cracked record: what to do?

Just sold dude a record and he got it and it is cracked. he even sent me a picture of it. i packed the record real well with two pieces of cardboard filler in a proper mailer. i even put it in the sleeve faces upwards in the record jacket so it wouldn't slide around. it was one of those RCA dynaflex discs so I assume it just got bent a little bit and cracked.should i refund him ? it's not really my fault if the post office bends the record. i think i'm going to give him a refund because it's a small record and i'm dude...but in general people who sell a lot on ebay, should you refund damaged records ? especially if you did nothing wrong. this is the second time in 8 years of selling that i've had a damaged record in the mail so i'm not really sure what to do.
2 cracked records in 8 years is pretty darn good. You must be doing something right. Since you are in this as a business, these mishaps are to be expected. I'd refund the guys money and keep on doin what your doing.
No, don't refund him--it's a risk that he took when he opted not to purchase insurance (whether or not you offered it, there's nothing to prevent him from including a few extra dollars with the payment and requesting it, something I often do with more high end items).
also in regards to insurance, a good friend of mine sent a grip of vinyl to germany and insured it for 500 dollars. the package never showed up. my friend who sent it went thru all the necessary rigamarole(sp?) and never got shit from the post office. postal insurance is a scam me thinks, a way to pad their pockets a lil bit.
the problem with postal insurance is that it only covers DAMAGE to the package that can be proven to have been caused by the post office.
if the item is lost its not insuarable as the post office will simply state that "its in the system"
If it makes you feel any better I sent 25 movies on a spindle overnight to Toyko. Somehow in the 24 hours it took to get there the spindle opened and all 25 dvd's were either broken or scratched beyond repair. How in the world a sealed spindle breaks open is beyond me, but I ended up having to swallow the loss and fire another spindle out the next day
If you require a signature you can collect. I sent something to Ottawa back in 93/94 and the person never "signed for it". He then tried to tell me he never got it. After arguing with him, I decided to call Canada Post and claim it was lost. I ended up getting my 1500 insurance on it. They had to do an inquiry into the driver and the person I sent it to, then I got a cheque. It may have had to do with the fact I had required a signature or that this was a while ago, but they did pay me.
only had one record returned in 6 years.
(only four negative feedback, but those were as a buyer)
that acutally happened to me too. i think i insured it for 300 or something. never got a thing from them never got the records, had to refund the guy sadness on both ends.