Winehouse on Letterman

DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
edited March 2007 in Strut Central
Did anyone catch this Monday night? I am kinda curious how it went. Dap-Kings in support?


  • I saw her live last night. She has hit written all over her. The dap kings were tight as can be expected. She was a bit of a mess, forgetting words, clearly reading her set list, but then again it was a showcase, so that's fine. She reminds me a bit of a character from a john water's movie...tatted up, a bit trashy, but aspiring to more while staying true to herself...A rough but undeniable talent. Whoever's marketing her must be having a many angles to work. I was hoping Ghost came out during "You know I'm no good," but it didn't matter when he didn't, b/c she did her damn thing.

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts
    I saw her live last night. She has hit written all over her.

    i love this because i can picture phil spector saying it.

  • JimsterJimster 6,938 Posts
    I was sat in a shop a couple of years ago and heard her cover of "Mr. Magic", from the first set (it's buried in a long track listed as "Amy, Amy, Amy" on the CD). I asked who it was and the girl said Amy Winehouse. I was kind of :Pfft! I don't think so: but yeah, when I checked the wife's CD back home, there it was.

    I like the voice but not really liked any other material. She has a love of jazz from her dad, but of course the Industry??? won't let her indulge this too much.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    I want to like her, I really do. I like her image/style and all that and the music production is pretty good, but her voice drives me nuts - it's like American Idol meets bar band meets easy listening radio...I've tried listening to the CD a couple of times but can't really get through it. I get my hopes up for female soul singers of today - someone who knows her music history and understands arrangements and isn't a shouter/yelper or a melisma queen or sinks into pop crap - but my hopes get dashed over and over again.

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    I didn't like "Frank", too close to adult contemporary lite-FM jazz for my liking, but I can't front on the latest record, been listening too it a lot and enjoying the hell out of it. I really wanted to catch her at the Bowery Ballroom last night but those seats got snapped up pretty quickly.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    I want to like her, I really do. I like her image/style and all that and the music production is pretty good, but her voice drives me nuts - it's like American Idol meets bar band meets easy listening radio...I've tried listening to the CD a couple of times but can't really get through it. I get my hopes up for female soul singers of today - someone who knows her music history and understands arrangements and isn't a shouter/yelper or a melisma queen or sinks into pop crap - but my hopes get dashed over and over again.

    Yeah, they've surrounded her with great production, a killer backing band, and a celebrity-status image, but her voice just doesn't cut it for me.

  • Actually, she kind of stayed in the box for most of the night (a bit too much for my liking), not really stretching her voice until the end, when she did and sounded good doing it. The production is definitely working in her favor, as is her image.

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    Yeah, they've surrounded her with great production, a killer backing band, and a celebrity-status image, but her voice just doesn't cut it for me.

    i don't mind her voice so much, but unfortunately i find myself feeling like she is a gimmick. i know thats a horrible assumption on my part, especially since i have only heard her singles, she could have soul sauce running through her veins, but i just get the feeling like she is talented singer but with a marketing ploy behind her.

    i'ma see her this week during sxsw, so perhaps my views will change (lord knows there are worse things than having a pretty decent soul singer getting attention in today's music fantasy land). and at very least, dap kings are hopefully doing well with her success, cuz those dudes are some stand up musicians.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    Whoever's marketing her must be having a ball...

    the true test of an "artist"'s worth.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    I'm looking forward to seeing her on Friday

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    I have to admit that I am fascinated by her even though I have only recently heard about her. She???s a train wreck waiting to happen but an interesting train wreck nevertheless. On stage, she's often hammered to the gills but can pull off some very good performances despite this fact. I like that she can't or won't dance in even the most rudimentary way even though with just a little effort and polish and she???d be a very big star. She tugs at her hair and dresses in awkward, unprofessional ways. It???s like she???s never seen a soul or jazz singer perform before, which given her background is impossible. Anyone who thinks she's a marketing scheme cooked up by record execs hasn't looked very close. The tattoos are way too over the top in the genre the she's working. Naked chicks are her arms and the sloppy beehive are so not gonna play well with the older set who would most likely support her work. The most appealing aspect of her artistry is that she writes her own stuff. And her take isn't hackneyed or staid. She seems to be talking about her demons or what bothers her like a lot of great soul/jazz artists in past. It makes what could be a boring nostalgia act surprisingly relevant. If she survives the bulimia and the vodka, I think she could be a serious force.

    The Dap-kings are a great match for her style and add a lot of dynamics to her sound. It will be interesting to see what will happen if her career takes off here and if she wants them to back her. Will they get sucked in to the money and industry hype or will they stay the course with what they are doing? What an irony that Sharon Jones who has a much better voice, is such a pure entertainer with an amazing spirit could get left in the dust by some cute Jewish broad from England with a drinking problem. I can???t wait to see what happens.

    I'm jealous of you guys who are getting to see her this week.

    I think these clips show her potential best.

  • i don't mind her voice so much, but unfortunately i find myself feeling like she is a gimmick. i know thats a horrible assumption on my part, especially since i have only heard her singles, she could have soul sauce running through her veins, but i just get the feeling like she is talented singer but with a marketing ploy behind her.
    Not for nothin', hearing her speak in an interview with a strong cockney accent talkin' 'bout, "allowe, this is aymeee!", followed by her suddenly transformed down south accent while singing, just doesn't sit right with me.

    Just another Elvis-esque success in the making, but at least his accent was authentic

  • paulnicepaulnice 924 Posts

    What an irony that Sharon Jones who has a much better voice, is such a pure entertainer with an amazing spirit could get left in the dust by some cute Jewish broad from England with a drinking problem

  • i just learned out her in this thread, the youtube clip Day posted reminds me of Lauryn Hill....unplugged

  • kicks79kicks79 1,335 Posts
    I don't think her voice is that strong at all. Sharon definietly deserves the attention more but i think Amy can only be good exposure for the Dapkings. Her songs just don't really grab my attention over repeated listens.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    What an irony that Sharon Jones who has a much better voice, is such a pure entertainer with an amazing spirit could get left in the dust by some cute Jewish broad from England with a drinking problem.

    Where's the "irony" in this?

  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    The possible "irony" of Sharon getting bumped, after all her hard work, by a young Brit thang singing music that Sharon's family and friends was making and supporting in Macon, GA since the 60s.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    The possible "irony" of Sharon getting bumped, after all her hard work, by a young Brit thang singing music that Sharon's family and friends was making and supporting in Macon, GA since the 60s.

    not ironic.

    maybe if Sharon was on some sort of a crusade against alcohol and then got beat out by this drunk chick, that would be ironic.

    as it stands it's just unfortunate.

  • The possible "irony" of Sharon getting bumped, after all her hard work, by a young Brit thang singing music that Sharon's family and friends was making and supporting in Macon, GA since the 60s.

    not ironic.

    maybe if Sharon was on some sort of a crusade against alcohol and then got beat out by this drunk chick, that would be ironic.
    The issue he brought up is music, style, and authenticity - not alcoholism. How do you not see the irony in that?

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    The possible "irony" of Sharon getting bumped, after all her hard work, by a young Brit thang singing music that Sharon's family and friends was making and supporting in Macon, GA since the 60s.

    not ironic.

    maybe if Sharon was on some sort of a crusade against alcohol and then got beat out by this drunk chick, that would be ironic.
    The issue he brought up is music, style, and authenticity - not alcoholism. How do you not see the irony in that?

    this is fun.

    the anti-alcohol soul singer being old-sold by a soul singer whose very persona is related to being a drunk was a hypothetical example of "irony."

    but what was presented earlier was the situation of a weaker, less authentic artist being more popular than a superior, more authentic artist.

    that extremely common occurence is a lot of things (like whack), but it's not ironic in any way.

  • The possible "irony" of Sharon getting bumped, after all her hard work, by a young Brit thang singing music that Sharon's family and friends was making and supporting in Macon, GA since the 60s.

    not ironic.

    maybe if Sharon was on some sort of a crusade against alcohol and then got beat out by this drunk chick, that would be ironic.
    The issue he brought up is music, style, and authenticity - not alcoholism. How do you not see the irony in that?

    this is fun.

    the anti-alcohol soul singer being old-sold by a soul singer whose very persona is related to being a drunk was a hypothetical example of "irony."
    Dude, the person you quoted said nothing about alcohol. He simply said she's getting bumped by a young brit who's singing music that Sharon and her fam was making since the 60's (and in addition, using her band in the process). See the irony now? Or should we get into a nerdy argument about logistics and the true meaning of words like "irony"?

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    dude I think that's what we're already doing.

    anyway I'm bored.

    no, "ironic" does not apply to a situation when a younger, more media-savvy artist appropriates an older, more authentic artist's sound and gets famous off it.

    that's not the meaning of ironic. at all.

    PS there's nothing particularly "original" about that scenario either. but we can debate the meaning of "original" in another thread.

  • Not for nothin', hearing her speak in an interview with a strong cockney accent talkin' 'bout, "allowe, this is aymeee!", followed by her suddenly transformed down south accent while singing, just doesn't sit right with me.

    Just another Elvis-esque success in the making, but at least his accent was authentic

    I'm definitely inclined to agree with this sentiment, I dig her stuff I've heard so far, but I can't shake the Lauren Hill sound of her voice. Something about it doesn't quite jive with the music that is backing her. At least Lily Allen sings/raps in her accent, which I actually find endearing about her.

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    Amy Winehouse is OK, but she's no Joss Stone.....

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    sometimes I think a lot of folks here let their nerdery get the best of them. The constant comparison between old vs new vs old style revival is zzzzzzzz.....

    Do you compare every new rap release to criminal minded or critical beatdown or etc.....? It seems that's what folks do when it's related to soulstrut collectro music (rock/soul/funk).

    I like Amy, big fan of hers. I was a fan of her first album too, even if you lot seem to think it was some jazzy smooth clothing store music. This girl has talent, I believe in that.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    Meh. Faces Bodies of meth:

    I don't know anything about her, but I hope she gets help.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    obviously she looks like a disaster on the left.

    on the right though, am I the only one that thinks she's a dead ringer for the inflatable auto pilot in "Airplane"?

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Amy Winehouse riding shotgun in the

    I think it's unfair Sharon Jones isn't getting the same attention, but you also have to realize there's age, style of music, etc. OUTSIDE of race (not to say that that isn't a factor as well) that plays a big part in why she's not as famous here in the U.S.

    Sometimes you dudes need to just take music for what it for what it is. I know I'd much rather hear her on the radio than Fergalicious.
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