tortured philly fan

tripledoubletripledouble 7,636 Posts
edited April 2007 in Strut Central!!!!!! anyone feeling my pain?????


  • and this cold ass weather is really sucking some serious ballsacks!!!!
    forecast calls for at lesat another 7 daysof 40-50 degree bullshit.

    all you cali,florida ,tropical mothjerfuckers just shut the hell up

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    Snow this weekend? That's what Fox 29 tells me.

    Anyhow, your pain is felt. I'm a tag along to the Phillies tomorrow, but hey on the brightside...we're only a couple months from the NBA draft. That is our one glimmer of hope.

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    No qualms about being cribridden. Phillies are taking this city through the ringer, yet again so far this season. How much more can we take before it breaks?

  • pacmanpacman 1,114 Posts
    Lifelong Phillies fan this sucks.

    Thanks J-ro for sticking your foot in your mouth.

  • RaystarRaystar 1,106 Posts
    Whats all the talk about playoffs for the Sixers? Is the east really that bad? How many months until pre-season football? Can De La Hoya beat Mayweather? Is Ryan Howard related to KRS-one? Is it really safer in Iraq than in Philly? Why are people looking at my auctions and asking me how do I know whether a record is original or not? When is the fool from the U.K. going to send my money for that Skull Snaps... I'm Done... coffee's on.

    Drew, I have yet to get a call from you regarding some sort of emergency that requires me to come and pick you up and take you somewhere!

  • Is Ryan Howard related to KRS-one?


  • marumaru 1,450 Posts
    aren't the phillies supposed to be this year?

    what's the deal? i guess it's early. going to a bunch of games the next couple months.

  • .we're only a couple months from the NBA draft. That is our one glimmer of hope.

    im sayin that aint even guaranteed anymore....they fuckin that up toooo!!!!
    they went from 4th worst seed to tenth in 2 weeks. idddddddddiiiiots

    yo ray! give a shout, cause i didnt know what the fuck your pm was all about


  • RaystarRaystar 1,106 Posts
    yo ray! give a shout, cause i didnt know what the fuck your pm was all about

    Theres a thrift spot in the city that was really my go to place... well its been down for close to a year and I was wondering if you had any info... I asked you because I saw that at the Record Revival, you had an album that I always see there, so I figured you picked it up there and maybe it was one of your haunts also.

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    Whats all the talk about playoffs for the Sixers?


    Is the east really that bad?

    it's bad as hell, but STILL not that damn bad

    How many months until pre-season football?

    too many for me... i'm dying over here

    Can De La Hoya beat Mayweather?


    Is Ryan Howard related to KRS-one?
    is the homie's schnoz that big or is it that he's just crazy or somethin'?

    Is it really safer in Iraq than in Philly?
    i don't think so, but it's pretty damn close

    Why are people looking at my auctions and asking me how do I know whether a record is original or not?
    these muthafuckas out here stoopid, yo

    When is the fool from the U.K. going to send my money for that Skull Snaps...
    can't call it... when you dealin' with stoopid muthafuckas you never know how it's gonna go down

    I'm Done... coffee's on.
    you're welcome, ray

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,160 Posts
    What would happen to a member of a fascist Weight Watchers support group for being caught eating cheesesteaks? Joke of the day. ha ha.

  • genomgenom 19 Posts
    just got back from the game. pat burrell =

  • RaystarRaystar 1,106 Posts

    you're welcome, ray

    Thanks Phill...

  • RaystarRaystar 1,106 Posts
    just got back from the game. pat burrell =

    Jay Ro though...

  • just got back from the game. pat burrell =

    Jay Ro though...

    that's good now, but he does this every year. He's gonna start swinging for the fences when he just needs a hit later in the year.

  • pacmanpacman 1,114 Posts
    just got back from the game. pat burrell =

    Jay Ro though...

    that's good now, but he does this every year. He's gonna start swinging for the fences when he just needs a hit later in the year.

    True that.

    Pat the bat....Jeez, I thought we shipped him out somewhere.

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    those shirts are nice...a little early to rip on the Phillies though. Every time I look at Ryan Howard I'm going to thing of BDP...thanks

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    This thread had better not make me cry...
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