Edan appreciation

I just listened to Beauty and the Beat again (after two spliffs) and all I can think of is what a creative dude he is. He gives nerdy white cats like me hope
His beats always seem to inspire me to experiment with all different kinds of wax. Anybody else dig him ?

if this is backpaker shit them let's climb the mountain
psychadelic hop
i hope he never "makes it" so we keep getting good releases like that one
also he is sick live with the cutting and rapping at the same time
Skip up to about 14 minutes into it when they get off the stage and just rhyme back to back - His flow is unparalleled right now IMO. Insight/Dagha ain't bad either..
Where did you people come from?
and on cue he showed up like
"hey mousey ...before you ride off into the sunset on your harley smokin a marlboro........
Actually, that was me - and I wasn't dissing him, I
was making fun of the erotic digger fiction that was
taking place in the thread ala "I saw Primo eating a
$6 cupcake while digging one-handed at The Thing" -
and he didn't show up "on cue" so much as find the thread
3 months later and revive it ...
... having said all that, I did get a laugh out of his
response, I couldn't deny the comedy of it, and I took my
lumps ...
I must have missed this. Anyone have a link?
I agree Fast Rap is my shit, but as a rapper/producer I
Why is dude wearing a tie to his hip hop performance? These tunes are ok. Nothing earth shattering here.
the same reason he used to wear (what i hope was) a wig.
thats just his thing. i hope that doesnt change your opinion of his music.
he is fun to watch dj and rappin at the same time. funny dude.
id love to sample psych, but my mcs look at me weird when i do.
otherwise i'm ok sleeping
im a big fan. one the few hip hop artists i check for. "beauty and the beat" is up there with "paul's botique" and "three feet and rising" for me.
ive seen him live with dooley "o". he won't disapoint even though i think dooley "o" stole the show on the mic.
i know people on the board will have mixed feelings about edan. even if you can't get away with his voice or rhymes you have to give his production props.
my faves are "sing it shit face" and "mc's smoke crack (remix)" as well as liking "beauty and the beat" lp. infact both his lp are worthy.
i like it.
Saw the video footage of that tour & two things really struck me:
1. Edan's performance (2 MC's back & forth, echobox, acoustic guitar, theremin, kazoo, etc) really kept it moving and was very interesting/engaging.
2. His fans were singing along to that "Colors" song like it was MOP's "Ante Up" or somthing! The UK audiences knew every word to every one of his songs.
P.S. Dooley had, uh, NO stage show at all in comparison.
not as good as prim plus and not a patch on beauty, crazy raw sounding though, also sounds like his nuts hadn't dropped yet. seen him live twice, once with insight & once with dagah, the latter being the best gig i've been to in a very very very long time. saw dooley-o the same night, as much as i liked his album and enjoyed seeing him live, in retrospect his show wasn't up to much at all. yeah edan is a pretty big deal over here (british isles) mainly because hes signed to a uk label (lewis).
anyway, he da man
least i can do after downloading your entire album
Beauty & The Beat was my favourite album of 2005..but it's been a while since we heard from him.
Artchitecture's all right. Got nothin on his other three releases though..
I really liked "Run That Shit"