Some amazing Graffiti on NYC Trains Circa 2007

G_BalliandoG_Balliando 3,916 Posts
edited February 2007 in Strut Central
This is a big story in the graff world right now, these guys painted a "worm" or 10 whole cars in a row in NYC this year. This shit is unheard of in this day and age, pretty amazing if it's real (and it sounds like it is). There isn't a picture of all 10 cars together anywhere, but you can see 6 or 7 at once and then individual photos of the other cars. Bad ass!The whole thing says "MADE U LOOK" and this was the 10th car at the end:


  • dCastillodCastillo 1,963 Posts


  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    holy fuck thats sweet
    i saw some one can throwups on a door on the 7 in november
    if dudes got pinched they be tied up like jose padilla
    or bruce sweiden gettin drums sounds outta cardboardboxes on thrilla

  • Chicago? These are NYC Transit trains, I'm pretty sure it was painted in New York.

  • snicka_gsnicka_g Hong Kong 276 Posts
    MUL (Made U Look) are a crew from Chicago. But this was done by a bunch of NYC'ers. They haven't told anyone what crew they are from yet.

  • djkingottodjkingotto 1,704 Posts

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Hot to death. Seeing dudes rock clean cars is such a good look. I've only done it twice in Philly back in the early 90s, and it was MAD hard back then on some super ill mission type shit. Even then, it was only throwups and nothing to this scale.

    Propers due.

  • MUL (Made U Look) are a crew from Chicago. But this was done by a bunch of NYC'ers. They haven't told anyone what crew they are from yet.

    NYC affiliates I would guess. Why else would you put in all that work to put up a name that you don't represent.

  • how is it exactly that the authorities were able to totally bring car painting to a halt?

    increased penalties?

    better security in the garages?

    I guess they adopted a policy where they absolutely wouldn't let painted cars run, thus eliminating the incentive for most writers since their shit would never get seen. But still, it seems there would still be a lot of writers willing to do it and take pictures, even if they knew that train would never run...

  • DUNE493DUNE493 223 Posts

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    Everyone peep the site, apparently they are auctioning off the video footage, mocking the cops on their site?

  • Here's what I don't get - not only can they orchestrate the opportunity to paint said train, but have the talent to lay it out in a pretty impressive fashion...

    ..and yet the t-shirts are shitty iron on transfers with some "impact" font? And the sites front page looks like it was made in MSPAINT?

    On that website -

  • Word to that

    Something isn't sitting right. Website says they painted them in an underground yard, and two days later the trains are outside and dudes find them and take flicks? I don't run around in the tunnels in NY but this seems

  • spelunkspelunk 3,400 Posts
    Hot to death. Seeing dudes rock clean cars is such a good look. I've only done it twice in Philly back in the early 90s, and it was MAD hard back then on some super ill mission type shit. Even then, it was only throwups and nothing to this scale.

    Propers due.

    Mad . I'll check with my boy but this looks legit. Just cause dudes don't know how to use the internet doesn't mean shit isn't real. With all the post 9/11 security on trains these days doing anything like this is unheard of, even in places where graffiti is alive and fresh, dudes just wouldn't consider bombing a BART train or something like that.

  • CraigCraig 269 Posts
    saw that a while ago on "streets are sayin' things" where it was greated with a mixed response due to the fact people from outside of newyork had rocked it. personaly i rate it. to get away with that in this day and age is some acheivement!

  • This popped up a while back, never seen something like that run this day and age, let alone on one of the newer trains.

  • CraigCraig 269 Posts

    This popped up a while back, never seen something like that run this day and age, let alone on one of the newer trains.

    them bloody europeans!!!!!(vandels in motion/monsters of art)

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts

    This popped up a while back, never seen something like that run this day and age, let alone on one of the newer trains.

    them bloody europeans!!!!!(vandels in motion/monsters of art)

    that shit is pretty impressive. The first thing smells like a hoax though, i dunno. If not then mad props.

  • This is a big story in the graff world right now, these guys painted a "worm" or 10 whole cars in a row in NYC this year. This shit is unheard of in this day and age, pretty amazing if it's real (and it sounds like it is). There isn't a picture of all 10 cars together anywhere, but you can see 6 or 7 at once and then individual photos of the other cars. Bad ass!

    The whole thing says "MADE U LOOK" and this was the 10th car at the end:

    if it is real then man I am crazy glad kids are keeping that shit alive, the thing that makes me suspect that it isn't legit is the "my whore train" shit.

    You have to wonder why there are not full pics of this worm right?

  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts
    correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't MTA run 8 cars to a train?

  • the train is real and was done by non-NYC residents
    the source of the webpage, pics, and video is questionable and is NOT MUL crew

    to quote the one Rockness Monsta


  • DUNE493DUNE493 223 Posts

  • I dont know about this but it looks real to me... The reason why the train would go from an underground lay-up to an outside trainyard could be cause they buff trains in specific locations.

    The last time I heard about more than one WC done at a time in NYC was when Ces, Zeds, Chintz and Shore from Germany and Holland did 3 wholecars together some time in mid 90s.

    Last time I was in NYC I saw a freshly painted WC parked in the 6 yard.

    I hope its real!


  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,138 Posts
    I think Romeo and Crew from praha did some more wc's in the year 2000. There is a magazine out that covered these actions, it is called terrorist. Worth getting. Dope whole cars. this here looks dope too. the reason why they couldn't get good photos might be that there was a wall or something in front, so they couldn't get a good angle. dope ish. that vim is really from the vim crew from stockholm? damn, legends still alive if so...

  • Yeah, VIM from Stockholm is still getting up but Im not sure how many of the original members still writing. Unlike MOA Crew from Copenhagen where some of the OG members is still getting up here and there....


  • gloomgloom 2,765 Posts

  • correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't MTA run 8 cars to a train?

    I think so, which is why there isn't a pic of all 10 together. the M and A cars were probably on a train that was laid up behind the other one.

    And yeah the scandel specualtions aren't that the pieces were fake, but that the MUL website is fake and that the flicks that were taken were by cops and put on the net to try and flush out more info about the artists.

    Basically, they are and frustrated and don't know what to do to catch these people, which they won't, so they're reverting to some lame tactics to try and bust somebody. You got thousands of people all over the internet saying different shit, so it's probably hurting the cops more than helping them.

  • And yeah the scandel specualtions aren't that the pieces were fake, but that the MUL website is fake and that the flicks that were taken were by cops and put on the net to try and flush out more info about the artists.

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