Some amazing Graffiti on NYC Trains Circa 2007

This is a big story in the graff world right now, these guys painted a "worm" or 10 whole cars in a row in NYC this year. This shit is unheard of in this day and age, pretty amazing if it's real (and it sounds like it is). There isn't a picture of all 10 cars together anywhere, but you can see 6 or 7 at once and then individual photos of the other cars. Bad ass!

The whole thing says "MADE U LOOK" and this was the 10th car at the end:

i saw some one can throwups on a door on the 7 in november
if dudes got pinched they be tied up like jose padilla
or bruce sweiden gettin drums sounds outta cardboardboxes on thrilla
Propers due.
NYC affiliates I would guess. Why else would you put in all that work to put up a name that you don't represent.
increased penalties?
better security in the garages?
I guess they adopted a policy where they absolutely wouldn't let painted cars run, thus eliminating the incentive for most writers since their shit would never get seen. But still, it seems there would still be a lot of writers willing to do it and take pictures, even if they knew that train would never run...
..and yet the t-shirts are shitty iron on transfers with some "impact" font? And the sites front page looks like it was made in MSPAINT?
On that website -
Something isn't sitting right. Website says they painted them in an underground yard, and two days later the trains are outside and dudes find them and take flicks? I don't run around in the tunnels in NY but this seems
This popped up a while back, never seen something like that run this day and age, let alone on one of the newer trains.
them bloody europeans!!!!!(vandels in motion/monsters of art)
that shit is pretty impressive. The first thing smells like a hoax though, i dunno. If not then mad props.
if it is real then man I am crazy glad kids are keeping that shit alive, the thing that makes me suspect that it isn't legit is the "my whore train" shit.
You have to wonder why there are not full pics of this worm right?
the source of the webpage, pics, and video is questionable and is NOT MUL crew
to quote the one Rockness Monsta
The last time I heard about more than one WC done at a time in NYC was when Ces, Zeds, Chintz and Shore from Germany and Holland did 3 wholecars together some time in mid 90s.
Last time I was in NYC I saw a freshly painted WC parked in the 6 yard.
I hope its real!
I think so, which is why there isn't a pic of all 10 together. the M and A cars were probably on a train that was laid up behind the other one.
And yeah the scandel specualtions aren't that the pieces were fake, but that the MUL website is fake and that the flicks that were taken were by cops and put on the net to try and flush out more info about the artists.
Basically, they are