
I've decided to focus my linguistics project on the slang of, but my professor needs proof that has its very own "dialect/slang."She said she wants to know if everyone agrees upon the meanings of slang word, because online forums are hard to classify as a "subculture" with a distinct dialect.If I could get everyone's agreed upon definition for (or any other ish):
Please help i'll post some raer mp3's for your help! seriously!Thanks, rogb

what a fany project! Good luck with it, and don't walk away son. Deal!
which means:
Gweilo (鬼佬; Jyutping: gwai2 lou2; Cantonese IPA: kwɐɪ35 ləʊ35; Pinyin: guĭlăo; sometimes also spelt Gwailo) is a Cantonese term for Caucasian people (generally men). It literally means "ghost man" or "ghost chap"[1] and arose to describe the pale complexion, the sometimes "red hair and green/blue eyes" (紅鬚綠眼) of Caucasians. When the term is translated into English, it is sometimes wrongly translated as foreign devil. The term arose in the 19th century and maybe associated with the occupation of China by foreign powers.
The term is sometimes considered offensive by non-Cantonese people.[2] Many Cantonese speakers, however, frequently use the term to refer to white people and westerners in general that they consider the term non-derogatory, a controversial notion.[3]. Prior to the 1980s, the term was commonly prefaced by sei (死, jyutping: sei2, meaning: death[4], damnation) as in sei gweilo, meaning "damned ghost man", a definite pejorative.
Gweilo is the most generic term, but variations include:
* To refer specifically to Caucasian women: gweipor (鬼婆, jyutping: gwai2 po4, literally: "ghost woman") which is also often spelt "gwai-poh" 4 LIFE[/b]
either that or be prepared for some clon.
Personally, I'd favor the linguistic patterns of either the Bantu branch of the Niger-Congo Language group or the Old Gutnish dialect of Old (East) Norse. Those, or Caucasian Proto-Emo ("I luuurve you.")
don't forget secret squirrel is a good one. white whale.
By the way, sorry for the unintroduction but my name is roger, 19, from hawaii, living in oregon.
Been digging for 3? years now. It is a blessing.
K imma just do what I gotta do. Too bad my teach isnt upto date with the internet lingo-statistics (?)
ANyway i'll just pick up from what I've seen around the board.
AS for those mp3s, they will be up soon
I am curious to hear more about this project. Great idea and good luck!
I think such a project would get bogged down by the average strutter's ignorance of the fact that up to 75% of the slang appropriated by Soulstrut did not actually originate here.
Make that 95%.
The project is due on Friday. Everything is submitted online for this assignment, so once I post everythinup I will provide a link.
I disagree. I think some are completely ambiguous or synonymous with other aspects of culture and/or bulletin boards(Lil John, Hard as fuck, etc.) and passed around, but the most used ones from soul strut originate hear(raer, facemelt). mostly from spelling mistakes. and if they originate somewhere else, they are misused/misappropriated here on soul strut.
but there ARE ones that are indigenous to the strut. like bean dip.
Soulstrut specific slang lexicon entries past and present:
Shit's goiter, man.
Bloodstool (see also bloodshitter)
Please add on.
Not to be a downer but if I were your professor I would see that as a total cop-out
A little like giving a freshmen speech about the legalization of marijuana, or a talk on the brilliance of The Simpsons. Sure they may be good topics but it's not, as they say, a good look.
dude - he said he'd put up raers but has only been diggin' since he was 16 - THREE YEARS AGO
bean dip
meaning: actual bean dip
Usage: Not sure, but you know it when you see it
Origin: bean dip offa the stark
meaning: code that causes the appearance of a thread to complete fall apart, and or crash a computer
Usage: "This thread just fell into a spiderhole"
Origin: Saddam Hussein
salma hayek
meaning: salma hayek
Usage: When talking about a non-strutter, and that person shows up on soulstrut.
Origin: The hope that talking about salma hayek would would cause her to appear.
meaning: rare record, or just record
Usage: No, no raers in San Diego.
Origin: The greatest frenchman ever, Le-Toupt. From the french root breakbeatfastandraer.
meaning: record
Origin: fuck if I know. I say it all the time and don't know why.
Never that, son
meaning: that would never happen
Usage: "TheCrates get herbed? Never that, son."
Origin: TheCrates getting herbed.
meaning: pause
Usage: "Pasue".
Origin: Guzzo can't spell.
meaning: please
usage: "Can you tell me the breakbeatfastandraer of DJ Leacy plaese?"
origin: LeToupt the Frenchman
Take That Shit To
meaning: take that shit to
usage: "take that shit to"
origin: people asking about samples every other thread
Holy Grail (gremlin)
meaning: Your holy grail record and/or a record that doesn't actually exist
origin: The fabled Biz Markie Mardis Gras without the bells found in a CTI suitcase.
The Mack (gremlin)
meaning: too hard to explain
usage: to hard to explain, goes will with argyle or taco bell and guns and fake doo-rags.
origin: TheMack, a soulstrut legend.
I'd blap
meaning: I'd Tap
Usage: A short way of saying "I would not be opposed to having sexual intercourse with that person".
origin: I'm almost positive that was TheMack combined with E40.
I'm sure there are a lot more. most of mine are rather old school, methinks, but i can't keep up with new slang.
oops, I got confused because really, guzzo can't spell.
Caution: unlike all other strut slang, this phrase may not be recontextualized or have any other then total literal meaning, or someone will call CinisterCee a rookie.