


  • Not to be a downer but if I were your professor I would see that as a total cop-out

    I guess my record-related attempt to say this went unnoticed.

  • rogbrogb 172 Posts
    Bud: All of those graemlins are as just as contextual as their actual words (inasmuch as they are usually takeoffs of hip-hop phraseology). The
    and icons would be the ones to tackle, because they are indigenous to this board. How much do you know about pictographic forms, by the way?

    Personally, I'd favor the linguistic patterns of either the Bantu branch of the Niger-Congo Language group or the Old Gutnish dialect of Old (East) Norse. Those, or Caucasian Proto-Emo ("I luuurve you.")

    indigenious forms are what i will focus on the most.

    except I have little clue since I barely add anything to this forum, just lurk.

    soulstrut would be a unique base for this project, i think --- as opposed to doing the project on the played Hyphy movement (which so many kids have already done).

    Please, indigenous slangs!

  • as opposed to doing the project on the played Hyphy movement (which so many kids have already done).

    Explain how the hyphy movement is "played."

  • cascas 1,484 Posts
    i do no other man's homework.

  • and where are these "raers" you speak of?

  • numericnumeric 152 Posts
    please to post the definiton of:


  • rogbrogb 172 Posts
    as opposed to doing the project on the played Hyphy movement (which so many kids have already done).

    Explain how the hyphy movement is "played."

    well, in terms of the number of people who have already done this linguitics project on Frisco hiphop slang, it is played.

    I wouldnt want to be the ninth person this year telling her what 'perked' means.

  • rogbrogb 172 Posts
    and where are these "raers" you speak of?

    as for raers, i'm ripping to my laptop now..
    will included photos as well.

    note* i dont know all that much about whats rare and whats not, but I believe I have found something worthy of inspection... just give me about 20 minutes i'm only 4 minutes in on Side A

  • rogbrogb 172 Posts
    here goes:
    found this in my hometown at a garage sale. they gave it to me for 75cents since I didn't have another quarter on me. I dont know anything about Marshall or the label beside what is on the liner notes.

    Owen Marshall as "Captain Puff in the Naked Truth"
    signed by Owen Marshall
    copyright 1975 ADITI Records (any info on this???)

    Owen Marshall, Obe synth, alto sax, elec piano, narration, flute, Tube-A-Phone (marshall crafts his own instruments), steel drum, bongos, drums, guitar, Toilet Chimes, Bamboo scraper, Baja (Jungle) Bird Talk

    Artists also on this record:
    Ernest Slaughter, elec piano
    Derrick Roberts, drums
    M'Cheza Blue, perc
    Shakur Abdullah, congas
    Danny Whatley, fender bass
    Bonita Versh, Cheryl Marshall, background vocals

    "Peanut Butter Ice Cream Man" and "Winter Butterfly" were recorded live at Compton Community College and Los Angeles City College, respectively.

    the naked truth


    01 electric flower
    02 nana's sleeping
    03 peanut butter ice cream man
    04 planet funk
    05 paper man
    06 winter butterfly
    07 casa del soul
    08 ancient astronauts

    sorry the quality isnt spectacular. enjoy.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    Pretty cool record - report to dollar bin thread at once!

    That "Planet Funk" is some 70's garage-funk rawness...I liked
    the mellow joints, too.

  • can someone re-post link to hotty in the club site. thanks you.
    peace, stein. . .

  • can someone re-post link to hotty in the club site. thanks you.
    peace, stein. . .


  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    What was the verdict on 'KKKunt'? Did that one make it?

  • ostost Montreal 1,375 Posts

  • shooteralishooterali 1,591 Posts

    raer rekkids
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