rep your state soul site



  • Somebody needs to step up to the plate and make an AmericanSoulRecordings site. It wouldn't have to be much else besides a line-map of the US with the states that have their own pages highlighted and hyperlinked.

    I second the motion to design a page with a map and clickable states. It might be appropriate to include a brief overview of "What makes Soul music Soul", maybe even a "where did it come from and what did it evolve into" bit.....and everyone who has a page can contribute some thoughts. This would be smashing.

    I would love to take the reins on this site/project.

    You have my vote.

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    Solid. Breakself with another brilliant idea, no surprises there, hommie!

    Let's get some URL suggestions going ( and a list of links to respective state's sites and I can start putting this together in the next week or so.

  • As was suggested:
    is available, and I second it.

    I think all of the known links are listed in this thread

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    I love this place.

    hi Drew!

  • DCarfagnaDCarfagna 983 Posts
    Solid. Breakself with another brilliant idea, no surprises there, hommie!

    Let's get some URL suggestions going ( and a list of links to respective state's sites and I can start putting this together in the next week or so.

    I am in the process of putting together the Chicago (and Illinois) soul site.
    It will probably be larger than every regional soul site combined.
    I also have thorough discographies for Missouri, Kansas, Virginia, Los Angeles, Wisconsin, Florida and New York City.

    The only thing preventing all of these sites from materializing is a robot that writes impeccable HTML.

    The state that needs some homeworkers is Texas.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Solid. Breakself with another brilliant idea, no surprises there, hommie!

    Let's get some URL suggestions going ( and a list of links to respective state's sites and I can start putting this together in the next week or so.

    I am in the process of putting together the Chicago (and Illinois) soul site.
    It will probably be larger than every regional soul site combined.
    I also have thorough discographies for Missouri, Kansas, Virginia, Los Angeles, Wisconsin, Florida and New York City.

    The only thing preventing all of these sites from materializing is a robot that writes impeccable HTML.

    The state that needs some homeworkers is Texas.

    Holler if you need someone to input data into the site. What I lack in knowledge I can make up for in free grunt data entry and web work.

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts

    The state that needs some homeworkers is Texas.

    Was just thinking about this. Texas is big.

    Very interested to see Virginia and NYC too.

    btw, I'm not sure if the information is accurate or not, but my copy of King Roosevelt and the Soul Syndicate (Krass) has 'From Brooklyn' written beneath the group's name in pen.

  • DCarfagnaDCarfagna 983 Posts
    btw, I'm not sure if the information is accurate or not, but my copy of King Roosevelt and the Soul Syndicate (Krass) has 'From Brooklyn' written beneath the group's name in pen.

    Yeah, Krass was from Brooklyn. King Roosevelt has two releases on the label.
    I have a picture of the band here somewhere.

  • dmacdmac 472 Posts
    Somebody needs to step up to the plate and make an AmericanSoulRecordings site. It wouldn't have to be much else besides a line-map of the US with the states that have their own pages highlighted and hyperlinked.

    I second the motion to design a page with a map and clickable states. It might be appropriate to include a brief overview of "What makes Soul music Soul", maybe even a "where did it come from and what did it evolve into" bit.....and everyone who has a page can contribute some thoughts. This would be smashing.

    I would love to take the reins on this site/project.

    damn, all I wanted to do was have a page on links on my site. but y'all are taking it to the next level!

  • TNGTNG 234 Posts
    Somebody needs to step up to the plate and make an AmericanSoulRecordings site. It wouldn't have to be much else besides a line-map of the US with the states that have their own pages highlighted and hyperlinked.

    I second the motion to design a page with a map and clickable states. It might be appropriate to include a brief overview of "What makes Soul music Soul", maybe even a "where did it come from and what did it evolve into" bit.....and everyone who has a page can contribute some thoughts. This would be smashing.

    I would love to take the reins on this site/project.

    damn, all I wanted to do was have a page on links on my site. but y'all are taking it to the next level!

    No, taking it to the next level would be licensing in the content for digital distribution. iTunes for master diggers.

    And with that, I've reached my quota for million dollar ideas today.

  • akoako 3,418 Posts
    id love to make an Iowa soul site, but i dont think i have the resources, and i only have 2 (good) local 45s...

    The Noteables on Sound City and
    The SOULution on IGL

    anybody have anything close to this? id love to just see a list of good iowan shit

    How are these? I remember you mentioning them before. Only Iowa record that I've got that I actually like is that Dartanyan one that was recorded in Des Moines---soul jazzy dancey I guess.

    noteables is basically a one-sider, decent mid-60s JB sounding vocal funk with a nice hammond solo

    SOULution has a nice recording, more soulful than funky. but still pretty decent. the side i like kinda sounds like a better, vocal, "grazing in the grass"

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts
    btw, I'm not sure if the information is accurate or not, but my copy of King Roosevelt and the Soul Syndicate (Krass) has 'From Brooklyn' written beneath the group's name in pen.

    Yeah, Krass was from Brooklyn. King Roosevelt has two releases on the label.
    I have a picture of the band here somewhere.

  • The state that needs some homeworkers is Texas.

    Rockadelic, djcoolhands and Pointman and other lurkers have the knowledge.

    I'd be glad to contribute some "manual labor".

  • BreakSelfBreakSelf 2,925 Posts

    The state that needs some homeworkers is Texas.

    Rockadelic, djcoolhands and Pointman and other lurkers have the knowledge.

    I'd be glad to contribute some "manual labor".

    Rehash crew and friends are resident 45 experts as well.

    There's a lot of obscure shit from Texas. Anyone got an M&M discog? How about a rundown of the Beaumont scene? I KNOW Little Rose has to have some unreleased joints.

  • rsmeetsrsmeets 35 Posts
    i could help too.. let me know if this is going to happen and you're looking for people to help out..

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    Somebody needs to step up to the plate and make an AmericanSoulRecordings site. It wouldn't have to be much else besides a line-map of the US with the states that have their own pages highlighted and hyperlinked.

    OK, the domain has been secured, nothing up there yet. I really want to do something Flash-based for the map, a new skill that I'm learning on the fly, so this will be a process, but I'm excited about it and will be in touch with some of you regarding contributions or for additional information.

    Keep ya'll posted...

    I second the motion to design a page with a map and clickable states. It might be appropriate to include a brief overview of "What makes Soul music Soul", maybe even a "where did it come from and what did it evolve into" bit.....and everyone who has a page can contribute some thoughts. That would be smashing.

    Definitely will be needing someone with knowledge to supply the text as suggested above. Please contact me if you would like to contribute or know someone who would be good to get in touch with.

  • JRootJRoot 861 Posts
    How many fingers will it take to count Missouri?

    There are quite a few soul records from Kansas City and St. Louis.
    Columbia, Jefferson City and Warrensburg? Not so many.

    Was there any distribution to Columbia or Jefferson City? Bands must have played in Jefferson City at Lincoln University back in the day. They must have sold a couple of records that got played to death down there and are now unlistenable. But I suspect like all played to death and unlistenable 45s, they have migrated to Chicago, where they can be had for 50 cents or less on the thinking "I must be able to play this just to hear what it sounds like" only to hear the sound of somebody making a foil ball when played.

  • hammertimehammertime 2,389 Posts
    i actually started a list of Texas releases for my own use...obviously there are scores of people more qualified to make a site than me but I'd be more than happy to help and contribute the info I have.
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