LawyerRipOff Strut(Not RR)



  • Do nothing. Let it go to court and argue your case there. The amount is little enough it will go to small claims court and you won't need a lawyer.

  • eliseelise 3,252 Posts
    Do nothing. Let it go to court and argue your case there. The amount is little enough it will go to small claims court and you won't need a lawyer.

    little amount? Man, I must be broke as fuh....

  • if you're gonna take it to small claims court, just get on Judge judy or The People's Court or some shit... the way those shows work is that they pay any given fines for you in exchange for being on tv... so pretty much no matter what happens, they settle the case for you in exchange for being filmed and yelled at. i could stand 5 minutes of that to get a $2000 monkey off my back... but that might just be me.

    and then of course the youtube of the episode would be posted every other day...

  • lots of good advice here. I actually do have a lawyer friend, and more than one at that. If you want, I could ask them to at least take a look at the letter to translate it to layspeak.

    I think that lawyers, like police officers, use people's general lack of knowledge about laws to their advantage to get more $$$ or confessions or whatnot.
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