health insurance help!

Hey all. My rates are going up from 167 a month to 240 for my health insurance. They are so high because: A)I am not part of a group (I make my living djing) B)I have a couple conditions (epilepsy and asthma). c)I have a no deductions plan. (I could afford it at the time)On top of that my already mad expensive insurance doesnt even cover any epilepsy related expences. My 150 a month anti-seizure medication comes out of my pocket. So I am at a point in which 240 + 150 = 390 is way too much per month for insurance. That doesnt even include nuerologist visits and other stuff I gotta do....ekgs, tests,, If anyone here is self employed or in a situation in which you are not part of a group discount and have found a health care provider that is half way reasonable I would appreciate some recommendations. As well, im in illinois so if there are any ill-noize cats in the house with some info that would be extra helpfull.I really enjoy my lifestyle, am doing what I love, and look forward to moving to a bigger city and really putting my shit to the challenge of creating a space for myself in a much more competitive music scene. BUT making sure I am healthy is priority number one. I dont like the thought of changing my means of income purely for health care cost reasons but the more I think about it........maybe il just move to canada
free or discounted scrips for state of illinois residents who qualify
that discounted scripts joint is something ive been looking for but just havnt stumbled across yet. hope it applies to someone like me.....
I dont know...thats like a car payment..or groceries for a family of 3.
plus its double of what you pay.
No dis, but I think thats high. It shouldn't be that high.
that is the problem.
I manage the healthcare for my company. $240 is not that high given your condition. There are people out there paying $500 or $600 a month.
money hungry insurance peeps is what I see.
$500 or $600 is some shit.
Talk about parasites! Check out some of the salaries of insurance company execs. It will make you shutter, to think how these people go through life with a conscious.
240 may seem right if they cover anything related to my epilepsy but they cover nothing related to my epilepsy. Any treatment or services I may need for my epilepsy are paid 100% by me. I had a seizure last year and had to pay the ambulance bill, E.R. visit, E.R. doctors fee, x-ray, medication, EVERYTHING. shit was near 3000 for being in the ER for about an hour and a half. I would have been fine if someone put some ice on my head and placed me on a couch....
wow. 5 or 6 a month. that just seems crazy to me...
haha. yeah. Despite my problems with my current provider I do feel fortunate to be able to pay for SOME FORM of insurance even if it doesnt cover the epilepsy. I do feel better knowing that if some kind of accident, heaven forbid, were to happen I wouldnt have to worry so much on the financial end of things.
But I want insurance that will cover my epilepsy. Maybe its time to put the degree to use and join the real world...
Good point.