Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
edited March 2007 in Strut Central
So i went up to 34th street last night to watch the elephants. What elephants, you say? Well the Ringling Brothers circus cannot get its elephants into Madison Square Garden any other way than to MARCH THEM THROUGH THE MIDTOWN TUNNEL AND DOWN 34th STREET.I heard about this yesterday and I was like I have lived in this city for 10 years how is this possible that I do not know about the MARCH OF THE ELEPHANTS. This is some shit that needs to be witnessed by me.So me and wifey and her friend K-Chow went up there and copped a table at some outdoor bar and got shitfaced and prepared to watch elephants. Except that, there is a crowd that assembles and you have to leave your table or else you can't see shit. So we got up and made our way to the front barricade and basically I had a lot of liquor in me and had to piss real bad for about an hour.Then finally the crowd started going off and some circus trucks came through and then came the elephants, each one holding the next one's tail like Dumbo. I am a fucking sucker for Disney shit right. But you know, there were only like six elephants and that was a bit of a letdown. They looked sad and sort of frightened and I vaguely felt like "damn this is animal cruelty". Then there was some ponies but I am not down with ponies so we bounced.Anyways, so I guess it was sort of lame but there you have it. Motherfucking ELEPHANTS in the midtown tunnel.


  • I heard about this on NPR this AM....my girl was freaking out and said "we have to go see this next year!"

  • bthavbthav 1,538 Posts
    this was in eternal sunshine. i guess the scene was unplanned, gondry heard about it as it was happening, and brought the camera crew out shot.

    looked pretty

    didnt know it was a regular occurrence, though.

  • SupergoodSupergood 1,213 Posts
    Then there was some ponies but I am not down with ponies so we bounced.

  • That's dope.

    There was some prime elephant footage on that Discovery series "Planet Earth" that started this past Sunday. That series is amazing btw. HD cameras.

  • Dude I fucks with that Planet Earth shit. Sunday nights are LOCKED DOWN.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    felt like "damn this is animal cruelty".

  • erewhonerewhon 1,123 Posts
    A couple of years in a row I watched the elephants leave town like this in South Baltimore. Elephants in a tunnel sounds cooler, but elephants in South Baltimore ain't bad.

  • Dude I fucks with that Planet Earth shit. Sunday nights are LOCKED DOWN.


    Great white launching out of the ocean and chomping on whole seal?

  • elephants in South Baltimore ain't bad.

    were I to be there at the designated date I would definitely be down to watch elephants troop through South Baltimore.

  • scebasceba 122 Posts
    only catched a couple of episodes cause it wa broadcast here on a saturday night but they were

    here's that shark attack

    shark jump attack '

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    if you feed an elephant a peanut, it will crack the shell open using its nose fingers and then eat just the nut and discard the shell. When i first saw an elephant do that i was so surprised cause i just figured he would eat the whole thing and not even care.

  • That's my neighborhood blud, should've given me a shout!

    I saw them a few years ago coming out of the tunnel, thought it would be a surreal site, but it was more sad than anything else. A whole family of Dumbo's being led to the circus through Midtown, I hoped they got mad food at the end.

  • That's my neighborhood blud, should've given me a shout!

    I saw them a few years ago coming out of the tunnel, thought it would be a surreal site, but it was more sad than anything else. A whole family of Dumbo's being led to the circus through Midtown, I hoped they got mad food at the end.

    Aw man I didn't know you lived up there. I thought you lived in BK or Queens for some reason.

    Anyway yeah it was more sad than cool. I thought elephants stomping through midtown would be really dope. It was fun but the elephants looked like they were over it.

  • circuses are cruel. 2007 y'all fuck this schitt.

  • circuses are cruel. 2007 y'all fuck this schitt.

    agreed 100%...this place, however is not - it is an elephant orphanage I went to a few weeks ago in Nairobi. Incredible place. They find abandoned and orphaned elephants throughout Kenya, raise them and re-socilize them into other herds..
    check the picks:

    more here:

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    Dude I fucks with that Planet Earth shit. Sunday nights are LOCKED DOWN.


    Great white launching out of the ocean and chomping on whole seal?

    ive been waiting for this show for some time. ive already recorded all three episodes from On Demand. the Desert one coming on sunday looks dope on preview. their website planet-earth.com has some of the cool stuff that theyre showing on tv.

    ive watched tons of science/earth history/animal shows for years and have never seen anything like this.

    a pack of hyenas chasing down some gazelle or some shit like that. it was an animal faster than the hyenas i remember that.

    panda bears holed up for 3weeks with a newborn.

    snow leopards chasing mtn goats DOWN a mtn!!

    elephants playing in water and swimming

    amazing photos of the earth from space (like that giant glacier and the lowest place on earth in ethiopia where 4 different geologic(?) zones are forming)

    seriously hooked on this right now...

  • trunk dexterity for days

  • strikerstriker 146 Posts
    circuses are cruel. 2007 y'all fuck this schitt.

    agreed 100%...this place, however is not - it is an elephant orphanage I went to a few weeks ago in Nairobi. Incredible place. They find abandoned and orphaned elephants throughout Kenya, raise them and re-socilize them into other herds..
    check the picks:

    those are really nice quality pictures, what kind of camera do you have if you don't mind me asking?

  • if you don't mind me asking?

    yeah, that is a pretty personal question.

  • strikerstriker 146 Posts
    Ha! i know, didn't want to turn an elephant thread into a digital camera one

  • bthavbthav 1,538 Posts

  • bthavbthav 1,538 Posts

    whats the place called. this is fanstatico.

  • meistro,

    whats the place called. this is fanstatico.

    David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust. It was, indeed, fantastico.

    I'm old school and still rocking a film camera:

  • Dude I fucks with that Planet Earth shit. Sunday nights are LOCKED DOWN.


    Great white launching out of the ocean and chomping on whole seal?

    I heard this was i need to check it out this weekend.

  • Dude I fucks with that Planet Earth shit. Sunday nights are LOCKED DOWN.


    Great white launching out of the ocean and chomping on whole seal?

    I heard this was i need to check it out this weekend.

    It is next level. I highly recommend catching it on a HD set.

  • trunk dexterity for days

    elephant art, elephant orchestra... there's one guy who really seems to be getting into a groove.

  • Dude I fucks with that Planet Earth shit. Sunday nights are LOCKED DOWN.


    Great white launching out of the ocean and chomping on whole seal?

    I heard this was i need to check it out this weekend.

    It is next level. I highly recommend catching it on a HD set.

    Aside from the crafty aerial photography used and some cool slo-mo, I find the Planet Earth series poorly written and sort of sensationalist.
    The episodes I have seen are very scatter-shot as far as continuity, with little to link each meticulously filmed sequence.
    The "Pole To Pole" episode wasn't even close to examining what the title proposed.
    And I find the narration to be pandering and uninformative.
    I mean, do we need Sigourney Weaver to tell us that images of snow leopards are very rare and have never been caught on film?
    No shit, they live in remote parts of the Himalayas.

    For magic-for-magic's-sake naturalist film, may I suggest any David Attenborough titles from the past ten years, particularly The Blue Planet and especially Life In The Undergrowth.
    The cinematography and actual events filmed in Undergrowth will simply fuck you up.

    I'm talking carnivorous one-foot centipedes that catch bats on the wing and slug mating rituals that make Holy Mountain look like Rugrats.

    I am a natural history film bigot, I'm sorry.

  • rkwparkrkwpark 915 Posts
    for those down with elephants, check out the Protector starring Ong Bak's Tony Jaa for that real schitt!

  • DC, your points are well-taken. I commented to my wife while we were watching that the show was very self-congratulatory. Four or five instances of "This is the first time ever to show __________." Perhaps they tried to make the narrative and titles too broad in scope to fit in a 53 minute block.

    That said, the visuals trump all of it to me. Watch that shit on 50" HD set or even bigger and tell me it doesn't. REALER THAN REAL.

    I am also a neophyte on the nature doc seen so maybe I'm easily impressed. Maybe I'm just easily impressed in general.
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