Name a movie that changed your life.



  • i hate to be all cliche about it, but Baraka[/b] was definitely a life changing film. i recommend it to everyone.

  • i hate to be all cliche about it, but Baraka[/b] was definitely a life changing film. i recommend it to everyone.

  • not the biggest film guy, but Rushmore comes as close as anything for me; it dropped when i was in college, and i needed a movie to tell me it was ok to try a lot of things, and fail at a good deal of them.

  • SIRUSSIRUS 2,554 Posts
    thank you thank you, and American Beauty sucked donkey balls.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts

    I saw plenty of horror movies as a youngin' (ie Motel Hell) but it was Creep Show that made me develop my insane fear of cockroaches that I have today. Dad, you fucked me up!

    I watched this with my step-dad a couple of months ago
    and now I have an appreciation for that movie (in particular, the cockroach scene).

  • pppppppp 261 Posts
    Office Space made me double think going into Boeing/Lockheed. Instead, I took a software gig with a small company.


  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,160 Posts
    i hate to be all cliche about it, but Baraka[/b] was definitely a life changing film. i recommend it to everyone.

    You mean Mortal Kombat or something? Dude was like Leatherface Wolverine!

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,633 Posts
    Shortly before my dad dropped out of my life, near the end of my sporadic summer of "weekend visits," he left me with his drug dealer for most of the day. The neighbor, a HUGE fat dude who drove an El Camino, took me to see ET.

    I cried after the movie. I was embarrassed crying in front of a stranger.

    When we got back to this dude's house, he sat me down in his living room, went into his bedroom, came back with a .357, put it in my hand and said, "Have you ever held a gun before?"

    Sitting there, drying my eyes, holding a gun half the size of my body, wondering when the fuck my dad was gonna come and save me, the dude says, "Be careful... it's loaded."

    Not so much the movie, but the whole ET experience, changed my life.

  • shitzrshitzr 648 Posts
    Shortly before my dad dropped out of my life, near the end of my sporadic summer of "weekend visits," he left me with his drug dealer for most of the day. The neighbor, a HUGE fat dude who drove an El Camino, took me to see ET.

    I cried after the movie. I was embarrassed crying in front of a stranger.

    When we got back to this dude's house, he sat me down in his living room, went into his bedroom, came back with a .357, put it in my hand and said, "Have you ever held a gun before?"

    Sitting there, drying my eyes, holding a gun half the size of my body, wondering when the fuck my dad was gonna come and save me, the dude says, "Be careful... it's loaded."

    Not so much the movie, but the whole ET experience, changed my life.


  • Back To The Future

    Instilled the whole anything is possible blah-blah-blah bit into my tiny little head. That and of course:

    Just One Of The Guys

    A fantastic set of breasts and a kid named Rick Morehouse who's obsessed with James Brown. Plus the obligatory role of bully played by William Zabka.

  • Mike_BellMike_Bell 5,736 Posts

    Just One Of The Guys

    This movie was my shit! I need to cop that jawn.
    I think RAJ even did and ISH review of the movies' soundtrack.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,633 Posts
    Shortly before my dad dropped out of my life, near the end of my sporadic summer of "weekend visits," he left me with his drug dealer for most of the day. The neighbor, a HUGE fat dude who drove an El Camino, took me to see ET.

    I cried after the movie. I was embarrassed crying in front of a stranger.

    When we got back to this dude's house, he sat me down in his living room, went into his bedroom, came back with a .357, put it in my hand and said, "Have you ever held a gun before?"

    Sitting there, drying my eyes, holding a gun half the size of my body, wondering when the fuck my dad was gonna come and save me, the dude says, "Be careful... it's loaded."

    Not so much the movie, but the whole ET experience, changed my life.


    Not to make light of your story but I could never understand peoples love of this film. As a child I was both disgusted and frightened of ET.

  • Just One Of The Guys

    This movie was my shit! I need to cop that jawn.

    I think RAJ even did and ISH review of the movies' soundtrack.

    Hah, I just peeped it and I wrote nearly exactly what Raj did

    But really, you can't beat that combination of characters, only thing missing is ralph macchio

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    Not in direct ways, more solidified my beliefs. Shawshank Redemption and A Beautiful Mind.

  • shitzrshitzr 648 Posts
    when i was 9 i saw my first porno. i don't even rembemer the title, but it was some in some european language. i snuck it out of my cousin's room. i had my homies come over to check it out and they flipped. they told a some heads i had the porno, who told other heads, and next thing you know i had half my hood of kids trying to come over to peep the porno.

    i couldn't let all them cats in the house otherwise my parents would kick my ass. then i had this idea of CHARGING those fools to peep the video. so what i did was have the kids ante up fifty cents each, go over to the living room window, and i'd have them watch it from there for about 10 minutes. i did this for a week during summer break and made a killing.

    so it wasn't so much the watching the porno itself that changed my life, but more so how it introduced me to hustlin.

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    not the biggest film guy, but Rushmore comes as close as anything for me; it dropped when i was in college, and i needed a movie to tell me it was ok to try a lot of things,

    I hope one of those things was to arbitrarily block a little kids shot when you walk by a basketball court.

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Scratch - The movie that sent me over the edge from enjoying hip-hop to wanting to be part of it.

    Dark Days - Gave me a whole new understanding of the lives of homeless people, the end when they come up out of the tunnel is one of the most inspiring moments in film history. Not to mention how dedicated Marc Singer was to pour all his money into that project with no clue whether it would be successful or not.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    Scratch - The movie that sent me over the edge from enjoying hip-hop to wanting to be part of it.

    I can't deny. It was no coincidence that around this time, I started collecting records. Bought two turntables (of which only one is being used now).

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts
    The ways of the world start to come together in a young mans mind...

    They don't make'em like they used to....

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    From the age of around 13/14 I used to tape pretty much every single late night film on tv to watch so I have a lot of blurred lines about what opened my eyes. I can't think of many two films that actually changed my perspective on the world but I do remember a few off the top of my head that seemed to channel right through me:

    Sonatine- Fucked me up the first time I saw it. My first introduction to Takashi, the mixture of sentiment, violence and calm was like nothing I'd ever seen before and taught me to start seeking out different types of movies.

    Naked -
    On the surface this is nothing more than an angry man wandering the streets of London at night but, catching it on tv during my teens, the film's disillusionment caught me like few others have. I've never gone back and watched it again as I suspect it would appear cliched and weak now and I'd rather keep the memory.

    There's no doubt many more but I'm having brain melt down.

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts

    The timing and everything going on in my life just all lined up with this one. The story telling and style are beautiful in this movie and the PTA wrote the actors right into their roles, sure the frog thing, with or without it that movie will always be high on my list.

    Catch-22 was another.

    Co-sine on Short Cuts from the first page that and The Player were my introductions to Altman.

  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts

    Rockers is a hustle

    What Dreams May Come.... life is beautiful.

    H.A.T.E. is a bitch

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts

    Rockers is a hustle

    What Dreams May Come.... life is beautiful.

    H.A.T.E. is a bitch

    This Hate:

    If that's what you are talking about, serious co-sign.
    I hope the french strutters don't hijack this thread, talking
    about how Kassovitz is a sucker again.

    Rockers is the ish too.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,909 Posts
    HAHA Space Herpes!! This movie was great when I was a kid.

    AHHHHH YEAHHHHHHHHHH. I saw this when I was nine. Not my first FU film. But def one that got me hooked.

    Hmmm, I would have to say Star Wars. Or maybe...

  • johmbolayajohmbolaya 4,472 Posts

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    GREAT MOVIE.Tatum O'Neal's character is one of the best female parts ever.

    American Beauty sucked donkey balls. watching it was like torture. Fight Club on the other hand was freakin' genius.

    I know I just sang the praises of Bad News Bears and so my credilbility is probably hovering around zero, but imo, both these movies suck donkey balls. Fight Club was nice to look at, that's it.

  • johmbolayajohmbolaya 4,472 Posts
    I know what I consider my favorite movies, but I'm having a difficult time figuring out the one that changed my life. I can always look back at certain films and remember where I was when I first saw them:

    "Car Wash"
    "The Bad News Bears"
    "Mother, Jugs & Speed"
    "High Anxiety"
    "Dot & The Kangaroo"
    "Attack Of The Killer Tomatoes"
    "Dog Day Afternoon"
    "Taxi Driver"
    "The Deer Hunter"
    "Time Bandits"
    "Up The Academy"
    "Shaolin Prince"
    "Just One Of The Guys"
    "Do The Right Thing"
    "Malcolm X"
    "Shanghai Triad"
    "In The Mood For Love"
    "Fashionistas Safado: The Challenge"
    "Big Momma's House 2"

  • cpeetzcpeetz 2,112 Posts
    I just sang the praises of Bad News Bears and so my credilbility is probably hovering around zero

    Why would liking the Bad News Bears damage your cred? Not only did this movie change my life : I'd put
    it in my top 20 all-time greatest movies. Deal.

  • johmbolayajohmbolaya 4,472 Posts
    I know I just sang the praises of Bad News Bears and so my credilbility is probably hovering around zero

    If we were talking about the TV series, or Steve Guttenberg rollerskating at the beginning of "Can't Stop The Music", maybe. The first two Bad News Bears films, that was essential HBO watching back then. I still want a Chico's Bail Bonds baseball jersey.
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