New Orleans spots

I'm heading up there this weekend, but i'll be with my old lady so I won't have time to be serious, but anything close to downtown or the french quarter that isn't going to try and cut my arm off and has some good stuff would be greatly appreciated. Gracias.
In the quarter there are only two shops left:
New Orleans Music Factory: (the records are upstairs: actually not a terrible selection although stock doesn't rotate that often. I've found some amazing records there though
Rock N' Roll Collectibles: no idea what's going on there these days. I haven't been in there since months before Katrina. I would recommend if you do plan on going there, bring trades with you. The pricing structure is akin to trying to decipher the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Jim Russell's - a little ways uptown but certainly accessible from downtown - always something to dig through there although not sure what they're buying these days.
If you had time for a daytrip, i'd highly recommend heading out to Goldmine's in Gulfport, MS - about a hour drive. I always have a blast there and despite lack of shoes and stogey smoking, the owners are really nice people. i stop whenever i'm out that way.
that's really it outside of thrift stores / fleas on the weekends.
good luck!
isnt music factory the one in the quarter w/ all the 7"s from T**** three way slidin in?
goldmines is clutch, Richard and Kimberly are hella boss. They brought a buncha stuff from their storage after the storm to replace a bunch of wax that got tossed when the roof got messed up. cond. is spotty on alot a pieces though.
jim russells is a joke unless you wave paper in his face, even then,
him and his pop strike me as sheisty though, but thats a snap judgement
i've bought more at Jim Russell's than i care to recount.
there are records all over the place there.
go in the shop
look to the heavens
and know that records weigh above you.
Shadiest dudes i know.
Impossible to deal with.
but both are hardly in the shop anymore.
not sure what you mean.
i certainly know a guy known as three way but no T**** in the name.
goldmine's is the shit.
i absolutely love that shop.
used to go once a month
usually at least a half day/all day thing though.
they always offer me a soda or drink when i come.
on a few occasions, they've even picked up a sandwich for me for lunch.
good folks.
triple- theres joints there for sure (int. city?, yada yada) but doods just too much to deal with (or not enough dependin how you look at it) but
sheeeeesh. anyway, gold cup,scram, whatchoo tryn to say....
ps-whatsa deal on aeiou3?
ari- i've picked up tons upstairs at music factory that had t3w or tw on the deadwax in greasepen/??? and the guy was telling me they were comin outta eddies. i dunno where i got the t from, prolly from the grapes..
still got that one - PM me some trades.
I saw some face-melting double bass clarinet action at this place called The Dragon's Den, which was located above a restaurant w/ a rickshaw out front on the street that is the eastern border of the French Quarter. They say it was once an opium den and I believe it.
gracias amigo.
unfortunately, i don't know if they've opened up again since the hurricane.
great spot, used to know the guy that ran the bar upstairs and stop in there late nights.
but the hey-day of the Den was long over... the owners would not fix it up, stock the bar, hence they lost a lot of business.
good spot for jazz?
go to Donna's on Rampart
used to always be something good going on there.
or you could go to Vaughn's in the Bywater.
sure something's jumping over there.
maybe kermit ruffin doing his weekly thing again.
I'm heading out there in April.
Where's Jim Russell's ??. Anybody got an address??
Thank you so much. All of your help is greatly appreciated.
edit: found it:
631 Toulouse St
New Orleans, LA 70130
(504) 523-3727
I thought I remembered picking up something there. It was a few years ago, though.
cats are mad lazy
magic bus left with the storm.
owner is now out in texas.
Dragon's Den: new management, now with a coffeeshop on the first floor instead of the Thai rest. still some interesting live jazz and eclectic stuff.
Jim Russel's sucks on principle.. don't like the dudes. Find a record you like and get it priced.. fun. One time I walked in and they meekly told me there was a buy one get one half price sale.. maybe you will get lucky.
there's a new rec shop in town.. just opened. don't remember the name. friends say its good. on bayou st. john i think.
virgin never reopened.. tower's shut down = no more places in the quarter to buy new music... not that's what you wanted, but FYI.
not lazy man, just actually work when i'm at work. no computadora at home. Hence the minimal amount of posts since joining this site in 2004. Thanks again to everyone for the help. I'm flying tomorrow. Peace.