Records that make your pets act retarded

FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
edited February 2007 in Strut Central
I always play that bluesy song off Meddle for my dog. She howls along with the dog on the record. But tonight she was running around like the house was on fire while Stockhausen "Kurzwellen" was playing. It was funny.


  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    Quit acting soft...

    play that dog some Ramstein!!

  • An old dog of mine used to howl incessantly to JBs "I feel Good" used in a commercial. Howling for the entire duration, and staring tentatively at the TV waiting for a reprise.

    Dog had soul thats for sure!

    She was a German Shep/Collie mix FYI

  • a good friend's german shepherd goes NUTS howling and barking whenever led zeppelin is played. its got to be the timber of robert plants voice and/or the harmonica stuff (similar tone to plant!). they actually put it on to show visitors but have to take off the cd after about a minute because the dog starts getting utterly wacky at that point.

  • parsecparsec 5,087 Posts
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