves.

    I fucking hate guns.

  • actually nothing much happens here. theres tons of cops out here though. its weird. mostly see dudes getting pulled over for speeding on the streets/not stopping at the signs. every now and then youll hear a shot or two let off. its very uncommon though. theres blocks here and there throughout the richmond where its more low income renters (chinese, black, white, russian) where things are a little more like when i lived on san bruno ave/paul. ill say its an okay place to raise a family... except theres no freeways and mediocre mexican food.

    haha I see you jinx on the 38 with Boris and them. nice leather jacket. catch you at Big Heart city one of these nights.

  • I fucking hate guns.

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts

    actually nothing much happens here. theres tons of cops out here though. its weird. mostly see dudes getting pulled over for speeding on the streets/not stopping at the signs. every now and then youll hear a shot or two let off. its very uncommon though. theres blocks here and there throughout the richmond where its more low income renters (chinese, black, white, russian) where things are a little more like when i lived on san bruno ave/paul. ill say its an okay place to raise a family... except theres no freeways and mediocre mexican food.

    haha I see you jinx on the 38 with Boris and them. nice leather jacket. catch you at Big Heart city one of these nights.

    dont let igor see you making fun of his people.

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts
    yeah Richmond can be a little rough in some spots.

    That's an understatement if I've ever seen one.

  • verb606verb606 2,518 Posts
    "diddy, hear those fireworks?"

    sean comb's net alias revealed?

  • phatmoneysackphatmoneysack Melbourne 1,124 Posts

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    I hear gunshots every day.

  • edulusedulus 421 Posts
    saw slick rick a week ago. like 10 shots fired outside in the parking lot. first time i had heard gunfire since i moved down here from baltimore.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Here and there. In the summertime its gets frequent. It's not like it used to be though.

  • All the time.
    Over the years I've even learned how to distinguish between caliber (.22 = firecracker 'pop', etc.).
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