is it me or do the red hot chilli peppers blow chu



  • vajdaijvajdaij 447 Posts

    But I will go ahead and say that early songs such as True Men Don't Kill Coyotes, Police Helicopter, and American Ghost Dance are faaaaaar from crap.

    That's why the only really necessary album of theirs is 'What Hits!?'. They're gonna be like the Rolling Stones of this generation, touring and putting out 'new' material forever.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    The Chilli peppers was a band, now they are just a paycheck.

    They caught the mtv generation by the balls and made some catchy pop music. I mean they never made deep music, but that was never really there purpose.

    In my opinion,

    It's fucking good to be John Frusciante right now.

    He's still a viable musician, with incredible output. His solo work will show you how fine tuned he is as a songwriter. His work on the new Mars Volta album was nothing short of amazing. Even his band with Joe Lally 'Ataxia' has some good pil-inspired output. The last time I saw the Chilli's live (last year) he carried the whole band. Seriously the songs are laughably too easy for him, he was more having fun with his pedals, and not paying attention. Then to get a grammy for that shit, that's great.

    Keidis is a douchebag we all know that. Flea is still that dude you'd want to party with, plus an ultra competent bass player. Chad smith is just a filler drummer. They've been doing this for a whiles now, and I think they deserve to be the champs of there mindless pop music. If it wasn't for them it'd be another band taking there place Incubus or whoever.

    We all know soulstrut is home of the hatters, but the chilli peppers output is an easy target. The chilli peppers fans however is a bigger thought.

    People who listen to mindless pop mistaking it for rock music who need to mosh pit at every show. People who are willing to throw bags of urine at opening acts. Seriously, you got the dumbest americans possible in one room. Honestly though if they were paying my bills then fuck it. I'd be right up there on stage aping californication while Keidis dragged his old balls across the stage.

    - spidey

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    this shit is awful. definitely a sleep inducer. i love when people try to act like they all deep when they listen to this garbage when its some of the most boring pop music

  • not for nothen but i was having kim chee chi gae last weekend and i saw the red pepper in it but i also had some soju and beer which i swore off years ago but there i was with soju and beer with a red hot chili pepper in my chopsticks and i ate it knowing good and well that my butthole would be on fire the next day but now im curious as to whether it was the red hot chili pepper or the soju mixed with beer that lit my asshole on fire cuz sometimes alcohol gives me fire shits. anyways, i kinda like the rhcp but only kinda i like janes addiction much better and that under the bridge video where the lead singer is running through the la river in ho-mo i mean slo-mo-erotic that always makes me smile cuz i can see his chest meat move which is slightly titilating but only slightly ok that is all so in closing janes addiction = much better band.

  • They blow alright. Like someone said -Anthony Keidis' voice is the most irritating part. "Under The Bridge" makes me wanna jump off one.

  • thropethrope 750 Posts
    so am i the only person on the strut that doesnt have a problem with sublime?

  • i kinda like sublime

    well, the 2 songs that they had on the radio. im not like a super fan or nothin

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    As someone who is put in the position of listening
    to mainstream rock radio for hours every day at work,
    I can say I have learned to truly hate the RHCP.

    Just like TOOL, the hate comes mainly from the fact that
    they have made THE SAME FUCKING SONG at least 9 times in
    a row now ... the last time they made a song that didn't sound
    exactly like the one before it with 2 chords changed and
    a slightly altered lyric, was the "AIRPLANE SONG" a few years
    back, and I'll even admit I kinda liked that one, if only
    because it was something a little different.

    They are now Top Five "change the station as soon as they
    come on" status for me, right up there with My Chemical Romance
    and anything Perry Farrell related ...

    One of my boys DJ's on what's supposedly London's premier alternative/indie rock station, XFM. I could argue the toss about the validity of that claim, but that's by the by. Anyway, they were on the Brits Awards show tonight, and me and my boy were gassing about it a couple of hours ago. This is his take on them;

    I have played them in EVERY SINGLE SHOW i've ever done, for 8 years, sometimes more than once per show......
    What's that work out to? I s'pose i've listened to them about three thousand times, and I think they are the ANTICHRIST. I love everything in music, The Nolans, Journey, Mahler, Beenie Man, Sheila E, Nick Drake...
    It's all wonderful, it's all great...apart from RHCP.
    They are a whirling vortex, sucking in our musical values and experiences, nullifying and negating them....until all that is left is the hollow howl of a west coast AOR radio station, playing "Scar Tissue" whilst we can only listen helplessly as our brains are reduced to mush before our very eyes.
    I can't stress this enough: They are shite on a level that is yet to be fathomed by the human race.

    Personally, I like the odd song they've done in recent years - that one off the last record that sounded like Gang Of Four, for example - but I don't care for most of it. "Blood Sugar Sex Magik" is a pretty good record, though. I used to listen to that quite a bit.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    so am i the only person on the strut that doesnt have a problem with sublime?

    i dont have a problem with sublime or red hot chili peppers

  • BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts
    ouch, yall way to harsh on a white american band thats done so much, yall don't find soul in Kiedis's voice? please... Frusciante style of guitar is a tad bit of comparison to Hendrix's, with grace and sound, Flea is great, what the f' is wrong with the band, I don't feel the disgust on them, they got great sound, harmony, soul, and experience, fuck, whatelse to do you want from them, do paint themselves black?

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    Whatever ya think about RHCP (Not that I pay them any mind since Mother's Milk)

    But how could anyone hate on Flea?

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    ouch, yall way to harsh on a white american band thats done so much, yall don't find soul in Kiedis's voice? please... Frusciante style of guitar is a tad bit of comparison to Hendrix's, with grace and sound, Flea is great, what the f' is wrong with the band, I don't feel the disgust on them, they got great sound, harmony, soul, and experience, fuck, whatelse to do you want from them, do paint themselves black?

    That was more my boy than me. I actually think Frusciante is a really good guitar player, and Flea gets a life pass off me for "Know How" alone. Their new shit is just overplayed as far as I'm concerned - I'm a little tired of involuntarily hearing them every time I go into a bar in London that's staffed by Aussies (which is almost all of them), and as has been pointed out upthread, they've made pretty much the same album about the last three times out. If it works for you, great. I'll come back when they're ready to stop repeating themselves.

  • BurnsBurns 2,227 Posts
    I haven't listened to their new album at all, stopped buying at "Californication", I remember them getting into some harmony shitt that no onelse was attempting at the time, but yeah they are overplayed for the teens now, I thought "One Hot Minute" or whatever it was, was horrible too. They deserve some recognition but not a sell out to the people who never listened to Bloodsugarsexmagic or Mothers Milk.

  • RHCP = worst schitt evar

    along with jock cock rock

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    fuck, whatelse to do you want from them, do paint themselves black?

    The funny part is, I don't really remember anybody else
    getting hung up on their race, until YOU came on with that BS.

    And that "paint themseves black" line is retarded at best,
    if not brimming with ignorance. GTFOHWTBS already.

  • dope song to play on a guitar at parties that everyone can sing along to (which is a very underrated party activity,btw)

    what are other sing along songs that everyone still knows?

    "I gave my love a cherry, that had no stone..."

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    ouch, yall way to harsh on a white american band thats done so much, yall don't find soul in Kiedis's voice? please... Frusciante style of guitar is a tad bit of comparison to Hendrix's, with grace and sound, Flea is great, what the f' is wrong with the band, I don't feel the disgust on them, they got great sound, harmony, soul, and experience, fuck, whatelse to do you want from them, do paint themselves black?

    LOL--I think this may be a record for most ass-hurt packed into a single post.

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    I don't hate on Sublime either (didn't feel like going back to quote). You gotta take it in context. At the time they just took all of the music they really loved and loved playing and just did their own little thing with it. It wasn't genius, it wasn't life changing, but i can't hate on three guys who had a great time (all devils aside) and connected with their audiences-educating some in the process. I enjoy a bunch of their tunes out of the sheer sentimental connection.

    I was never really into Chili Peppers on the other hand. Too many annoying factors coming into play. They have some die-hard late 20's - early 30's fans though, that's what's most weird to me. People didn't grow out of it.

  • FlomotionFlomotion 2,391 Posts
    ouch, yall way to harsh on a white american band thats done so much, yall don't find soul in Kiedis's voice? please... Frusciante style of guitar is a tad bit of comparison to Hendrix's, with grace and sound, Flea is great, what the f' is wrong with the band, I don't feel the disgust on them, they got great sound, harmony, soul, and experience, fuck, whatelse to do you want from them, do paint themselves black?

    LOL--I think this may be a record for most ass-hurt packed into a single post.

    I think your post may hold the record for the weakest comeback ever.

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    You gotta admire Frusciante, he's the genuine spark in the group, the rest of em, Flea included are no-talent hacks addicted to commercial success.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,784 Posts
    You gotta admire Frusciante, he's the genuine spark in the group, the rest of em, Flea included are no-talent hacks addicted to commercial success.

    I don't get it. This guy never really impressed me. Not as a genius, any way. Eric Schenkman from Spin Doctors can outshred him any day but he plays for an "uncool" band.

    Chad Smith is more of a rock drummer. Still he gives the group its arena appeal. Flea is a sick bass player too.

    The problem is with no talent Kiedis.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    ouch, yall way to harsh on a white american band thats done so much, yall don't find soul in Kiedis's voice? please... Frusciante style of guitar is a tad bit of comparison to Hendrix's, with grace and sound, Flea is great, what the f' is wrong with the band, I don't feel the disgust on them, they got great sound, harmony, soul, and experience, fuck, whatelse to do you want from them, do paint themselves black?

    LOL--I think this may be a record for most ass-hurt packed into a single post.

    I think your post may hold the record for the weakest comeback ever.

    It wasn't a "comeback," as his post was not directed to me; it was merely an observation.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    You gotta take it in context. At the time they just took all of the music they really loved and loved playing and just did their own little thing with it. It wasn't genius, it wasn't life changing, but i can't hate on three guys who had a great time (all devils aside) and connected with their audiences-educating some in the process.

    Why does anybody deserve respect or props for that? It just sounds like some dudes pursuing a hobby--no different from making model airplanes or amateur bartending.

    I am interested in genius music and genius music only, and this crap is an insult to my ears.

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts

    I don't get it. This guy never really impressed me. Not as a genius, any way. Eric Schenkman from Spin Doctors can outshred him any day but he plays for an "uncool" band.

    Chad Smith is more of a rock drummer. Still he gives the group its arena appeal. Flea is a sick bass player too.

    The problem is with no talent Kiedis.

    bingo but he brings the chicks and keeps them bubblegum relavant
    their first lp was cool
    it had an ambient soundtrackish instrumental on it called grand pappy du plenty and imho that was the coolest thing they ever did
    it sounded like it could have been on the repo man OST

    Fishbone who always shreded rhcp live and in the studio should have gotten more props from the record buying public but they were too inconsistent and the public too dumb

  • I am interested in genius music and genius music only, and this crap is an insult to my ears.

    Given some of the artists I've seen you ride for, this is a tad suspect.

    You, too, are bound by genres and the same "sacred cow" syndrome as most.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,909 Posts

    Fishbone who always shreded rhcp live and in the studio should have gotten more props from the record buying public but they were too inconsistent and the public too dumb

    This dude use to ride for them every damn day!!

  • I am interested in genius music and genius music only, and this crap is an insult to my ears.

    Given some of the artists I've seen you ride for, this is a tad suspect.

    You, too, are bound by genres and the same "sacred cow" syndrome as most.

    Of course, my sarcasm meter probably needs a calibration. Also, no implication of the "Peppers" as "genius music" either.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    I am interested in genius music and genius music only, and this crap is an insult to my ears.

    Given some of the artists I've seen you ride for, this is a tad suspect.

    You, too, are bound by genres and the same "sacred cow" syndrome as most.

    Of course, my sarcasm meter probably needs a calibration. Also, no implication of the "Peppers" as "genius music" either.

    Nope, no joke--why would anyone want to listen to music that you think is anything less than excellent?

    You may question whether some of the music I ride for is genius, but I can at least say that it sounds that way to me. If you think RHCP falls short of that standard, then why are you messing with them?

    Life is far too short to bother with music that you can't justify in terms of the way it impresses you as a listener.

  • I am interested in genius music and genius music only, and this crap is an insult to my ears.

    Given some of the artists I've seen you ride for, this is a tad suspect.

    You, too, are bound by genres and the same "sacred cow" syndrome as most.

    Of course, my sarcasm meter probably needs a calibration. Also, no implication of the "Peppers" as "genius music" either.

    Nope, no joke--why would anyone want to listen to music that you think is anything less than excellent?

    You may question whether some of the music I ride for is genius, but I can at least say that it sounds that way to me. If you think RHCP falls short of that standard, then why are you messing with them?

    Life is far too short to bother with music that you can't justify in terms of the way it impresses you as a listener.

    Honestly I rarely do ("mess with them"), but I'll discuss 'em if it comes up. I do listen to the Frusciante solo lps often.

    I guess I listen from "pretty good" up to "great" on through to "excellent" and "genius". If I only listened to the genius grade I'd be listening to the same 50 albums over and over. When I listen to the good grade stuff, it might bring back a memory or have a really good song or two, and it serves to point out the genius of the, well, genius records.

    I will only fuck w/ genius grade ganj though.

  • --why would anyone want to listen to music that you think is anything less than excellent?

    cuz its fun
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