Netflix Beef



  • JRootJRoot 861 Posts
    If you've ever found yourself in the video store thinking "why is it that there is nothing here I want to rent?" Netflix is a great thing. You can sit at home, at work, at wherever you have the internet, and ask yourself what you have always wanted to see. Boom. Add it to the queue. And then, if you think to yourself, "oh shit, I really don't need to see An Inconvenient Truth right now" (like I've been thinking for about a month) you can either send it back or move it down in your queue or just sit on it for a while until the time is right.

    I have been greatly enriched by Netflix over the years. And I suspect that you can be too. Although you might want to check out the distribution network on the islands, if you're still in Hawaii. If they are sending those DVDS to the mainland, then forget it.

  • I've been on the 2-at-a-time deal ($16.25/mo) for a year and saw 60 movies. I wasn't religous about watching and returning dvds immediately, and so that worked out to about 5 per month, which would be about $24 at the local blockbuster. So, I saved about $100 and saw many more movies than I would have normally. There were maybe two movies I wanted to see that they didn't carry. I have about 250 movies in my queue, which, at this rate, I can see in about 4 years. There have been a couple times when I recieved a damaged dvd, but I just went on the website and reported it, and they sent me a new one ASAP, without even receiving the damaged one.

  • FrankFrank 2,370 Posts
    The biggest downside of living in Africa is that there are no Video stores. Well there are but they're real bad... I used to have a great video store around the corner in Berlin which also had tons of old stuff, classics and obscure, just a good mix of everything. I used to rent out an average of at least 10 movies a week and always got the VIP treatment from them. They would call and hold new releases for me when they got them in, never had me pay late fees, waved me to the side of the counetr when the was a big line. Really miss that place... Now I buy tons of Shanghai bootlegs whenever I get to Freetown where there's a store that sells them. There's one brand that makes these DVDs that have 8 (!) movies each and most times, the quality is surprisingly good. I don't think a service like Netflix could provide me with as many movies as I want to watch. I also really love Video stores. I love browsing around and sometimes you can get advice from knowledgable store staff. I'm okay with Amazon killing off bookstores cause I always hated bookstores, always had to order what I wanted and service always sucked. But please don't kill the video stores! Except Blockbuster... they deserve to be killed.

  • SIRUSSIRUS 2,554 Posts
    Blockbuster... they deserve to be killed.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    I've only started having problems recently. My Borat never showed up, some returns took an extra day or two even though I checked the return address. You can fit two DVDs into one return sleeve so I've been doing that and keeping the extra sleeve in case they ever try to switch the address on me.

    I love my Netflix but there's always if Netflix starts pissing me off. Still, whatever you do don't go with Fucking horrible website and service although the instore return is nice if you live around the corner from a Blockbuster like myself.

    Second time in a row they've taken two days to receive my returns. If this keeps happening I'm switching to Greencine.

  • Second time in a row they've taken two days to receive my returns.

    Yup. This is what was pissing me off.
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