There goes my dude (Obama)



  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    You can sense their fears in the preemptive attacks against him. Like that Madrassah bullshit. They know they can wipe the floor with all those old timey Senate chumps, but Obama scares them. Seriously.

    Honestly, you should worry more about the Billary Politcal Machine going after Obama more than the Republicans.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    And think about it - if the Dems win the presidency - Obama is probably at worst VP.

    i would not bet on that. assuming he gets the money to really push with Edwards/Hillary than that means he is going to go down to the wire with them. if he falls short in the end, i really don't see him jumping on another ticket as VP.

    people don't run campaigns just to get the VP spot. he may be a good dude, but i doubt he is that humble.

    i could see Biden or dude from NM as a VP candidate if they don't make much headway. but in all likelihood it will be someone outside the current presidential campaign.

    but on the cool, the wild card that could really fuck with all of them is this dude:

    mark my words, dude will impact the '08 election some how.

    Fuck Al Gore. He's the reason we had to put up with Bush for the last 7 years. He practically handed over the election in 2000, and there is simply no reason for his loss but his own ego. With the way the economy was and as popular as Clinton was, it should have been an easy win. Y'all can love him now that he's in movie theatres, but he doesn't have a prayer of getting elected again and his political clout is all on one issue only, and that's still an issue Americans are concerned about more in theory as opposed to actual practice.

    Fuck that jackass.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    Obama is an extraordinarily smart man, and I think he's going to have to be a little careful about that.

    There is a subgroup within the American electorate that finds that extremely threatening. I think this group has been crucial to W's being twice elected (well, once elected and once installed)--people who look at him and think "He seems nervous. Public speaking makes me nervous, too. He is like me."

    Clinton was forced to hide his light beneath a bushel; Hillary is not so good at doing so, and it's inspired a tremendous amount of hostility.

  • Did you see that bullshit the Australian PM has to say about Obama


    little johnny or Bonsai (little bush) is soooooo embarrasment!!

    He's so far into the bush, its surprising we heard anything at all!!

    Australia is in a bad place at the moment...
    Soon to be changed though...

  • Did you see that bullshit the Australian PM has to say about Obama


    little johnny or Bonsai (little bush) is soooooo embarrasment!!

    He's so far into the bush, its surprising we heard anything at all!!

    Australia is in a bad place at the moment...
    Soon to be changed though...

    I agree. The only problem (and it's one the Dems face too) is who would want to win it from here? So much damage has been done, that Rudd will spend the first few years just trying to clean it all up.

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    how about he is opposed to a bullshit war and didn't pander to the political 'center' when that issue first came up.

    for real, for real, that pretty much sold me.

    yeah but dude wasn't even in Congress when that vote went down? I don't doubt that he opposed it, but he wasn't a US Congressman during a period where every Peter,Bjorn and John in America wanted revenge for 9/11 regardless if we were attacking the right person.

    i am willing to bet that there were many US congressmen/women who did not like the idea of going to war with Iraq, but just thought they should play the right political move at the time (i.e. Hillary). Obama gets that pass because he wasn't there, but unless he has a lot of material from before '03 talking about how he opposed that war, it may seem like some monday-morning quarterbacking if he takes it too far.

    The war commenced ~March 2003; Obama was elected to the Senate ~November 2004... he clearly had designs upon a higher office at the time he spoke publicly against the war. In fact, he's probably had such designs for the entirety of his adult life, and has had to weigh whatever he says accordingly. He nonetheless chose to say the right thing.

    Just saying, it's not at all like you or me speaking out against the war--Obama wanted to get elected in the near future and he knew that whatever he said regarding the war would resurface when he actually did seek office.

    When I think about the cowardice of all those members of Congress that "did not like the idea" but nonetheless held their tongues or even lent their support to it, I am enraged. Enraged. I am not exaggerating.

    dog i totally feel you, so please don't take the following the wrong way but

    Is there really a lot of stuff he said against the war before it started?

    i am not trying to be a smart ass with that. i honestly don't know. i never read dreams of my father so i don't know if that book and other items pre '03 are rout with anti-war speak.

    if so, then god speed for him to critisize those who were too cowardice. he can't be faulted for the fact that he wasn't in office.

    if not, then i don't know how strong he wants to rely on the 'i opposed this war from the start'. like i said before, i don't doubt dudes opposition, but if he doesn't have a lot of stuff to back up his points than he will likely catch shit from both the right and Hillary.

    btw, fuck Hillary . I listened to her today on NPR and that bitch still cannot say "yes i made the mistake in voting for the war". she pawns it off on GW every time.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    i'm not a huge fan of obama (i'm not a fan of either of the 2 major parties)--but his track record on the war despite not being in office is pretty clear.

    i cannot stand hillary. i echo the sentiments above my post-- f*ck a whole lotta hillary.
    she was one of the wars staunchest supporters up until a handful of months ago. she stated that the war was just a extension of the policies her husband put in place back during his term (oh--and while we are at it-- f a whole lot of bill clinton too--his "new democrat/neo-liberal" policies of the 90s was just what the republicans wanted--he was basically a good republican, yet the right hates him because of his extramarital affairs basically--which was basically one of the biggest non-issues of his presidency that became the biggest issue)

    she is notorious for changing her mind. like a good corrupt politician, she can change her mind at a whim, and people will say things like, "she's human, she did that fireside chat on youtube..blahblahblah"
    she is a transparent phony.

    changing it to 'bush's war'--it is her war too. it is the war of every member in our government that voted for the authorization of force.
    i watched the 'evidence' on tv during the hearings n wmds..shit was so easy to see through. america was duped only because the government didn't stand up and do the right thing.
    what an embarrassment it is to be an american and live through that time when people were being ignorant war mongers.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    how about he is opposed to a bullshit war and didn't pander to the political 'center' when that issue first came up.

    for real, for real, that pretty much sold me.

    yeah but dude wasn't even in Congress when that vote went down? I don't doubt that he opposed it, but he wasn't a US Congressman during a period where every Peter,Bjorn and John in America wanted revenge for 9/11 regardless if we were attacking the right person.

    i am willing to bet that there were many US congressmen/women who did not like the idea of going to war with Iraq, but just thought they should play the right political move at the time (i.e. Hillary). Obama gets that pass because he wasn't there, but unless he has a lot of material from before '03 talking about how he opposed that war, it may seem like some monday-morning quarterbacking if he takes it too far.

    The war commenced ~March 2003; Obama was elected to the Senate ~November 2004... he clearly had designs upon a higher office at the time he spoke publicly against the war. In fact, he's probably had such designs for the entirety of his adult life, and has had to weigh whatever he says accordingly. He nonetheless chose to say the right thing.

    Just saying, it's not at all like you or me speaking out against the war--Obama wanted to get elected in the near future and he knew that whatever he said regarding the war would resurface when he actually did seek office.

    When I think about the cowardice of all those members of Congress that "did not like the idea" but nonetheless held their tongues or even lent their support to it, I am enraged. Enraged. I am not exaggerating.

    dog i totally feel you, so please don't take the following the wrong way but

    Is there really a lot of stuff he said against the war before it started?

    i am not trying to be a smart ass with that. i honestly don't know. i never read dreams of my father so i don't know if that book and other items pre '03 are rout with anti-war speak.

    if so, then god speed for him to critisize those who were too cowardice. he can't be faulted for the fact that he wasn't in office.

    Well, he adopted a principled position and publicly adhered to it--I think that's good enough. It's not like he was a fulltime anti-war activist or anything, but then I think we would all look upon him unfavorably if he had used the war as an excuse to conduct some sort of pre-presidential campaign (and best believe he did have his eye on the presidency even then) when he was supposed to be attending to his duties as an elected official.

  • the 19848348348438434834834th politician to claim he's going to change washington.
    lol @ conservative dudes having like nothing to criticize dude for

    There is nothing to criticise him for precisely because he has said and done nothing. Every speech he gives is a lesson in studied vapidity, littered with vague aspirations designed to allow people to read whatever they want into them. The only thing that distinguishes him from someone like edwards is his skin color.

  • Did you see that bullshit the Australian PM has to say about Obama

    Well, considering his track record, I'm not surprised; he and Bush are crazy in love. Additionally, it's easy for the leader of a nation that has less than 650 active combat troops in the war and no chance of incurring a terrorist attack to throw their "Cowboy Jr." hat in the ring. Pfft.

    How exactly does australia have no chance of incurring a terrorist attack? when will you limp dicked liberals acknowledge that islamic terrorist's ambitions are global.

  • intelligence

    Obama is an extraordinarily smart man, and I think he's going to have to be a little careful about that.

    There is a subgroup within the American electorate that finds that extremely threatening. I think this group has been crucial to W's being twice elected (well, once elected and once installed)--people who look at him and think "He seems nervous. Public speaking makes me nervous, too. He is like me."

    Clinton was forced to hide his light beneath a bushel; Hillary is not so good at doing so, and it's inspired a tremendous amount of hostility.

    1. What evidence is there that he is even a smart man, let alone extraordinarily so.

    2. The reason liberals typically get thumped come election time is not, as flattering as it is for you to believe, because of anti-intellectual sentiment. It is because most americans are not host to the various pathologies which cause them to support statist policies in spite of their long track record of failure. Clinton wasnt succesful because he concealed his intellect(what little the rapist has), he was succesful because he took the democrats to the right.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    the 19848348348438434834834th politician to claim he's going to change washington.
    lol @ conservative dudes having like nothing to criticize dude for

    There is nothing to criticise him for precisely because he has said and done nothing. Every speech he gives is a lesson in studied vapidity, littered with vague aspirations designed to allow people to read whatever they want into them.

    There was this obscure 19th century politician named Abraham Lincoln that had the same speechwriting problem back when he ran for President. Except then they called it "skill." He eventually lost to President Douglas, but my point is still valid.

    The only thing that distinguishes him from someone like edwards is his skin color.

    Well, all Liberals are alike except for the color of their skin, right? Even an alias like you doesn't believe that malarkey. I'm surprised that you didn't mention that his middle name is Hussein. Or is the GOP moving away from that tired, rascist shit ace in the hole?

    By the way, do you like records? I really enjoy this self-titled album by Jackson C. Frank on Columbia. I started to listen to it again recently when I was going through my collection and was pleasantly surprised at how I loved it all over again. Albums like this are why I'll always have a good spot in my heart for Paul Simon (its producer), and why I cannot write off - despite my gut's insistence - a white man using the word "blues" in a song.

  • There was this obscure 19th century politician named Abraham Lincoln that had the same speechwriting problem back when he ran for President. Except then they called it "skill." He eventually lost to President Douglas, but my point is still valid.

    I can appreciate oratorical skill. Obama doesnt have it. A great orator delivers an unambiguous message confident that his rhetorical flair will win over those who might otherwise oppose it. A great oratator does not talk cornball meaningless shit about the 'audacity of hope' or 'the smallness of politics'.

    Well, all Liberals are alike except for the color of their skin, right? Even an alias like you doesn't believe that malarkey. I'm surprised that you didn't mention that his middle name is Hussein. Or is the GOP moving away from that tired, rascist shit ace in the hole?

    This is remarkable. You criticise me for alleging all liberals are the same(which I didnt even do inicidentally. I compared obama to someone like edwards because he is a similar political operator. Mccain would be a republican equivalent) and then make a blanket remark insinuating that all republicans are racist.

    By the way, do you like records? I really enjoy this self-titled album by Jackson C. Frank on Columbia. I started to listen to it again recently when I was going through my collection and was stunned how I loved it all over again. Albums like this are why I'll always have a good spot in my heart for Paul Simon (its producer), and why I cannot write off - despite my guts' insistence - a white man using the word "blues" in a song.

    Real heads dont listen to folk-blues garbage.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    Dick heads dont actually own records.

  • Dick heads dont actually own records.

    My records>your records

    My record knowledge>your record knowledge

    My house>your house

    My car>your car

    you = shit

    me = great*awesome + the real

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts
    Did you see that bullshit the Australian PM has to say about Obama

    Well, considering his track record, I'm not surprised; he and Bush are crazy in love. Additionally, it's easy for the leader of a nation that has less than 650 active combat troops in the war and no chance of incurring a terrorist attack to throw their "Cowboy Jr." hat in the ring. Pfft.

    How exactly does australia have no chance of incurring a terrorist attack? when will you limp dicked liberals acknowledge that islamic terrorist's ambitions are global.

    I assure you that my sexual prowess has little to do with my political tenets. I can also assure you that of the two, I am more sure of the efficacy of my sexual prowess.

    By the way, do you like records? Despite the three-figure prices it somtimes fetches, I was a tad dismayed that Bill Doggett's Honky Tonk Popcorn LP was pretty much a one-sider. I only paid $3 for it, and there is certainly more to like than the title track and the re-working of his smash 50s hit "Honky Tonk," but the second side is more rote Jimmy Smith-style organ covers of songs like Otis Redding's "Mr. Pitiful." The first side is fine and dandy by me, but if you only have the titular single, you're only missing out on a few tracks.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts

    Dick heads dont actually own records.

    My records>your records

    My record knowledge>your record knowledge

    My house>your house

    My car>your car

    you = shit

    me = great*awesome + the real

    If you'll allow me a mixed metaphor: Tighten your suspenders; your fa??ade is slipping.

  • luckluck 4,077 Posts

    There was this obscure 19th century politician named Abraham Lincoln that had the same speechwriting problem back when he ran for President. Except then they called it "skill." He eventually lost to President Douglas, but my point is still valid.

    I can appreciate oratorical skill. Obama doesnt have it. A great orator delivers an unambiguous message confident that his rhetorical flair will win over those who might otherwise oppose it. A great oratator does not talk cornball meaningless shit about the 'audacity of hope' or 'the smallness of politics'.

    Are we talking about the same Abraham Lincoln? The Politician? Surely you jest. Obama might be a poor, poor man's Lincoln, but a "great orator" that is also a politician often talks "cornball meaningless shit" and simply knows how to get away with it. I've got S.L. Clemens in my boat on that account. Along those lines, witness the political masterstroke (don't misread me - its effect was for the good) that was the Emancipation Proclamation and ask the slaves laboring under Northern generals (Grant included) how that whole situation worked out.

    Well, all Liberals are alike except for the color of their skin, right? Even an alias like you doesn't believe that malarkey. I'm surprised that you didn't mention that his middle name is Hussein. Or is the GOP moving away from that tired, rascist shit ace in the hole?

    This is remarkable. You criticise me for alleging all liberals are the same(which I didnt even do inicidentally. I compared obama to someone like edwards because he is a similar political operator. Mccain would be a republican equivalent) and then make a blanket remark insinuating that all republicans are racist.

    I was simply clicking and dragging you into the Coulter sound-bite morass. Your exact quote was "The only thing that distinguishes him from someone like edwards is his skin color." if you meant otherwise - even within the context of your paragraph - you should have stated it more competently.

    By the way, do you like records? I really enjoy this self-titled album by Jackson C. Frank on Columbia. I started to listen to it again recently when I was going through my collection and was stunned how I loved it all over again. Albums like this are why I'll always have a good spot in my heart for Paul Simon (its producer), and why I cannot write off - despite my guts' insistence - a white man using the word "blues" in a song.

    Real heads dont listen to folk-blues garbage.

    It's garbage because you haven't heard it?

    And look - President Clinton is a "rapist." Oratorical poetry, indeed.

  • Are we talking about the same Abraham Lincoln? The Politician? Surely you jest. Obama might be a poor, poor man's Lincoln, but a "great orator" that is also a politician often talks "cornball meaningless shit" and simply knows how to get away with it. I've got S.L. Clemens in my boat on that account. Along those lines, witness the political masterstroke (don't misread me - its effect was for the good) that was the Emancipation Proclamation and ask the slaves laboring under Northern generals (Grant included) how that whole situation worked out.

    Do you even know the point youre trying to make? I decry obama. you draaw a comparison with lincoln. I insist he is greatly inferior to lincoln. You agree.

    At then end of the day it's subjective. If that corny shit gets your pulse racing then that's on you. I'm still dumbfounded that anyone can listen to obama's generic feel good wishwashy nonsense and conclude he is any kind of orator. Do you honestly think phrases like "it is not the magnitude of our problems but the smallness of our politics" will endure as "we will fight them on the beaches...", "these are the times that try mens souls", et al have

    I was simply clicking and dragging you into the Coulter sound-bite morass. Your exact quote was "The only thing that distinguishes him from someone like edwards is his skin color." if you meant otherwise - even within the context of your paragraph - you should have stated it more competently.

    If I draw a comparison between obama and edwards in the context of talking about obama's political conduct, is it unreasonable that I expect the reader able to infer the nature of the comparison. Still ive learned my lesson, from now on I wont credit any of you with any intellgience whatsoever.

    It's garbage because you haven't heard it?
    And look - President Clinton is a "rapist." Oratorical poetry, indeed.

    1. Yes it is garbage because I havent listned to it
    2. I assume you mean rhetorical poetry.

  • SPlDEYSPlDEY Vegas 3,375 Posts
    I really wish I had something clever and smarmy to type to you Mr. Dolo, but I've been watching pretensious art films all night. I've been to busy falling in love with an australian cam girls blog. I've been to busy figuring out how to sew the fucking hole in my levi's.. and eating ice cream with my fingers like an ape.

    I guess this says something ironic about me or people my age. but fuck it, Obama gets my vote.

    - spidey

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    You can sense their fears in the preemptive attacks against him. Like that Madrassah bullshit. They know they can wipe the floor with all those old timey Senate chumps, but Obama scares them. Seriously.

    Honestly, you should worry more about the Billary Politcal Machine going after Obama more than the Republicans.

    Honestly, I'm not worried about either. Especially, since the only Billary "dig-up/attack" was actually made up by the GOP. Sorry that one didn't take off.

    Now it's...Is he "black" enough?

    This is so ridiculous, fist and formost, because it's being initiated by white people.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts

    Obama is an extraordinarily smart man, and I think he's going to have to be a little careful about that.

    There is a subgroup within the American electorate that finds that extremely threatening. I think this group has been crucial to W's being twice elected (well, once elected and once installed)--people who look at him and think "He seems nervous. Public speaking makes me nervous, too. He is like me."

    Clinton was forced to hide his light beneath a bushel; Hillary is not so good at doing so, and it's inspired a tremendous amount of hostility.

    this is quite insightful and rings true to me

    I like how barack is going for the youth vote in all honesty...

    Fianlly a good candidate to vote or die for...

    However you are right about the hilary machine...that shit will be ugly

    inner party competition..a damn..shame

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

    However you are right about the hilary machine...that shit will be ugly

    inner party competition..a damn..shame

    I doubt it. Remember who's running the DNC? He sidelined a big chunk of those old school beltway leeches in the last cycle (remember Carville's temper tantrums?).

    The ugliness will come from the right--as always. But fortunately those Atwater/Rove tactics are no longer working.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts

    The ugliness will come from the right--as always. But fortunately those Atwater/Rove tactics are no longer working.

    You ability to not realize that the great fight (for both parties) will come from within, makes me wonder if your faith in Obama is warranted. But maybe ur just wishing with all your might that the Dems will not go at eachother's throat for the nomination.

    Obama + 2008 = Not the President
    Obama + 2012 = (At the rate he is going) Hands down could win.

    He should have waited and kept his eye on the prize. And this is where his inexperience in politics might be showing a bit.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

    The ugliness will come from the right--as always. But fortunately those Atwater/Rove tactics are no longer working.

    You ability to not realize that the great fight (for both parties) will come from within, makes me wonder if your faith in Obama is warranted. But maybe ur just wishing with all your might that the Dems will not go at eachother's throat for the nomination.

    Obama + 2008 = Not the President
    Obama + 2012 = (At the rate he is going) Hands down could win.

    He should have waited and kept his eye on the prize. And this is where his inexperience in politics might be showing a bit.

    those are good points. except the "my ability to not realize" bullschit. i said as far back as the dem convention in 04--when everyone was wet for him--that he should lay back in the senate for a minute. but things done changed. all the other dems are so much soggy milktoast. that's for real. been there done that. see Kerry. see Gore. time for something new and Obama's got it. will he win? i hope so, but have the same doubts expressed by most of you. one thing for damn sure, even McCain or Hillary will be better than Bush. and at the very least Obama will speak on some realness throughout this cycle and i'm looking forward ot that.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    He should have waited

    Wait for what? 3000 more soldiers to die? 10,000 more Iraqis?

    I respect the fact that he his stepping up with a sense of urgency that is very necessary. You can read interviews where he addresses his lack of experience and he says he can't sit idle while this country continues down this very destructive path. That makes sense. It's actually a strength that he chooses not to wait and build up is political resume. Instead he's going for it. You may call that careless or naive, I call it stepping up.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Besides standing up against the "war",which is no-brainer,what else has Obama stood for and made one of his larger issues?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,901 Posts
    He should have waited

    Wait for what? 3000 more soldiers to die? 10,000 more Iraqis?

    I respect the fact that he his stepping up with a sense of urgency that is very necessary. You can read interviews where he addresses his lack of experience and he says he can't sit idle while this country continues down this very destructive path. That makes sense. It's actually a strength that he chooses not to wait and build up is political resume. Instead he's going for it. You may call that careless or naive, I call it stepping up.

    Hey, don't get me wrong. I think the guy is alright. But you might be mixing emotions with trying to win the office of The President of the United States. The facts are, is he pretty much an inexperience career politician & unknown in most of the country. More than likey, he will be going up against Hilary for the Dems nod. Who is not only one of the most well known women in the world, but has a HUGE warchest. If she decides to go full steam ahead in the run, you can bet that any republican that he could face down the line, would be the least of his worries.

    Plus, I really hate to say it, but Hilary can play the sex card. While Obama will have a very difficult time with not alianating voters on all sides.

    Plus, if anyone doesn't believe that his name will be a bit of a factor, ur crazy. There will be americans who go to vote, who will see the name Barack Hussein Obama and not vote for him.

    This is some of the reasons why he should have held off. He should have spent the time building on his strengths and letting the voters get to know him.

    He said it himself, that he will not run in 2008 and that he thought it was a silly question.

    But seriously. The guy could be a political superstar. But if he loses... It can work against you in a big way for any thoughts of running again down the line.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    mixing emotions with trying to win the office of The President of the United States.

  • Clinton wasnt succesful

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